Veltrona (Vel-tro-nah)


The world as all people know it, so-named by dragonkind as Veltrona–"the land which we fly over", roughly speaking. The ubiquity of dragons across the world means that, for the most part, everyone else has come to regard it by the same name. Some civilizations, such as Atenkhet, regard it by their own name instead.   An immense habitable world, Veltrona's circumference measures roughly 43,200~ miles (69,523 kilometers), give or take a few hundred miles depending on planetary conditions or which cartographer is asked. It is orbited by three distinct moons, each of their names far more varied and numerous than Veltrona's own. Their most common vernacular, however, tends to be the Crimson, Pale, and Verdant moon(s).   Richly filled with life from its cold mountain peeks, to the darkest of depths in oceanic abysses, Veltrona is an incredibly diverse world. Everything has grown strong off the bountiful lands and mana, adapting to forms both mundane and unbelievably fantastical. Whether the cunning tagraxi predator, the demure but charming trock, the easy-going flap-flap, the explosively delicious popper, the alluring singing pyupo, or otherwise, they've all carved a place out for themselves.   So too has its peoples: the first among them, the dragons. Then the second, humanity. Finally, the third and newest among them all, the varied and diverse monsterkind. Whether from the most ancient of times even the oldest immortals have forgotten, or fresh and wide eyed, the many peoples strive for their own places to call home. A daunting prospect, faced with endless challenges that not all have triumphed over.   Veltrona's weather brings prosperity and calamity in equal measure, from mana-rich rains to mountain sundering tempests. The Relentless Herds and Packs come from the wilds, driven to berserk rage to hunt down and kill all sapient life. For some people, death is not a pleasant end, nor can they stop from succumbing to evil, and so the Forsaken arise, destroying all around them like a plague. These timeless and ever-present threats have spelled the end of numerous civilizations; but not all of them.   For the people of the world seek to prevail and triumph, and so through life's struggles and strife, ever near closer to those idyllic dreams.


