The World Gate

Purpose / Function

It isn't known who built the World Gate or why; however, the rift allowed anyone and anything to travel from Lophern to the heart between Aerthen and Nerzin, closing a significant amount of distance instantly.


The World Gate itself was fashioned with a methodology never seen or recorded by anyone else. A mixture of white stone, a kind of dark steel, and pure mana, it provided an incredible insight into new techniques no one else had thought of in that time period. What was obvious was the incredible age of the construction itself--it bore the hallmarks of deterioration so extreme even the metals in it were becoming brittle and weak.


Buried in the veltron, the World Gate was uncovered by Imperious' explorers very early on into her rise to power. Although it is not clear how, Imperious was able to reactivate the gate, opening a corresponding rift in space-time that connected the Imperium straight into the heartland of Aerthen and Nerzin. Realizing its importance, Imperious fashioned the Imperium's capital around the enormous gate-like construct. It is through this portal she opened another flank in her ever-expanding conquest, surprising everyone in her sudden, ferociously fast assault.   Despite the incredible claims, the World Gate never technically connected 'one half of Veltrona the other'. The relative north-western direction is where much of Imperious' armies had to suit for a mundane approach to their logistics. Still, easily taking her own half of the world, it left her with grand resources and ease in which to sweep toward the other end. In this light, the World Gate is sometimes attributed as the de-facto reason Imperious was able to take so much land so quickly, and secure such overwhelming strategic advantage.   With her disappearance, however, nothing was left to keep the otherwise shambling Imperium together. The ryujin, riding off the violent uprising of rebellions, enacted their old plans to destroy the World Gate once and for all. They succeeded, far more catastrophically than they ever could've imagined. The power released by the World Gate annihilated the Imperium's capital and its surrounding continental land, and would've done the same to Aerthen and Nerzin if mysterious powers hadn't intervened.   Hau-Joren's own testimony provides a concrete glimpse into what happened.
635 TD
Megastructure, Land based
Owning Organization

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