Helunae (Hel-uu-nay)


Fire can exist in many more forms than most realize, something the helunae have ever had a relationship with. In embodying fire, they could conjure and control it at will, staving off firestorms and giving warmth in winter. They just as well took upon themselves its great energies, soaking up mana and radiating it outward to enrichen those around them. Through the helunae, many things became possible, and so their ancients were often revered as goddesses or other divine beings.   The intrinsic worship they received, and influence they exerted, made their positions a lucrative one. However, maintaining their divine allure became increasingly difficult. Few among their ranks constituted actual divinity, while the arrival of foreign goddesses soon threatened helunae hegemony. While some went to war for supremacy, other helunae considered a different approach.   By bargaining their own position in these emergent pantheons, they secured a place of legitimacy amongst these foreign divinities. As other fire-related goddesses arrived, the helunae were considered their guiding elders, and so once again exerted their influence. In time, as these divine helunae grew in power and prestige, they separated from their mortal-bound kin.   There were many reasons as to why, but ultimately the helunae themselves didn't consider this a bad state of affairs. Many of them were direct descendants of these self-ascended divinities, and saw themselves as capable of doing the same. Their folktales and small, insular beliefs firmly built a worldview of potential greatness if they themselves could achieve it. Some took toward meritocratic ideals, while others perceived it as a sign of a spiritual journey.   In the end, belief and divinity have never been far from the helunae, no matter where on Veltrona they may be.   Spread among numerous communities, the helunae have largely been apart of mixed-species civilizations. Their tales are often theirs as much as others, and so many scholars tend to overlook their presence in history. Divine and noble helunae garner some attention, but those outside of their interest spheres normally never cross their paths. In this respect, priestesses and those who work with fire are usually the most familiar with the helunae. Bakers, above everyone else, are those the helunae's vaunted horn-racks is associated with.   Particularly taken with baking, the helunae love to practice their fiery capabilities in its making. Some argue only the finest of breads are possible from doughs they've had a hand in. Cooking itself is a broader love of theirs, and helunae chefs have long, ancestral lineages where that profession is concerned. It is both a comfortable and fulfilling niche for many of them. Some, however, take toward smithing, welding, and other forms of metalworking as a more 'strenous' job.   The age of the Imperium saw a terrible time visited upon them all. Already a species measured in small numbers, the brutality of imperial dragons proved merciless. Entire helunae communities were ground up in slavery and eradicated to the last, while many others fled into the Underworld, never to be seen again. By the time the World Gate exploded, the helunae had all but vanished from imperial territory.   It would be during the Great Darkness afterward that saw them a chance to return. Their natural fire became priceless in those sunless days, a source of radiant light and life-sustaining heat. The helunae survivors spared no effort in utilizing this advantage, reclaiming their lost glories and reverence. Moreso, they ruthlessly punished those who'd helped in slaughtering their kin. Of all who would bear a grudge, their vengeful flames scorched away many former Imperium loyalists. Some even said it is from their numbers the dread specter Elenuta, Of Ashes and Cinders, first arose.   When the skies cleared and sunlight returned, the baarham's Dominion emerged as the next great power. Unlike many others, the helunae received something of special status in the Dominion. With their numbers still dangerously low, and having helped the baarham survive the Great Darkness, King Ghown regarded them favorably. So long as they continued to help the Dominion, the helunae would enjoy protection and ample room to grow. Unwilling to suffer as they had under the Imperium, the helunae made due with life under such terms.   Still, even they could not ignore the unfathomable evil crawling out of the Dominion.   Though they tried their own ways of undermining the baarham, few ever learned of them, or cared to. Many saw the helunae as co-conspirators to the baarham, prospering from such a deal while others suffered. In the end, after the Dominion collapsed with the baarham's sudden vanishing, the helunae had few allies. Many fled from their ancestral lands, leaving far beyond the former territory of the Dominion. Those who remained behind went into seclusion, and so the helunae became almost a myth on Lophern and Aerthen.   What can be said is within the lands of Immensio, Etzli Cuauhtla, Fauverngarz, and Nerzin, the helunae have bounced back to a healthy and thriving level again. Having acclimated to such lands and made their home, they've carved out a respectable niche. Although skittish and frightful, especially of powerful warladies and those with covetous desires, they've been emboldened by their ancestral hardship. The helunae, who long for a peacefully quiet life, have become far more diligent in pursuing a meaningful peace.