Nearly any imaginable environment can be found on Veltrona in one form or another, making its geographical make up exceedingly profound. But, there are common threads to look at, and so are deserving of a broad overview.  
The Endless World
A so called 'supercontinent', it is in the middle-to-late stages of separating across the greater surface of the world. As a result, much of the connecting land mass has shifted, opened to oceanic waters, and largely formed distinctive shapes. The last vestiges of land bridges would take unfathomable years to finally break apart, but they nonetheless remain in use by Veltrona's inhabitants. Many civilizations regard all the world as connected in some form, but there are some outliers, like the island continents Honokom and Teranlo.   The polar continents, Unneyria and Sooneyriak, have ever had little to any physical connection to the main supercontinent. Largely made of scattered islands and glacial mass, they're seen as isolated, and so have ever lived in their own perceptions of the world.   The 'recent' explosion of the World Gate some 2,000 years ago led to the formation of the Tyrant's Sea. It remains to be seen what the long-term effects of this are, as the once-shared continent between Aerthen, Votyoger, Dorvar, Etzli Cuauhtla, and Lophern was utterly annihilated in the explosion. Some geologists believe it even damaged the tectonic plates deeper in the world, possibly altering their shape and future behavior. Whether that means new land may eventually fill Tyrant's Sea, or cause its surrounding continents to separate out even faster, no one knows.   Much of the expanding supercontinent remains in the equatorial region, but weather patterns and divine mountains influence how these continents behave. Sa-kemet is largely a hot, sandy and arid desert, while Fauverngarz is a cold, alpine region with smaller arctic deserts. Etzli Cuauhtla is infamous for its continent spanning jungles, teeming with arguably the densest bio-diversity on Veltrona. Aerthen, Nerzin, and Lophern have warmly wet, temperate and forested climates, with sparse jungles.   Further north or southward lands, like Varnkof and Eylia take on dominantly ice-aspected natures thanks to the prevailing coldness. That does not mean they're desolate lands, rather quite the contrary in fact. Life is more than willing to take anything it can and grow from it, and so every corner of Veltrona has something to offer in that regard.    
Divine Mountains
The largest mountainous land forms on Veltrona, stretching for thousands of miles lengthwise, and easily hundreds widthwise, they are vast, immense, and deserving of respect. For many, they are symbols of the Heavens, divine beings, goddesses, even greater, unknowable powers; hence, they often divine locations, and so 'divine mountains'. This is not simply due to their size alone, as divine mountains are locations of ridiculously abundant mana. In turn, their ecosystems become very different, if not bizarre and 'other worldly'.   One such indication is that, despite the extreme altitudes divine mountains can reach, only parts of them experience cold weather or freezing. Entire plains, valleys, plateaus, and more can form with a density of life even jungles would feel green in envy over. Volcanoes can jut out, spewing superheated magma, noxious gases, and transform their surrounding lands into fire mana saturated environments. Micro weather systems can develop, creating their own wind and lightning ecosystems.   Indeed, it wouldn't be off base to say every divine mountain has its own characteristics and innate nature.   For some, they're also called 'dragon mountains', as they're often where powerful dragon lineages make their ancestral homes. Others, the 'onpa mountains', as the gigantic onpa also call them home. There are those who even gaze upon the divine mountains with dread, fear, or hatred, regarding their fantastical natures with an oppressive malaise. There can be no denying, no matter who, that all are of a truly small stature against their profound existences.    
Heavenly Realms
Also known as 'Ephemeral Realms', 'Divine Domains', and 'Pocket Worlds', these locations are strange sorts of isolated pocket dimensions that exist inside, around, and near Veltrona in a cosmological sense. Why or how they form is a mystery as old as time, though some particularly powerful or inventive people have found ways to make 'artificial' realms. The best known ones are owned by worldly goddesses, such Seralkono and her Schlaier. The second most well known, and usually most ubiquitous one, would be Apoptosis.   Ultimately, Heavenly Realms are characterized by two things: their sizes, and their general behavior.   They can be as small as a household, or as big (if not bigger) than a continent. This often influences what their behavior is like, but not always. Continent-sized ones can host entire 'worlds' within them, hence the 'pocket world' name. This might mean anything from very active terrain, to functional ecosystems, or even people formulating civilizations.   There are some prevailing, but hard to prove, theories that a number of species (sapient or not) on Veltrona actually came from these pocket worlds. It does explain some of the eclectic evolutionary pathways that emerge, though that may simply be wishful thinking. For the most part, the reverse appears to happen the most: things from Veltrona end up trapped inside a pocket world, and so survive and develop in isolation.   Where they appear is often random, and again, entirely dependent on the specific Heavenly Realm being spoken of. Some have predictable, almost cyclical, appearances, creating pathways to certain locations, or even melding the edge of its territory with Veltrona's own land mass. Whether seamlessly connecting, creating a violent rift, or otherwise, just detecting the presence of them can be tricky. Actually going in, or coming out, is itself something of an ordeal more often than not.   Some of these realms are hospitable, others are so lethally dangerous that just walking into them can kill a person. Thus, for as rich and bountiful as they sound, the inability to know what each one is like makes dealing with them extremely hazardous. Still, that doesn't stop the most curious of minds, or the reckless ones who see only the profitable gains they could make.   Although it doesn't appear in common scholarly discourse in modern times, Heavenly Realms are something that are believed to have a connection to the Imperium's former World Gate device. The prevailing theory is that the World Gate was meant to connect to these 'pocket worlds', but at its stage of development, could only reach to the other gate made at what is now the Barrier Sea. Sadly, little physical evidence of this exists anymore, and what can be found is largely just speculation. However, it would explain the enormous device's purpose, as it seemed ridiculous something of such a magnitude would only teleport people a few ten thousand miles away.   Then again, its makers may have simply been inexperienced with teleportation based magical arts.    
The Vast Oceans
By volume, most of Veltrona's surface is comprised of oceanic waters, principally in the form of four major oceans: Vastia, Olaniad, Shimmering Ocean, and Shinespark Ocean. Although, the latter two could be considered the 'same' ocean, both sides of the world have given them different names, though.   Full of aquatic life, and all sorts of terrain features from underwater volcanoes to the deep abysses, the oceans are extraordinarily active almost all over. They're also where most divine tempests–super storms that can reshape landmasses–form and die. Land dwellers that are particularly unlucky may end up in the path of one these tempests. Their extreme and violent power is the reason why there are so few 'islands' that exist above the water line in the oceans. Virtually all of them are simply sand blasted out of existence.   Those that do remain are either outside the typical path of divine tempests, or shielded by very strong geographical features like mountains. Some may also simply erupt suddenly from the ocean floors as a result of tectonic activity or magic of some variety. Whether or not they will remain indefinitely is always questionable, but they do emerge. The just-under-the-water islands more often than not pose great threat to any sea vessels trying to pass by. A sudden change in current may end up beaching said vessels, if not destroying their undersides outright.   For the underwater peoples like the shermadi and ekurin, these locations are very valuable to build in and around. The underwater island itself provides stability for housing, fortresses, and the like. Its proximity to the surface means 'pop up harbors' can appear quickly, trade with passing vessels, then submerge before dangerous weather comes by. So, while land walkers have issues with them, the peoples of the oceans place great value in what the islands can offer.    
The Underworld
An ill-understood place, deep beneath the surface veltron of the world. Accessing it is difficult, and often perilous as one wanders through miles of dark, lifeless tunnels. What is somewhat known is that there is a natural 'barrier' between the surface and the Underworld proper. The deep denizens refer to it as a 'dead zone' or 'lifeless expanse', as it has almost none of the ecology of the Underworld proper. By all appearances, the dead zone is entirely veltron, mineral wealth, and whatever pockets of life form (incidentally or as part of a larger system).   However, if one can pass through, they will then reach the outer layers of the Underworld proper. Enormous caverns and connective tunnel systems wind throughout Veltrona itself, creating bubbles of life and civilization. The zoaen speak of it the most, themselves a people native to the Underworld. The likes of lindwurms are also known to have their own tales, but each one is so different from the last that truth and fiction are hard to distinguish. The larmedi even utilize extensive underground river systems to travel between surface and the depths.   Ultimately, the journey to or from the Underworld is considerable, which speaks only to the rarity of those who can achieve such a feat. That said, one can never be too certain. All sorts of tunnels, holes beneath lakes, and even fissures in the oceans can lead one to the Underworld. Conversely, it also means something from the Underworld, too, could come and emerge upon the surface. Such is the story of the gehurm, after all. But, dangerous and exotic beasts, too, can make an appearance.


