Hammu Tibern, Vizier of the Shining Legion


Hammu came to renown as one of Sa-kemet‌'s most notorious raiders. Leading his rag-tag band up and down the length of the deserts, he struck all sorts of rich and well-to-do cities. Then, disappearing across the sands, he spread his newfound wealth with all sorts--poor, traders, nomads, and more. Divested of their gains, his gang proceeded onward. With every success, his fame grew, his followers became stronger, and Hammu struck at ever richer, hardened targets. For as destructive as their attacks were on property, Hammu's gang notably avoided conflict with both guards and innocent bystanders. Akin to aggressive thievery, a mystique surrounded them.   When Hammu's ambitions took him to the capital of Atenkhet, their raid on a prince's estate caught the attention of Aramix herself. In an all-too-famous scene, Aramix chased after Hammu, riding a wave of sand and light as only the pharaoh could. For as clever as he and his were, Hammu couldn't outlast her, and all his gang were rounded up in a matter of days. Brought to the Golden Plaza in chains, Hammu laid his case out before the pharaoh and the justice court.   Wealth, it seems, was not flowing as free as the waters from the Black Pyramid. A number of outer-lying territories, independent states, and nomad groups had found their trade goods evaporating. Inequal and unfair practices, lopsided deals, and malicious pressure were all to blame. How, Aramix infamously asked, was it then the fault of Atenkhet? For, as clear as sunshine, all of these areas were not their responsibility--they never avowed loyalty to Atenkhet. A line policy that for many centuries, was one at the heart of geopolitical issues in Sa-kemet.   Hammu simply answered that, if it were not Atenkhet to save them, then there would be no one else. Then, he turned upon her and asked, were they all so unworthy of Akenra's light? The theological debate that ensued was an old one, and ever typical: Atenkhet accepted all who accepted its doctrine, not those who refused it. To take responsibility for people who would spit in their face was unreasonable, if not dangerous in itself.   What followed afterward was a question that left Aramix, for once, without a retort.   If Atenkhet's traders and merchant businesses was so allowed to take from outsiders, but never to give back, then was that just slavery by another name?   And so, Aramix gave unto him an opportunity: if he had the power, would Hammu right these wrongs, and bring prosperity to the vast deserts? Would he swear, upon Akenra's name, to bring forth justice and order?   So it would be, Hammu agreed, and received upon himself a divine mandate to find the evils he espoused as corruption. With the might of Atenkhet's military and its judicial courts, he was to find any and all conspiracies unfair and vile. Thus, Hammu's greatness as a thief and his myriad connections transformed from shadows across the moons kissed night, to a righteous, burning wave that swept outward. It can be said that he never won a triumphant victory, nor felled a fearsome beast, or surmounted an impossibility. Hammu instead went through the gritty speckles of sand and dirt, following paper trails, chasing those who fled, and proving to all in no uncertain terms, their corrupt failings.   Earning the esteem of his new-found colleagues, Hammu's commitment to righteousness over doctrine set great friction with the priestesshood. Yet, Aramix has ever allowed it, giving him the tools and power he needs. In turn, he has utilized them with such flourish and skill, Hammu emerged into his own as a powerful political force. It can be of no surprise, then, his eventual appointment of Vizier to the Shining Legion, and an honorary seat within the Solar Triad. His great successes has earned him adoration wide and far, even as the nebulous enemy he seeks to hunt ever remains like a mirage on the horizon.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A life of on-the-run thievery combined with harsh survival has left him with more than a few scars. Hammu is quite the exemplary nebubis, however, exhibiting athleticism, finely trimmed fur, and a matured look with youthful energy.

Body Features

His bulky frame and rough-and-rugged features edge more on the feminine than masculine, a point of contention amongst his fanbase. Still, there is no denying his sculpted physique, and smooth, mostly flawless skin and fur. A number of sweeping, angular and circular tattoos cross down from his left shoulder to right hip, painting the symbolism of his old gang. Mostly, they're pictograms of him and his fellows stealing across the dunes, with angry nobles behind them.

Facial Features

Narrow, upturned eyes sit on a triangular-framed face, giving Hammu the intriguing prospect of a highly taut, tight and disapproving look, and a roguishly handsome one when he smiles. His thick eyebrows are often plucked and framed in a smooth, sweeping presentation, which is often more at home in his official attire than otherwise.

