Nebusah (Neb-uu-sah)


Arguably one of the very first monsterkind peoples, the nebusah followed closely in the wake of humankind. Their titular homeland is the vast deserts and arid shrublands of Sa-kemet and Immensio, leaving them a lean, but intensely althetic and sporting people. In the same way humans are social creatures, nebusah are creatures of hierarchy–a person belongs to a position of responsibility. How said responsibility emerges is completely different from culture to culture, but it is a consistent notion. It does, largely, conflict with other species' ideas of what hierarchies entail. In a nebusian mindset, those 'higher' in positions of responsibility have to do more work befitting of that position. A failure to meet those responsibilities is a liability for them to be replaced very quickly.   Overtime, the nebusah splintered off. Those within Sa-Kemet would go on to found Atenkhet and other, notably smaller cities. The others in Immensio continued nomadic lifestyles, sending whole tribes of nebusah across the breadth of Veltrona. Many ended up within Aerthen, Nerzin, and Etzli Cuauhtla. They would come to earn different names, the most notable among them being usually wolf-related because of their canine characteristics. In time, they diverged into numerous races, quite similarly to how the muurun did. It should be known their relationship with the muurun is a curious one. At times one of conflict, others kinship, the two are never terribly far from each other for some reason.   It would be Atenkhet's immense presence that eventually gravitated their whole world, and so stood as the scholar's point of reference. Believing themselves the chosen of their sun goddess, Akenra, and the vast Heavens, as-so-seen through Uatkara. Within their massive, sprawling city they endeavored to tame Sa-Kemet's unforgiving sands, creating mind-boggling marvels like the Black Pyramid and solar obelisks. They soon towered within Sa-Kemet, and bolstered by their studious work, not even the likes of dragonkind could topple them.   As a result, the rise of the Imperium and the following baarham both passed Atenkhet by, as neither were prepared to fight the nebusah on their home territory. The tales of their failed attempts inspired many farther flung nebusah, especially those who were oppressed by such terrible rulers. In a roundabout manner, coupled with the likes of humankind and the rachtoh, these nebusah played a vital role in the uprisings for freedom that followed. So it is the nebusah solidified their reputation of reliability and ferocity, a stalwart ally and a terrible enemy alike.

Basic Information


Bipedal humanoids with canine-characteristics, particularly that of the wolf family. They are chiefly a desert, savannah, and arid climate dwelling people, a fact reflected in their universally brown-to-black skin, sun and golden colors, and relatively fine fur. Some variants have adapted toward alpine and artic climates, becoming fatter, fluffier, and ideal for surviving there.   The nebusian body is well-developed for an athletic, but robust livelihood. Their arms and legs are covered in a finely smooth, but thick fur: from just above the elbow and knee, down to the tips of their four-fingered hands and three-toed feet, respectively. Their hands and feet are paw-like in nature, with rounded digits and pads on their tips. Unlike the muurun, these paw-like digits are much closer to a human hand, letting them use tools in a mostly normal manner. A ground-reaching tail grows out from the end of their tail bone, helping to balance them when traversing treacherous ground. Tall, triangular ears grow out from their heads, acting like forward-facing radar dishes.   They are sexually dimorphic, with the females possessing enlarged breasts and wider hips. Their fur edges toward fluffy and wild, while males are sleeker and smooth. The females are distinctly larger, both in height and physique, while the males are athletic and shapely.   Their fur coloration tends to match their human-like hair, chiefly in the blacks, browns, desert-favoring yellows/golds. Gold-colored iris' are the norm, with blues and greens splashing in for flavor. Their skin is almost universally shades of warm velvety brown, with those in the hottest and most insufferable climates closer to hues of charcoal black. Similarly, races adapted to colder or forested environments take on complimentary colors to those environments.   Hybrids take on characteristics of the father's fur or hair, and often have uneven, asymmetrical growing patterns. While not unsightly, it is a distinctive thing to many nebusah, and so stands out prominently to them.

