

Lophern has seen its fair share of fighting throughout its lifetime. Its numerous civilizations and nations have vied over its bountiful lands time-and-time again, but it wouldn't be until the age of the Imperium would its face be forever changed. In what would later become Tyrant's Sea, Lophern itself once shared a single landmass with Aerthen, Etzli Cuauhtla, Votyoger, and Dorvar. When the the World Gate exploded, its continent sundering force tore Lorphen's heart out virtually in an instant. Only a thin strait of land connected it to Aerthen still, and it'd lost all contact with Etzli Cuauhtla, Dorvar, and Votyoger.   This is to speak nothing of those who suffered under the Imperium's rule. With Imperious having trounced Aerthan and Nerzin, her invasion through the northwest was rather late in beginning. Believing the rumors to be just tall-tales, many nations offered up a stiff resistance, only to meet the full force of Imperious' and her armies. Befitting of their loss, the many peoples of Lophern served as heel-licks and slaves to the dragons for centuries. Worse, their later downfall did not see a peaceful reunion. Being as near to the blast zone as they were, much of Lophern choked to death in the Great Darkness, forcing many to emigrate.   A century and a half later, with the clearing of the choking clouds came the return of Lophern's wayward children. A great land-rush followed, backed by interested powers in Immensio, Aerthen, and Dorvar. With a return to stake their claim on ancestral lands, war inevitably came after, and Lophern found itself with war upon war. The resulting resurgence of undead eventually left the entire continent in a precarious position. Many nations refuse to let go of their ancestral lineages, but pinned between their enemies and the undead, few wars have been successful. In the modern day, Lophern is in a sort of cold war, with many powers waiting for the right opportunity to secure a lasting victory.


Aerthen's proverbial twin, Lophern hosts a comfortable range of temperate forests and rolling hills, with a smattering of grassy plains. With its western back against a vast and expansive mountain range, a great deal of Veltrona's tempestuous weather dumps its rainfall on Lorphern. Being more in the warmer equatorial band, its snowfalls are late in coming and quick to go. In all, it is a fairly pleasant place to live compared to its near nearby of Etzli Cuauhtla and Jerhegn.   Its southern half tends to face some fairly turbulent weather, as well as freak magical occurrences due to its near proximity to Tyrant's Sea.

Fauna & Flora

Having once shared a (relatively) very recent connection with Etzli Cuauhtla, Lophern has a very curious degree of bio-diversity. A number of flora and fauna from the deadly jungles can be found on its landmass, intermixed with the more tepid contributions from Immensio and Aerthen. This has resulted in a number of 'invasive' species from the jungles encroaching on the temperate climates. While the more exotic specimens died off, it isn't unreasonable to find some of the hallmarks of Etzli Cuauhtla lingering in the southern reaches of Lophern. If one comes from the calmer northern end, they'll quickly find themselves facing a rude, if not deadly, reality.

Natural Resources

With its woodlands and bountiful game, Lophern's true claim to riches is the vast mountain range on its western and northwestern front. The enormous and treacherous terrain hosts a number of rich mineral deposits, from the mundane to the magical. Even after the extensive mining it has been subjected to, one can still find viable veins practically left and right. Given this fact, the mountains also the most hotly contested region in Lophern. Combined with being the wall for weather it is, enormous rainfalls, flash floods, and extreme winds pose a health hazard in their own right.
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