Identifying Characteristics

He's most notable in his official attire, which bears several unique hallmarks as a member of the Solar Triad. Thusly, at least in Atenkhet and Sa-kemet, wherever he goes as such carries grave weight and importance.

Physical quirks

Hammu has a few persistent scars from more than a couple close calls.

Special abilities

Divine Mandate -- Although he is not a mage, Aramix's divine mandate has given him a degree of solar magic. It is chiefly used for explosive and blinding attacks, making him a rather flashy fighter.   Dexterous -- A lifetime of thievery and near death experiences has left Hammu light on his feet and frighteningly adept at acrobatic movement.

Apparel & Accessories

Mixing light armor with priestly robes, Hammu's official attire is a curious fusion of his former thief's garb and the special livery of the Solar Triad.   The under layer is a set of golden-brown baggy robes, a color not too far from the sandy dunes themselves; they cover him from collarbone to ankle/elbow. Atop the robes rests a set of reinforced white cloth, padded-out woven blocks of flexible mana-steel plates. Then, over that layer goes the harder, inflexible sun-gold finery that typifies his status in the Solar Triad. Overall, the jewelry can be found sweeping across from shoulder-to-shoulder, down his front and back, as well as down his arms and thighs. An ornate diadem covers the front and sides of his head, somewhere between jewelry and a light armor's helm. The sweeping, curvaceous design accentuates the sharp angles of his face, and stylizes the prominent emblem of the Shining Legion upon his brow.   He has hardy metal gauntlets, pauldrons, and boots, a deeper, darker gold than his jewelry. Much like the gems and fine details of his jewelry, the metal parts have teal colorations, offering a curious highlight effect.   His weapon of office is a spear, smooth and exemplified by its simplistic but evocative design. There is no spike or catch at the blade's head, and a resplendent cloth, emblazoned with the signature image of the Black Pyramid, hangs off top just beneath said blade. A pair of similarly fashioned daggers is holstered on his backside.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





A self-taught person, Hammu's early years were defined by practical know-how and being street smart. With his divine mandate, and the wealth of Atenkhet's refined institutions, he's taken to their higher learning with great voracity. Still, ever remaining a down-to-ground sort, he offers a curious mix of refined elegance and casualness that is uncommon for one of his posting.

Mental Trauma

No particular traumas.

Intellectual Characteristics

Practical, if a little caught up in romanticism, Hammu has a definitive 'this works' sort of mentality. While many of his peer groups tend to scry the divine and ethereal, he puts food on the table and has warm clothes on hand for night fall. This can rub the Atenkhet priestesshood the wrong way, but there's no mistaking his deeply spiritual motivations. If his contemporaries look toward the horizon for where to go, he's the one making sure there are people to get there, and how.   When he can afford to, his good-natured, playful attitude comes out in full. Such times are rare indeed, but his wild exploits and more, salacious, moons-lit escapades have quite the many tales about them. It has breathed a hint of fresh air in the otherwise extremely traditional upper echelons, for better or worse.

Morality & Philosophy

Raised on the outskirts of 'civilization', Hammu takes the matters of honor and a promise with deadly seriousness. In a land where the only safety is one's family, friends, and allies, to defy this covenant is an unspeakable folly. Springing from these convictions arises his desires to insure everyone--poor or rich--have what they need to survive and flourish. Furthermore, to see the deadly dangers of the desert kept at bay, and the dead given the final rest they deserve. In seeing the underside of Sa-kemet, he has a uniquely gifted view point of what both ends of his beliefs entail.

Personality Characteristics


Hammu has always seen his actions as necessary to insure people could survive, if not thrive. Between a painful death or an unforgiving lawlessness, he chose the latter, and shouldered the evils of it all upon himself. Seemingly freed from such by his pharaoh, Hammu has been galvanized to see his people thrive and flourish all the better. While the finer points of Atenkhet's laws are yet impenetrable walls, it is clear Aramix must agree in some capacity, giving him both the divine mandate and legal leeway. It is an opportunity he is absolutely not going to squander.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Vizier, being an appointed and high position by only the pharaoh of Atenkhet, commands a certain degree of respect. In turn, Hammu was placed in charge of the Shining Legion, a rather curious thought to many having a former thief lead the army and guard meant to stop people like him.
Year of Birth
2397 TD 38 Years old
Underlayer of blue, overset by gold flecks colored Iris; white sclera
Chin-length black hair; the back of his head has a long column that is sub-divided into braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark black, bordering charcoal
Aligned Organization


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