To say Veltrona has diverse, sophisticated, and complex ecosystems would be an understatement. While the planet's natural richness helps to engender this, the abundance of available mana is one of the critical ingredients as to why. All the known types of mana, even the exotically rare radiant and eclipse types, can be found across the world. It could be said that single mana types tend to dominate, so finding so many in 'cohesion' is the truly rare aspect. Life, in turn, took these ingredients along so many others to grow strong upon.   Even inhospitable and single mana dominated environments, like the north and south polar regions full of ice, can play host to nearly everything else. One shouldn't imagine that Veltrona's fauna and flora, thus, are limited or inept. No, they exhibit complex and detailed evolutionary adaptations, utilizing their wondrous world to its fullest. In one breath, the dreaded and surreal zahmitar, in another, the reverent and colossal chontzincoatl.   To some, the fearless ananpae is both admirable and a scoundrel; to others, the umbudo is a humble, almost comedic creature if it wasn't so infuriating to chase after.   The flora is no slouch, either. Great jungles and forests grow in the face of adverse weather, soaking up endless trials to become mightier. Storm grass laughs in the face of building-destroying lightning strikes, while Iron Woods build themselves with mighty metals that most struggle to break. The eerie suncradle bloom radiate beautiful, deadly light, shining like unapproachable stars.   Gravewards creep upon the dead and dying, but to shield them or to feast? No one can really say. Those in the deserts cultivate and seek out the life-saving waters of glimmerberries. And yet, in places of light and dark, wholesome and worrisome, gloomweepers sit, towering in silence.   Even more wondrous is the things yet to be named, unknown to all, and a delight (or misery) to any who first encounter them. In that sense, much of Veltrona remains a mystery, full of things waiting to be found.

Natural Resources

As a whole, Veltrona's abundance of material wealth and magical resources is certainly quite dynamic. For example, the continent of Fauverngarz is generally 'metal poor' in its ground wealth. But, metal can be acquired through the likes of the Iron Woods, 'trees' that grow through metal instead of woody bark. It also, however, relatively rich in different kinds of woodlands, plants with dynamic temperature requirements, and mana-rich materials. This sort of look at things mirrors many other continents, who each have their own general strengths and weaknesses.   It's rather difficult to find places that are particularly lacking in one or more things, but they do exist. Sa-Kemet, an enormous desert continent, wants for water immensely. The north and south polar continents, Sooneyriak and Unneyria, possess limitless ice, wind, and water, but almost no metals or veltron material of their own. Etzli Cuauhtla's dense ecosystems provide much, but living space and safety for one's civilization are a premium currency. Hence, ask someone who is rich or poor, and a different answer will come up for each and every continent.   What can be clear, though, is that virtually everywhere has the capacity to support life in some manner. From that, civilizations grow, each developing on different if logically similar paths. Some benefit from being in literal bread baskets and cauldrons of veltron wealth, creating immense empires, federations, queendoms, and more. Others, by circumstance or otherwise, make do with what they have, building great tribes, clans, and families through blood, sweat, and sacrifice. Whether it be from fortune or misfortune, none can be blamed for the greatness they all strive for.


  • Veltrona
    An equirectangular projection of the surface world of Veltrona, minus the migrating sky islands of Prak, showcasing all the major continents, river systems, oceans, and (inland) seas.   Initially modeled with Worldengine, then painted and refined with Wonderdraft.
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