Warrior-king Khaf


Although it may bring shock to those on the council, this one cannot confess any sympathy or high regard to the former pharaoh Khaf. This one will lay before the superiors on the council the following considerations for their deliberation, and perhaps find this one's position is not one of offense.   As is known to all who have finished intermediate history of our great Atenkhet‌, the 'warrior-king' Khaf ascended the throne in a time of turmoil. Proving fierce on the battlefield and wise in tactics, he rallied the failing defenses of many oasis cities, driving out the muurun and wild dragons. In this I can find no fault, having completed in triplicate the advanced history lessons, as well as consulting numerous unapproved documentations surrounding him.   This was not done out of awe or respect, but rather, bewilderment. How is it that such a brilliant mind on the battlefield, and an equitable herald Akenra, fail so convincingly against the muurun horde? This one knows many who would simply look past this, for the legends of the Great Khanum cast an imposing shadow on history. This one reminds those in attendance that the Great Khanum had yet to conquer Sa-kemet‌, and by all accounts, was nothing more than a mere warlady of the era.   Pharaoh Khaf's numerous conflicts with the Great Khanum are well-documented. We have drawn in extensive detail many records, from beginning to end, of his conflicts, but I believe a detail unnoticed to many has laid before us. Indeed, were this one not one to stare upon the Sun in blinding contemplation, this one too, would have been blind to it.   Before the superiors on the council and those in attendance, this one has drawn and detailed a timeline of these battles. Their conflicts, as seen in this disturbingly sensible line, show the two sides battling in a highly regular and predictable fashion. Were this along fixed fortifications, such as the bottomless chasm beyond the city of Arakitrahb, it begets the mind a sensible manner of expectation.   Yes, as this one's superiors have undoubtedly noticed, many of these battles happened nowhere in particular. In fact, very few important locations were ever under threat by the Great Khanum. This one has included, for convenience, detailed knowledge showing a high concentration of these pointless battles. Many of them near the sight of Pharaoh Khaf's controversial statue of the Great Khanum by far and large.   In summation of these findings, and the supporting details as included in the documents within your paws' reach, this one finds Pharaoh Khaf's behavior suspect. It is, perhaps more credible than rumor, to say that he held a great deal of affection for the Great Khanum.   This one will listen to the arbitrator.   Yes, of course.   It is reasonable to presume that a suspicious and unusual pattern of conflict does not indicate romantic intent. It is also well accepted within academia that the construction of the Great Khanum's statue can, in some senses, be non-romantic.   This one will submit for review several boxes recovered from an uncovered tomb relating to Pharaoh Khaf's dynastic era. Within it can be found interesting copper-plate etched records detailing several large, and previously unknown, transactions from Pharaoh Khaf and the Great Khanum.   Notably, this one would like to add, many ancient muurun tribal inscriptions were found. Through etymological records and comparative works of the time, their meanings have been firmly established. These records relate to one part of a dowry on behalf Pharaoh Khaf to the Great Khanum herself.   This one would–[unintelligible shouting from the entire hall and its attendants, as indicated by the transcriber]
— A segment from Pharaoh Aramix's‌ ascension ceremony to the Solar Throne. She was tasked to study all past pharaohs and deduce answers to questions relating to their time period.   Her findings on Pharaoh Khaf shed incredible light on the controversial pharaoh's life.
Circumstances of Death
Mysteriously vanished.


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