Karsoru (kar-sor-uu)

Known History


Of all those upon Veltrona, few rival the free-spirited belligerency of the karsoru. A loud, proud, and heavily extroverted species, their impressive physique and even more impressive rowdiness has made them memorable throughout history. Once even confused for a variant of the onpa, their uniquely crysium-based physiology soon distinguished them as their own separate species. While scholars argue their homeland must be in Lophern or Nerzin given their larger cultural legacies there, the karsoru's presence throughout Veltrona has been a puzzling mystery. In fact, given the lack of corresponding ancestor monster, they're believed to be a more uniquely manifested species as present as the wind itself.   For the karsoru, life is best lived vividly and passionately. Their nomadic tribes crossed the breadth of Veltrona time and time again, always on the move to find new lands and experiences. For many other species, the incredible danger of the wilds and weather posed great challenges few were ever eager to confront. The karsoru, on the other hand, relished in the hardship such journeys require as it ever brings them a great sense of accomplishment. Still, for all their impressive capabilities, even Veltrona's unrelenting nature whittled them down eventually. Such hardships would be what ultimately pushed the karsoru into a more sedentary lifestyle, or at least one that favored 'safer' migratory routes.   It is around this time they came into more regular contact with other species, particularly those of safe, fertile, and abundant territories. Of them all, the karsoru got on with humanity and the rachtoh the most from the get-go. While karsoru sentiments might be a bit extreme on the average, many of them meshed well with human and rachtoh ones, and they became nigh-inseparable. Any large settlement was bound to have a few karsoru around, if not more or a whole tribe living somewhere nearby. Some monsterkind species even confused the karsoru for a type of variant human at first due to their incredible similarities.   Given their way of doing things and generally smaller population size, the karsoru never carved out large or expansive civilizations. Their nomadic tribes qualified as a form of unlanded nation, but even by nomadic standards their populations were never high. Nonetheless, in their travels and interactions the karsoru left behind great and lasting impressions in the histories of everyone else. Whether it be fighting dragonkind for the sheer challenge (and prestige), beguiling the ilansu into drinking contests, dragging the jiuweihu out from their seclusion, no one has the luxury of not being drawn into karsoru antics. In many ways, they became an unlikely bridge to which otherwise disparate cultures found themselves connecting through.    

Life's A Party, So Have Fun

To the karsoru, idleness is the greatest madness of all. Their constant need for stimulation or a sense of 'actually doing something' is nearly compulsive to them. If they don't have something to do, they most certainly will find something, even if it's as simple as aggravating others. Thus, this singular detail has pushed them into the business of everyone around them, for better or worse. In fields of physicality, such as labor or sports, they excel at being front runners that soon eclipse most of their own competition. With that comes celebration and partying, and the karsoru love nothing more (other than their spouses) than excellent food and drink. If such things were lacking, not only would everyone else know, the karsoru would be making sure something was done about it.   The sheer pressure of their voracious appetites and caused ripple-effects in the burgeoning economies and societies around them. Some scholars suppose that the karsoru's overbearing presence is what accelerated the spread of agrarian technologies, cuisine as a whole, and inter-civilization trade. As their appetites grew, the karsoru craved more novel experiences and unique tastes, spurring on culinary arts, farther and farther reaching trade, and increasing diplomatic contact with other species. In return, the karsoru offered one of their most unique gifts to those who met their demands: refined crysium.   Being a crysium-based lifeform themselves, the karsoru have an intimately close connection to mana far beyond that of other species. Their bodies naturally refine and condense their mana intake, suffusing the natural crysium woven throughout their bodies. This excess usually emerges in the form of their prodigious horns, but hair, scales, or other growths on their body are entirely possible. In the ancient times, when magical arts were young and undeveloped, access to manarium and crysium were vital for anyone doing magic. The karsoru's natural refinement and creation of crysium made them almost goddess-like in this respect, and so they commanded great attention.   For better or worse, the karsoru were the center of attention more often than not. With all things considered, this usually meant they occupied positions of societal importance in some form. Religious organizations, in particular, were keen to have karsoru on hand in order to maintain steady supplies of crysium for their rituals. The noble or affluent wanted them as a source for their own wealth and/or military power. As civilizations increased in scope and complexity, the karsoru—even those of high status—were increasingly confined to roles that more exploited than celebrated them. Such hardships grew and grew, and as their own ancestors once realized, even they had their own limits.    

