

A pocket continent that, due to geological fixtures has mostly ended up becoming an arid, desert-like land. Dorvar's proximity to heavily active seas and oceans has, traditionally, made it a famous port-of-call throughout the ages. The nature of its climate has also made it quite desirable to many denizens from Sa-kemet‌, making it a popular refugee or foreign immigration destination. Altogether, Dorvar is a land more of many different cultures mixing together than one that has had indigenous civilizations rising up.   Politically fractured into numerous nations, a trade commission oversees Dorvar in the semblance of a 'continental government'. These trading companies control much of the resources that flow in and out, making them the de-facto powers behind the scenes. With its close proximity to Votyoger‌, and being favored by the dragons‌ for processing their raw goods, Dorvar has far more wealth and political affluence than one may initially expect.   Unfortunately for them, the lands of the undead to their southeast care little for wealth, and their incursions are devastating. It is speculated how deep the vampire‌ aristocracies are involved with Dorvar, a shadowy reputation the trade commission works tirelessly to beat down.


Being a desert environment, drinkable water is at a premium. However, seeing both decent rainfall and having equitable water production methods has left Dorvar in a reasonably comfortable state. The enormous amount of trade the land sees has propped up a number of economies, much of them centered on the processing of raw goods. In turn, despite the class divides and social troubles there are, food and water exist freely enough most anyone can live without terrible issues.

Natural Resources

Dorvar is a wealthy land owing to its center-of-trade nature more than material wealth. Although the arid earth offers up decent mineral and magical veins, these are chiefly consumed for local needs. The real value is in trade, and thus, one's influence with foreign powers coming and going. Sitting on the land border of several significant powers, and that of very active sea routes, has left Dorvar in a prime position to suit the needs of its clients.   A significant divide in social classes, however, makes the distribution of this wealth unequal. Much of Dorvar's potential is tied up in the nobilities and company owners, making it quite jarringly obvious where such wealth ultimately goes. It has been the instigator of many social unrest incidents where reform has been demanded, but the power of the trade companies is terribly vast indeed. Nonetheless, several revolutionary groups lurk in Dorvar, stirring unrest and threatening the bottom lines of these companies. It remains to be seen what will happen, ultimately.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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