Golden Tides


With Dorvar making it the main location for its ports of call, Golden Tides is thusly named for its riches and merchantile trade. It is through here that faraway convoys from Sa-kemet, Immensio, Jerhegn and Karg make their way. With the nearby neighbors of Etzli Cuauhtla and Honokom, a number of different maritime powers do their business. The brave souls who dare to traverse Tyrant's Sea on the northern flank can get here quite fast--and speed is a virtue in transporting goods.   With such great naval activity, piracy, warfare, and the shermadi are not far behind. While the conflicts are ever numerous and costly, none are so grand or tall enough to stand in history. Still, those who live here are often those most capable in combat across the waves (or under them).


Free of treacherously hidden sandbanks or submerged islands, Golden Tides is very friendly to ships traversing it. While the weather tends to be on the harsh side, Honokom and Dorvar's southern end tend to eat up much of the force. For when truly terrible weather strikes, a number of enclosed bays and coves offer shelter to the immense trade fleets. For those dwelling underwater, a number of ravines and comfortable alcoves offer safety and opportunity to build from. With its open connections to Olaniad, however, some particularly nasty predators do come by on the regular. These sea monsters often act as a surprise guest to any number ships passing through.

Fauna & Flora

Rich fish life come and go from Golden Tides, visited by some of the more bizarre and dangerous monsters from Olaniad in the south. With its warm and mostly clear waters, a number of underwater flora can be found. Colorful reefs and extravagant kelp forests mark some of the deepest waters in the sea. And where such can be found, the shermadi are not far behind.

Natural Resources

Trade opportunity defines Golden Tides the most. That being said, for those in the fishing or sea monster hunting business, it's also a great opportunity.
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