Basic Information


Bipedal humanoids with a head, two eyes, nose, mouth, two ears, a torso with two arms, and hips with two legs. Their ears are similar to deers, being large, flexible, and semi-conical for sound detection. Helunae also have large, prominently growing antlers atop their heads, and a long, flexibly usable tail out of their buttocks that can act as an appendage. The tail's fur is usually cylindrical in nature, and reasonably dense but also comfortable. They have five-fingered hands and even-toed hooves, featuring two prominent toes and a dewclaw on the outside-facing portion of the foot.   As a monsterkind species, helunae are reasonably close to the human figure, though with proportions emphasizing 'stout' and 'athletic'. As they're a universally medium-sized toward smaller species, they're most comparable to the baarham. However, hybrids can potentially grow to become tall and lithe, appearing as if a different race or species. The extreme height difference between the two is sometimes compared to the petrakin's 'greater' and 'lesser' variants.   A helunae's head is adorned with thick and curly hair, with most having coiled/kinky hair textures. From their forehead (above the temples, sometimes closer to the temples, sometimes farther away) grow their antlers. Their antlers steadily grow throughout a few years, maintain stability, then shed off so that a new set can grow again.   The antler's structure itself can be called 'wood infused with liquid flame', appearing both structurally sound and oddly crystal-like. The tips of every antler has a small emitting flame, reminiscent of a candle flame. As a set of antlers matures, they gradually darken into their classical appearance of 'petrified wood', with vague flames simmering over the surface.   Their ears jut out beside their head as where a human's would. Helunae facial structures are usually round and oval, and compliment a wide, round set of expressive eyes. Their sclera is nominally a light gray, with irises that have reflective properties. The pupil is rectangular in shape but more rounded, and can even appear round in certain light conditions.   A patch of particularly dark skin, normally black or charcoal, surrounds their eyes. It becomes a white or gray color for helunae with naturally darker skin tones. How this patch shapes exactly varies between helunae regions: some extend across the nose, creating a 'mask', some have large, tear-drop shaped patches that go down their cheeks, etc. There's nothing particular about the skin itself, only that it is starkly different in color and has a prominent position on a helunae's face.   A fluffy fur grows from their collarbone and around their neck, and trails down the upper part of their chest and shoulders. They're otherwise covered in skin all the way down their arms, and down to their hips and upper thighs. Their legs have much denser, protective fur that extends from midway on their thighs all the way down to their hooves.   They're a mildly sexually dimorphic species, with females having more hair/fur, more prominent antlers that grow in a crown-like manner, enlarged breasts, and wider hips. Males favor denser, sleeker hair/fur, and their antlers grow in V-shaped curves.   Helunae colors tend to favor woodland greens, browns, blacks, yellows, and rocky grays. Splashes of red and orange, blue and yellow, or green and silver, are common manifestations of their fiery natures. Their skin colors are largely between the paler colors of those in alpine environments, and the darker woodland colors of those in temperate or tropical locales.

Biological Traits

Flame Within – Helunae are naturally fire-aspected, and have an instinctual control over their own fiery mana. They can even manipulate their own ambient temperature, making their bodily fire completely harmless. While this is some manner of natural energy control, they can utilize fire principles for other purposes, such as limited transformation, or transmutation of materials.   Magical Antlers – The antlers of the helunae are particularly mana rich, and form a unique composition as they mature. Their value as alchemical reagents and other magical means of craft commands a hefty price. It is unfortunately a source of much trouble for them, particularly poachers and slavers.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

The ritualistic helunae place great emphasis on one's sanctity and eminence. While most conflate this toward proper respect and reverence, that perspective is slightly off. As a helunae philosopher once called it, "we are each a household, and everyone else is a guest in that house--as much as we are in theirs. To dare harm the house or unwillfully change it is most unforgivable". It is a paradoxical notion when one considers their insular cultures and high emphasis on bloodline relations. However, these two forces move and shape each other quite significantly, and so helunae relationships tend to mirror them.   Intricacies of helunae relationships, romantic or otherwise, can make getting to know them an interesting adventure unto itself. There is a distinct back and forth between one to another–the household 'host' and their 'guest'–that informs a great deal of their social norms. It carries some verbosity and ritualism to it that, even if on its surface seems pointless, can convey significant meaning. It's generally advised to do one's dealings as honestly as possible, as helunae love tripping up others on some technicality or another.   Above many other concerns, the helunae were most interested in fun people. Someone who could engage their sentiments, and they could enjoy engaging in return, became their main way of finding viable partners. This often ran in contrary to their familial responsibilities and arranged courtships/marriages, though not always. In the end, helunae were left juggling many different concerns while trying to find something for themself.   The burden of responsibility being what it is, their romantic cultures grew to see shouldering that as quite desirable. In keeping the imagery of each helunae being a 'household', good partners were fellow houses the two could mutually benefit from. If their families intertwined together enough, something of a community would form in and around them. However, once coupled with their ideas of fun, their esoteric social mechanisms, and general mischief–helunae courting became a metaphor for madness in many neighboring cultures.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

