

Material Characteristics

An ingot of mana-steel would appear as steel with a bluish hint to it that can shimmer. The more pure the mana, the more distinct this shimmer becomes. The lowest grade of mana-steel simply appears like steel with a different, lackluster color applied to it.

Physical & Chemical Properties

All the strengths of steel, amplified further and with a newfound conductivity for mana--ergo, enhancing its usefulness for magic and enchantment. It also tends to lighten the weight of the metal. Depending on the desired properties, different types of aspected mana (or even magical spells) can be used in the creation process. Depending on what, this can affect what the mana-steel ultimately does. Overall, it is ridiculously effective at what it does, and forms the gold-standard for armament in many civilizations.   Notably, unlike regular steel, it cannot alloy together with sun-gold. For some reason, the mana conductivity becomes too unstable, and the metals corrode into garbage.


Refined steel is melted to a liquid state, then combined with mana. Depending on one's goals, this can be actual pure, liquid mana itself, aspected mana, magic cast by a mage or smith, and so forth. All of this affects the end properties of the mana-steel batch itself.

Origin & Source

Various magical attempts at influencing metal smithing invariably resulted in the creation of mana-steel. In this regard, its ubiquity has made it rather difficult to tell who made it 'first'. It is often thought of, at least, its effectiveness for weapons against dragons meant humanity made it first.

Life & Expiration

For the most part, mana-steel is highly stable and can be stored easily. It takes tremendous ambient magic to cause a reaction of any kind, and at the magnitude required, the steel is just likely to be destroyed outright.

History & Usage


While mana-steel has been found the world over, the history of it is more closely associated to humanity's usage of the metal. Given the insane durability of dragons, the need for weapons that could pierce their hides was paramount in the age of the Imperium. Iron could not suffice for it whatsoever, and so much effort was spent on trying to improve iron and other metals to the point something could be made. They came quite close with steel, which worked admirably as armor and other tools.   The breakthrough was in magical infusion, and the resulting mana-steel, hence known by its more fearsome name, the dragon-killer metal.   Its incredible properties and magical conductivity let skilled warriors finally engage dragons on a near-equal footing. Although still terribly difficult, they were no longer impossible (or at least, unreasonable) to kill. Thus it came to be, the secrets of mana-steel were spread far and wide, arming the ever growing rebellion with deadlier weapons. The popularity and usefulness of the metal was impossible to ignore, and many powers sought its adoption with great haste.

Cultural Significance and Usage

While it represents a lot of technological marvels, ultimately mana-steel's infamous moniker as being the dragon-killer has left an indelible mark upon dragons and their enemies. Whether hated or revered, it has a mythical atmosphere around its nature, and the most mistressful pieces of mana-steel forged works are well-deserving of its legendary reputation.

Industrial Use

Given its varying purity and rather expensive production process, mana-steel is reserved for the most absurd of requirements that regular steel cannot suffice for. In an industrial capacity, this has led to revolutions in mining, machining, and other mechanically-heavy work environments. It's often an unspoken for savior, as for many people, they imagine swords and armor being made of the stuff, not nuts, bolts, or I-beams.   Admittedly, in its capacity for armaments, mana-steel is hard to beat. While mundane warriors can make usage of it to great effect, it achieves absurd and ridiculous feats in the hands of accomplished, magically-gifted fighters. As such, it is highly sought out for the highest ends of armaments, and can become a statement of status and prestige.


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