Rachtoh (rak-toh)

Basic Information


Bipedal humanoids based on arthropods, particularly arachnids. They closely resemble the human female in both skeletal structure, fatty tissue assignment, and overall physique. They can be considered a mono-gendered species, being exclusively 'female', though they have hermaphroditic traits as well.   Rachtoh straddle the medium height range, seeing little variance in their height save for hybrids. Their exoskeleton is quite strange--there is the hardy, durable carapace itself, then a thin, soft layer of tissue on top of it. This tissue layer is responsible for sensory information: touch, hot/cold, softness, hardness, etc. In all, it functionally imitates the uses of mammalian skin. Their joints, moveable parts, and fatty tissues however are directly exposed, being the weak-points in their natural armor. Thus, one can observe a clear distinction between these areas when viewed from the outside, but it is not jarring or unnatural seeming.   They possess two sets of human-like eyes, and virtually no nose. The lower eyes are closer to the cheeks, while the upper eyes rest more in the brow ridge, if one were to make direct comparison to the human facial structure. The eyes are recessed into 'pits' of muscles that allow them to look around much more controllably. Rachtoh control their eyes by pairs, be it horizontally or vertically. Their color ranges tend to be among the reds, blues, and greens in a gem-like quality, though not as clear or sharp compared to other species. They universally have black sclera.   They also have two sets of arms, and their shoulder structure built out slightly to accommodate this. There is the two human-like arms, and then the lower pair beneath them. Both are of relatively equal size, function, and capability.   However, their forearms are perhaps a touch larger than expected. This is to host the internal silk-production glands there, which feed the webbing out through ports in between the knuckles of their five-fingered hands.   Upon their hips, one can find two arm-like hooks growing out of the hip bone. A stem of muscles juts outward, then the arm grows off it both backwards and forward, reminiscent of modified pedipalps. These seemingly vestigial, spider-like legs are demure in stature, though surprisingly strong in their given role of 'hooking' around their mate during copulation.   Their legs are otherwise fairly normal, though they have four-toed feet and the toes are hooked to suit climbing on webs. Rachtoh have no real sexual dimorphism, with all of them possessing enlarged breasts and wider hips. However, they do tend to view one's physique as being good for certain traits: sensuality, strength, hardiness, etc.   Their body colors tend to nestle in the blues, blacks, and purples range. There is also a distinction between their exoskeleton and 'flesh', with the flesh being darker in the color spectrum of their exoskeleton.   Rachtoh 'hair' is generally larger-per-strand than human hair, easily appearing more tube-like. They are, however, highly flexible, durable, and densely grown, often resembling billowing fields of wheat or grass. Their hair serves a triple purpose: heat exchange, air sensitivity, and visual attractiveness for mates. The color ranges tend to match their exoskeletons, with the 'tips' of the hair strands matching that of their eyes.

Biological Traits

Web Weavers – All Rachtoh produce silk. They have a need to expunge 'excess' silk, making utilizing it an entirely natural process to them.   Non-Adaptive Strength – Once they reach full maturity, the Rachtoh exoskeleton doesn't have much wiggle room. Excessive exercise or fat gain can actually cause them to rupture and die as they break apart their own exoskeleton from the strain of growing tissues. In an evolutionary perspective, their species tends to have uniform physical properties.   Hyper-Predator Senses – Rachtoh have extreme sensitivity to their environment and incredible eye sight, making their information gathering almost supernatural compared to other species.   Hermaphordite – Rachtoh uniquely embody both female and male sex reproduction within their species. While their external appearances are regularly likened toward 'female', to them they find the distinction of one or the other rather bizarre. Their method of sexual reproduction is based upon shared oviposition, making them rather unique among sapient species.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Rachtoh are intensely social beings, needing to be in regular contact with each other or other sapient beings. This is to the point that a solitary rachtoh is almost that by circumstance than choice: they cannot handle being alone well at all. Thus, at the minimum, rachtoh tend to form pairs and trios, and while they have their preferences for 'who to be with', they're not exclusive. Larger groups of like-minded individuals tend to form a cohesive group-think, often taking the same jobs, living in the same areas, imitating artistic pursuits, and wearing similar types of clothing. While to many other species this can appear to be a hive mind-like level of conformity, rachtoh still individually express themselves quite clearly.   Their social nature is always drawn in opposition to their predatory mindset, however. Rachtoh fundamentally see the world as 'predator and prey', but they do not pursue it maliciously. Rather, it's considered a way of expressing power struggle, and how one needs to determine which they will be in any given situation. In the context of their very large social networks and relationships, this invariably expresses in bizarre methodology. For example, a rachtoh merchant may take everything of worth from you they can get, but they will not take you out of 'the game'. If one tries to play on this unspoken kindness, however, it is a free license for them to get mean.   In essence, a successful predator gives the beaten prey an out, so that they can become prey again. The clever prey takes this out, then becomes strong enough to overcome their predator. Thus, the cycle begins again. Breaking this a horrendous taboo. Then again, how this process plays out changes greatly from culture to culture.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

