

Immensio has often lived in its own world. In turn, the great upheavals of the past--such as the Great Khanum and Imperious--were seen more as transient invaders than anything substantial. Mindfully, this perspective came even though most of Immensio itself fell under their rule. Rather, Immensio's greatest difficulties have often been dealing with the Relentless. Because of its open spaces and flat terrain, there are not many features to exploit for advantage. While the likes of pits, forests, rivers, lakes, and some 'large' hills do exist, it is difficult to capitalize on them effectively. Thus, for many upon many centuries, the working strategy has been to keep a lightweight, mobile civilization. This hampered technological progress, with a lot of time and effort going into magical instead.   In fact, it would be immigrants from Sa-kemet who would bring solid innovations. By far and large, much of Immensio inherited from nebusian designs from Atenkhet. However, they've long since put their own spin in, adapting them to the plains and savannahs that define their homeland. In turn, cities have set stone-to-ground, and risen upward, taking on the Relentless that once hunted them all.   Still, traditions are hard to break from. Much of Immensio's populations follow nomadic lifestyles, rotating up and down the continent with the seasons. Some notably large groups migrate even into Sa-kemet and Lophern, bringing with them vast trade caravans and hunter-gatherer families. It is often through them a number of large market deals occur, stimulating great trade routes that merchant guilds have come to utilize themselves.


With its vast plains, rolling hills, and ever shifting savannah in the southern areas, Immensio is perhaps most notable for how incredibly (relatively) flat it is. Lacking the great wood forests of Lophern, Aerthen, and Nerzin, it suffices with wide, expansive thickets. Vast flowing rivers cut across, providing the life-giving waters to much of the lands, their origins in the few ground-splitting mountains to be found.   Being fairly habitable, Immensio is punishing to those who don't pay respect to how it works. For many coming from the east, it is a jarring reminder; those from Sa-kemet might find it a rather tepid experience, though.

Fauna & Flora

Small but abundant flora define the lifestyle of the roaming fauna. Most life in Immensio does not suffice for surviving in one area for long, few exceptions aside. As such, rampaging herds, lightning-fast predators, and other speed-adapted forms of life are quite common.

Natural Resources

Immensio's claim to fame might be farming, if one could spare the expense to defend the land. With its healthy soil and vast, mostly flat plains, it's ideal for massive scale cultivation. Unfortunately, the larger the territory to defend against the Relentless or foreign invaders, the more expensive it becomes. Still, many do invariable try, often pursuing a sort of 'farm and abandon' methodology. A number of fields will be cultivated and cared for, then abandoned if too much of a serious risk comes. Livestock herds and their shepherds tend to be the most notable type of industry going on. Combining mobile grazing with animal products maintains the ease of defense many need. It's understandable, then, why most nomadic groups capitalize on this cost-effective method.   While many ancient minds often believed 'mountains = mineral wealth', often because of draconic propaganda, Immensio spits in the face of that. Enormous veins of material wealth sit beneath its plains, almost totally unexploited for how often they are passed over. In the last few centuries, it has become exceedingly obvious to strike the ground anywhere and see if there is something valuable. As such, a kind of gold rush has been going on, with foreign and domestic actors trying to stake vast claims.
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