Biological Traits

Endurance – While not comparable to the heights of human determination, the nebusah are well suited to keep going, and going, and going.   Fire Magic – Owing to their origins, many nebusah–no matter how far removed–carry a talent for different forms of fire magic. Those in the deserts have pushed this on even further, creating a unique form of it called solar magic. While its not impossible for other forms of magic to emerge, it is much rarer by comparison.   Enhanced Senses – The nebusian sense of smell is an easy contender for unrivalled among monsters. Coupled with a far more robust sense of hearing, and they're exceptional at detecting all sorts of details in their environments. As a result, though, they often abhor filth and dirty conditions because it is terribly offensive to endure.     The crown of their head, and their ears are sensitive to physical stimulus, lending to a history of cultural taboo, romanticism, and erotic implications with the area. It is generally a strong power move, carrying connotations of dominance no matter how it is employed. Not unlike the baarham and their horns, the nebusah despise inappropriate contact. Unlike the baarham, while they may not kill someone over it, few would complain about the ensuing punishment that would follow.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

If they love you, they will serve you.
— Nebusian proverb.
  The hierarchial thinking of the nebusah means everything serves a purpose, be it literally or metaphysically. Thus, if one goes out of their way to serving another's whims, it is a sign of endearment. Many mundane considerations are drawn in measure to this, such as good bloodline, intellectual ability, physique, family history, and overall viability. The net result is a more complicated courtship process as these details are sussed out.   This is not one-way idea, though it can be abused in such a manner. A functional relationship involves partners essentially serving each other in a bizarre, tail-chasing-tail means of support. To ask of something outright may be a faux pas, meaning understanding how to offer something the partner desires in a way they want it is quite the skill to cultivate. The fundamental nebusian position is one of good faith, which can make figuring out ill-mannered or abusive person somewhat harder.   Star-crossed lovers is perhaps one of the most popular cultural axioms across their species, where people are ordained by the Heavens to be together–sometimes in opposition to what mortal concerns want. Such relationships are lofted up high as such divine prestige is enough to make even their queens shut up in its face.   Polyamory is a wide and fairly common norm, with marriages usually consisting of two 'primary' candidates and then their subordinate spouses (the average 'family unit' being anywhere from three to seven adults). This ensures relatively sane lines of succession and inheritance, though no end to inter-familial drama results for who are the primaries. It isn't uncommon for legal agreements/contracts/clauses to include spouses for their own given inheritances, making the job of being a marriage lawyer quite a lucrative one in their societies.   Given their self-assured confidence and often unbending ego, navigating around a nebusah' tendencies is another facet of their intimacies. To force a nebusah' pride in open admittance is quite insulting/humiliating, and can sour a relationship quickly. While they can be forthright in what they want, they are often coy and cute in other ways, leaving ill-defined areas for their potential partners to 'feel out'. In a sense, it is a regular game they play, and becomes a recurring way they sustain their relationships.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dignified and with a natural born pride, the typical nebusah takes strides with anything from blistering arrogance to quiet, mountainous confidence. They come to quickly take on the purposes of their family and cultures at large, eager to work with others in mutually beneficial ways. Honor, as a concept, often becomes vitally important because not all worth is measured in coin, after all. In that way do many of their cultures also come to embody notions of honor, and a vowed word is critically important. Similarly, to suffer shame or humiliation becomes a dire offense and greater dishonor.   Nebusah trend toward being busy-minded, needing to be occupied with something to do; inaction quickly becomes irritable to them. In fact, they unironically view 'resting' and 'relaxation' as a full time activity, and take it with utmost seriousness. If all else fails, they resort to exercising as a way of recreation and occupation, leaving most remarkably physically fit. Others turn toward learned arts and academia, devoting themselves to education with an almost religious conviction. It is these determined minds that drive much of their intellectual growths as civilizations, erring toward 'reliable and workable' over 'inventively clever' usually.
Earth Origin
Egyptian Gold Desert Wolf


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