Live Free, or Die Hard

Schisms, revolutions, and many similar conflicts arose and fell like wildfire where the karsoru lived. Some managed equitable relations after such conflicts, while others fell apart entirely. Although rambunctious more often than not, it is around this time that the perception of the karsoru began changing greatly around the world at large.   In Nerzin, where the karsoru faced the worst of the Cultivation Arts, entire tribes were wiped out in the ancient Cultivation Wars. Resplendently rich with mana and far easier to kill than dragons, cultivators predated upon the karsoru fiercely. In turn, the karsoru grew to deeply hate cultivators of all kinds, violently slaughtering them wherever possible. Of all lands, the karsoru of Nerzin remained the most reclusive, refusing to engage with other species or their associated cultivators. It's only after the end of the Great Darkness did they readily step out into the world once more.   Those in Aerthen and Lophern faced different realities. While cultivators were still an issue, Aerthen would be consumed by the wars of nations. Emerging civilizations stuck out their borders and expansion soon brought conflict. The karsoru were important strategic assets in this respect, possessing fierce battlefield prowess and providing high quality crysium for mages. For some, this was a form of tithe, while others saw it as a symbiotic union of martial and magical prowess. It wasn't uncommon for mixed units of both to be made in order to capitalize on their strengths together. In these lands, respect and fear alike were equally present, but the ultimate fate of the karsoru varied from nation to nation.   The ones within Immensio, Sa-kemet, and Temu saw a much more varied outcome. As nomadic tribes did, and often remain so, strong unlanded nations within such continents, the western karsoru never faced the same exploitation as their farther eastward kin. There were attempts, of varying sizes and complexities, but such awful efforts were swiftly undone before they matured. By the modern times, the karsoru and their surrounding civilizations had intermingled and resolved their differences to become truly integrated.   Those of the farther polar reaches, such as Fauverngarz or Varnkof, generally benefited from their geographic distance from the equatorial band of Veltrona. In fact, contending with the dangers of a principally cold or permanent winter environment posed very different questions for the karsoru living there. They often adopted the role of protector and guardian, becoming renowned for their strength of arm and stalwart compassion in such inhospitable landscape. The exotic and varied ice-aspected fauna became their prey of choice, and themselves the great huntresses that kept civilization fed.    

Age of the Imperium

By the time of the infamous uprising of Imperious, the karsoru had achieved something resembling equilibrium with their place in the world. Those in Aerthen, however, would be the first to learn of, and confront, the notorious dragon themselves. No strangers to draconic conflict, they would, like all others, discover the incredible abnormality that was Imperious and her even more unfathomable strength. And, like all others who stood in her path, the karsoru would be trampled underneath.   Yet, of all those Imperious brought wanton destruction upon, it was the karsoru she gave special regard to.   Whether believing themselves strong enough or knowing fully well they lacked the strength to resist her, each and every one tried nonetheless. Even in the most obvious and hopeless of situations did they stand against her, full of vigor and defiance to their very last breath. Such things aren't uncommon for those who fought against Imperious, so it's not exactly clear to historians why the karsoru caught her notice so much. At the least, during the early stages of her tyrannical reign, Imperious would seemingly honor the last stand of many karsoru she fought against. Regardless of the prize that laid further beyond, she would leave after claiming victory. It's a strange mannerism even by her own standards, and one historians often wondered was some kind of revisionist 'honorwashing' of the tyrant by the karsoru for some reason.   Regardless of the truth, dragonkind at large took note of the valorous attitude of the karsoru. Imperium records described them in many flavors ranging from insane to foolhardy, but just as much associated honor and courage to them. The karsoru stood up for themselves, their beliefs, and their friends, even well past the point of anything 'logical'. Unfortunately, it also made them easy targets for the imperial dragons, who loved tormenting their new slaves in all sorts of ways. The karsoru unlucky enough to be captured found all sorts of terrible fates awaiting them, all at the entertainment of their new mistresses. For all her own special regard, Imperious seemingly never bothered nor interfered in this behavior, maintaining her much more typical aloofness ascribed to her in history.   Ultimately, the karsoru's stalwart resolve against evil and protecting their loved ones never broke under the boot of slavery, leading them to be brutalized and killed for their defiance that much quicker. Swathes of their species vanished from imperial territory as the genocide continued. Long after the Imperium would crumble and implode, the majority of karsoru cultures and populations in Lophern, Aerthen, Dorvar, and western Nerzin would be irrevocably extinguished. In a time of harrowing tragedy and never-before-seen carnage of such scale, their abominable end became a galvanizing example to many others. For many long used to the karsoru's larger-than-life presence, their sudden erasure became a chilling hallmark of the Imperium's evil.    