While pronunciation methodology can vary, the structure of names are rather ubiquitous in rachtoh cultures. In simple order, it proceeds: given name, family name, group name, clan/house/suprafamily name, city name. An example would be "Jalino Talren Hannaka Wovenfingers of Three Spires". Rachtoh favor flowing syllable structures that produce a seamless sort of speech, but their sentences tend to end with sharp clicking. The harshness of this offset is intended to signal quite clearly one is done speaking, as it can be difficult to tell when a rachtoh is actually done otherwise.   Overall, individual names are given free reign so long as they 'sound nice'. All other attached names form an important hereditary line, and so are assigned with utmost seriousness. Of the five components, the 'group name' is the self-identifying name a group of rachtoh select; humans often liken it to a 'party name'. Because group identity is often so important to their lives, much debate and consideration goes into creating it. Especially venerable names with detailed history are hotly contested, and more powerful rachtoh naming authorities often host competitions for groups to earn the right of that name.

Major Organizations

Relationship Ideals

The highly complex social system of the rachtoh is no less difficult to navigate where love and sex is concerned. Here, a queer mentality of "chase and be chased" arises that runs parallel to "wait, then snare" and "talk and see". Given that reproduction can only at best occur 'every so often', with the average readiness time taking around a month, sex is more liberally used for pleasure's sake. Thus, it isn't unheard of for potential partners to do the deed and court, only to find they can't stand each other and break off completely. Compatibility is a difficult thing in the rachtoh mindset, and it has pushed the idea of 'true love' to a grandly high pedestal.   Monogamy and polygamy are in abundance alike, with little conscious distinction between the two except 'preference'. Marriages for alliances, property, or otherwise tend to be chiefly monogamous, as it's frankly easier to agree upon terms between two partners in case of death or inheritance. Some families are renowned for having formed because multiple partners successfully negotiated such hazardous waters, though.   A successful romance entails a fitting of the personalities in all their forms, as a rachtoh can be fine being the hunter, but wants to be the prey later. Knowing when to comfort, or control, or bait attention, or offer weakness, and a number of other concepts, is critical to successful maintenance of the relationship. Particularly old partners who are long together may 'mellow out' over time, finding the other a fixture in their life as certain as the sun is to Veltrona.   Producing children is often an agreed-upon endeavor, as the frankly 'involved' difficulty of using their ovipositors correctly makes doing it accidentally an almost comical notion. Losing cohesion of one's faculties during passion is far more common, and pretty much the largest source of illegitimate children. This itself is a hard-to-grasp notion for outside species, as no rachtoh is 'unwanted' in a sense. There is always someone who is not only willing, but wants to look over or tend to you, but this has made responsibility altogether more important. It's considered dishonorable willfully putting such labors on others; conversely, if one is overwhelmed, others will gladly help ease their difficulties.   Non-rachtoh can find engaging them in a relationship to be difficult in a number of ways, from physical to social. Nonetheless, integrating into their dynamics can net one a robust social network and highly attentive friends. It is, without any sense of irony, very much like 'marrying into their friends' as much as the Rachtoh herself.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Far too busy with each other to readily care about 'outsiders', the rachtoh were isolationist for many generations. They saw the habits and loose, solitary natures of other species as freakishly abhorrent, and so drove them out of their homelands whenever possible. Thus it would be that the rachtoh became feared, unknowable terrors within the deep jungles and forests, and their territory left alone by many. This lasted until the rise of the Imperium, and the rachtoh being forcibly taken out of their nest-cities. Shackled and forced to work alongside the other species beneath the heel of dragons, they began to find 'some' common ground.   After the Imperium's fall, the rachtoh fled to their ancestral lands, but did not forget those they had met in the interim. Humans, especially, caught their interest (if only for their wondrously crazy inventions). Thus, many nest-cities opened their doors a little, letting certain visitors and tourists come in. Over time, as the rachtoh bonded with their visitors, the doors opened more and more. While they remain strict on foreigners all the same, those who know someone are seen as far more trustworthy--relatively, anyway.   Web-making is at the heart of rachtoh culture, with every living member practicing it in some form or another. Whether used for sturdy construction, homemade clothing, textile products, or bizarre artistic tapestries, every rachtoh has a skill for something. Thus, the quality, artistic refinement, and pedigree of one's products is intensely important in marketing them. Unless the quality of a work is so truly ground breaking as to stand alone, many rachtoh care about the 'family history' of what something has. In turn, this has made family businesses the heart of their economic engine, and brand names are deadly serious things to them.   After textiles, woodworking is often their other most well-known craft. Woodworkers, carpenters, sculptors, and more fetch admirable respect for their capabilities. It is thanks to them that many nest-cities have their sublime architecture and incredible artistic expression. With many families carrying secret techniques and methodologies, they can sometimes command an even higher price than their web-maker brethren.   Perhaps most surprising of all to any outsiders is their detailed story telling. The rachtoh take theater and stage plays to the extreme, cataloging history and fanciful imagination in a single, elaborate act. It is these living moments that many lineages can express their triumphs and failures, showcasing their grandiosity in their heights and resilience. As an extension, literature is also heavily consumed, seen as a more economical way of acquiring these fantastic experiences.