An intensely spiritual people, helunae cultures are built deeply upon their 'divine' histories. Whether literally true or not, they're exceedingly mindful of ritual, decorum, and purpose to a fault. Such these become very important when dealing with the ever-shifting and vaguely defined natures of the divine and otherwise. Coupled with their own fiery nature acting as a literal beacon, and all sorts of 'supernatural' activities become common around them. What forms this ultimately takes does vary, but the helunae are unusual focal points of such things.   Coupled with their generally insular nature, the helunae can be opaque and difficult to understand. While much of what they do has clear logic and reason to it, the hows and whys are never fully told to outsiders. For those even less in the know, their actions can appear random or insane. Its traditionally made them difficult neighbors, as the helunae are resistant to anyone intruding on what they do. When they've been the de-facto (spiritual) leaders of a given area, this has both served and impeded them.   In time, the helunae filtered into the more 'down-to-veltron' roles of most societies. They greatly enjoyed eating, and so many took on culinary arts of some fashion. Farming came into its own to suit highly specialized and cared for produce, such they could push their cooking even higher. Their fiery nature made them naturally useful in metallurgy, but the helunae never really took to forging and smithing. Some did, of course, but most found such heated environments uncomfortable.   Their arts and crafts would, perhaps more than their cooking, become the helunae's well-known gift in the world. Utilizing their unique and ancestral forms of fire magic, the helunae fashioned works in bizarre, eccentric, and astonishing ways. Whether it be the functionally useful, or artistically bold, they created an entire market around their works. It is said to even draw the attention of dragonkind on the regular. Though the dragons scoff that nothing is as impressive as their own work, they like the strangely innovative thinking the helunae often have.   The antlers of the helunae themselves are both culturally significant and a flexible crafting material. As the seasons change Veltrona, helunae see the growth of their antlers as important time periods. One who is growing a new rack will be seen as reserved and careful, conserving their gains. One with a grown rack is bold and powerful, changing the world around them. The health of the rack itself is also an important indicator, becoming an omen of troubled times or potential prosperity.   In tradition, helunae collect their sheddings and see to making some sort of symbolic work with them. As the shedding itself only happens every few years, these crafts are often made as memorials to experiences of those years. More powerful, mana-rich rack sheddings may even be turned into magical items or pieces, becoming household heirlooms of a sort. Regardless of their ultimate fate, a helunae's antlers are treasured and spiritually intimate to them. They see their treatment as a reflection of a person's heart.   But, most important of all to the helunae is their families. They consider both lineage and blood relations with intense seriousness, especially where divine ancestry is concerned. Scribes make a comfortable living as the caretakers of bloodline registries, and some helunae-specific wars happened because of them. Even those exiled or estranged from the family are recorded still.   What exactly 'qualifies' as family was, itself, a contentious idea for a while. A helunae's household can include much more than those with a direct blood relation, but many of their laws only care for blood relations. Matters of succession, at all steps of the social ladder, are so important it became socially paralyzing for them. To avoid inbreeding death spirals, the helunae families made ways for outsiders to become included into their households.   This eventually diverged into different methods. Some see outsiders only as attachments, but their children are considered bloodline members. Some made it so outsiders become apart of the bloodline symbolically. Others differ in even more nuance, such as being given a voting right in the family but not property inheritance. As much as the helunae sing the praise of family and bond, they also have tales and woes of tormenting chains they cannot escape from.
Raccoons, deers, fire elementals, satyrs, Fae
200 years~
Average Height
4-5ft / 122cm-152cm
Average Weight
105-190lb / 47-86kg
Geographic Distribution


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