Elemental: Veltron


One of the classical elements, veltron mana embodies structure. For veltron mana, it naturally seeks a rigid, defined structure to exist within. The structure itself may be chaotic or orderly, so long as it exists as a structure. For those braving veltron mana, they must realize what 'structure' is. Those who lack strength to break that structure, however, will ever remain apart of it.   Generally the most abundant mana on the world of Veltrona, where there is dirt and rock, there is veltron mana. An incredibly stable, non-reactive mana, it takes tremendous effort to draw it out. Once achieved, the veltron itself can be shaped like clay in the wielder's hands. So it is the veltron mana endures the wild and chaotic changes of others, a great and unmoving structure against them.   It is important to realize that although structured, it is not stagnant. Veltron mana moves slowly and on its own terms, bending and changing over time. Like any great tower, it too knows when to lean into gravity, to buffet against wind, and to erode upon water. It is this learned acceptance of tiny, minute flexibility that births the likes of mountains, after all. In the greatness of the universe, veltron mana becomes a structure that endure a myriad number of forces.   That structure is what gives shape to all others. Without a world, water has no oceans to form. Without land to sweep across, wind cannot blow. If there is nothing to gather, fire has naught to transform. Many come to regard veltron mana as a 'motherly' type, possessing stout character and resolve against wildness. That it is stern and unyielding does not mean it is impossible, one must simply do what it finds acceptable.   One would think this nature would make it antithetical toward eclipse mana. Funnily, it does not. Eclipse mana changes the rules by which structure exists within. Veltron mana simply finds its new structure within these new rules. In a sense, eclipse mana is not objectively destructive, though people may regard it as such. For nature, it is simply a thing to work through.    

Magical Arts

Veltron magic requires great magical power to begin, even in its small forms. Its mana is naturally resistant toward being bothered, so even greater force is required to manipulate it. Like pulling on something stuck, after a certain point, enough force happens to cause 'change'. A mage who is unprepared for this event, however, can be overwhelmed by the rushing veltron. In many ways, it swings from 'doing nothing' to 'everything at once' with explosive ferocity. True mistresses learn the exacts of what is required, able to move the veltron gently as if it were made of water.   Alongside water mages, veltron mages are some of the most respected workers a civilization can ask for. They can clear land and fix damaged terrain, making it usable for any number of purposes. Better ones can create walls, elevate or flatten the ground, find metal deposits, and more. They helped create the fortifications needed to protect civilization from the Relentless Herds and Packs. Their buildings stood against the weather, the Forsaken, and more. Not to mention all their veltrony wares, be they clay, porcelain, or otherwise.   There is much to commend veltron magic for achieving, or helping to achieve. Yet it has another difficult aspect to it, that of the veltron itself. All kinds of dirts, dusts, sands, and stones exist across the world. They're all slightly unique and different in their own ways. Utilizing them requires a particular understanding. Someone who is used to solid stones will not handle sand all that well, for example. Sand requires constant force to keep its structure, much like how water magic works. Stone requires great power, but only to the extent of the work needed.   Understanding all these structures and their particulars is the hallmark of a true veltron mistress.   The type of terrain greatly does affect what a veltron user can do. Dirt can be launched as a projectile weapon, the ground ripped open to swallow people, spears of rock thrown, etc. While it can visually appear similar to the mundane eye, the skill needed across different terrain is considerable. One of the great downsides of being a veltron mage is a lack of experience. Most tend to live sedentary lives, or at least, do not leave their areas of preference. It's not impossible, but not everyone has the time, willingness, or aptitude to learn all the kinds of veltron there are.   One interesting application that arises in the field of health is bone reconstruction. Bones are natural, living things in a body, so replacing them doesn't fully restore functionality. There are vital functions bones fulfill with their marrow, and a lack of that can cause issues. Veltron magic can help to recreate the structure of a bone, especially in a way that lets marrow continue to grow and live. This is also quite helpful for joints and the like where friction erodes bones away. Dental treatment and reconstruction is, by far, the most popular application of it.    


Veltron mana's natural state is dirt, and so by many peoples' definitions isn't that 'special'. Purer sources of it are more structured, so the likes of rocks are the best examples to find. Very old rock and mineral formations, who've endured hundreds to countless thousands of years, are considered divine. Their solidness can approach otherworldly, and so command a certain respect.


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