Dragons, muurun, humans–all these and more may grandstand in history with their own spectacular achievements, but none hold a candle to the dark shadow of the rachtoh lurking in the background. The terrifying specters of many legends, they are long known for being the 'guardians' of forests and jungles. Their incredible archery and trapping skills has made them insurmountable to assail, and indeed, many species learned from them by proxy of such tactics.   The rachtoh have long stood with a shroud of mystery around them, given their highly isolationist nature for many millennia. Despising foreign trade and invasive presences that isn't 'them', this belligerent rejection of others has often made them and spiders the symbols of evil and fear. It would not be until the time of the world's great upheavals that they were forced to change. All but dragged out of their nest-cities into the open, they hatefully served the Imperium, gladly joining humanity as the first ones to conspire for rebellion.   Finding for the first time meaningful common ground with others, they begrudgingly opened their nest-cities up. While at first only to their blood-sworn allies in combat, over the years, alliances and intrigue wedged the door further open, and thus the many wonders of the rachtoh lifestyle came to the light. Their incredible textile skills, spider-silk products, refined archery, and excellent woodworking took the markets by storm, and the world became greatly interested in trade. Thus, to their bewilderment, the rachtoh found themselves eagerly welcomed by people they largely considered 'rude' in manners, to say politely.   Still, the rachtoh are nothing if not clever, and so, they continued to be open. Allying themselves closely to humanity, they see humans as their only meaningful 'equals', or rather–dangerous prey. This has constantly intrigued and vexed them, and so more than most other species, the rachtoh can be found working with humanity the most. In turn, they've reaped a number of benefits from human ingenuity, particularly in the industrial world the rachtoh had once lagged seriously behind in.   The reality being a highly communal species of web-builders, the rachtoh don't regard the outside world very much. Instead, they are constantly caught up in their own social intrigue and politics, which is a never ending circus. As they developed culture and a better way of communicating with those outside their race, their bizarre and frankly alien mannerisms started to become far more knowable. To the regret of their immediate neighbors that they like, it has resulted in noisy alliances of non-stop chatterboxes and gossipers.   The modern rachtoh are seeking even further expansion, ever in need of more room to live in for their populations. This has put them at a pressure point for several of their neighbors, and as many rachtoh loathe to emigrate, their nest-cities swell almost always. For the others, the threat of having to deal with constant chatter from the rachtoh is enough to give up quite a lot of land.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
150 years
Average Height
Strictly medium; little variance
Average Weight
Related Materials
Earth Origin
Arachnids, Orb Weavers

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