The Great Darkness and the Baarham Dominion

The Imperium's end was hallmarked by the world-thundering explosion of the World Gate. With it came plumes of debris that drowned out the sunlight and cast Veltrona into nigh-eternal darkness. Such times brought even worse hardships upon the many peoples of the world, especially those near what would become the Tyrant's Sea. For the surviving karsoru within imperial territory, it became their final test for survival.   With nearly all their tribes torn asunder, there isn't much to say for collective history of these karsoru during the Great Darkness. What records can be found are always in the context of other species, like their classical allies of humanity. Given the general hardships and strangeness of the Great Darkness on top of everything, and there is simply not a lot of historical certainty as to what happened to the karsoru during these centuries. Those outside of imperial territory, who maintained both population size and tribal units, fared far better and maintained clear historical evidence.   As the skies began to clear, though, those within Aerthen found an even worse evil surging alive: the Baarham Dominion.   Led by their rabidly xenophobic Sorcerer King, Ghown, the baarham sought the creation of an ethnostate which they alone ruled. Their pathological fear of all other peoples defined both policy and mannerism, transforming their government into an machkine of unimaginable cruelty. As the Dominion grew and spread, it preyed upon the weakened civilizations surrounding it, devouring them wholesale. The karsoru of Aerthen, virtually non-existent at this point, had no strength left to resist. Those caught by the Dominion did fight back, as their kind ever had and would, and were known to have died valorously against the baarham's evil encroachment. Many others, however, erred toward survival, and so fled to farther lands. They ultimately settled in the far eastern reaches of Aerthen, normally near or along the Barrier Sea.   Thus, for what could be said of the species during these time periods, there were those upon other continents faring as they ever had, and those struggling in the worst hardships imaginable.    

Beaten, yet Unbroken

With the later downfall of the Dominion, and the return of war in the traditional senses, the karsoru's status quo normalized itself. Those within Aerthen and Lophern, in particular, focused greatly in rebuilding their devastated tribes. Yet, kindness wasn't forgotten, and in this respect many whom their ancestors once helped and sacrificed themselves for came to offer aide. Immortals in particular, like the jiuweihu and even dragons themselves, counted among these helpers. Though the bitterness of such great suffering lingered still, the karsoru weren't a people to linger on such sentiments.   They resolved it through partying or vicious, hate-expunging duels, but all the same, they got past it.   As word of their kin's devastation spread across the world, foreign karsoru tribes sent help of their own. These expeditionary migrants formed unions of new bloodlines with the remnant karsoru, vitalizing their reforming tribes. With them came their own customs and ideas, resulting in the unique blend of cultures of a scale not usually seen. As the devastated tribes reformed, they became cultural melting pots of many different karsoru ideas and ways of life. Hundreds of years of iterative generations, growth, and return to prominence has, thusly, seen the returned karsoru tribes as even more unique one-of-a-kind creatures.   The modern karsoru, as a result, form into two distinctive styles based on who was or wasn't harmed by the Imperium. The existent tribes of farther-located lands, like Immensio and Sa-kemet, maintain unbroken lineages stretching far back in time. Those within the shattered lands of Lophern, Aerthen, Dorvar, and Nerzin, became blended cultures of their own native ways as much as their neighboring kin's. While some scholars ponder about the sanctity of this arrangement—usually from the mouths of purist xenophobes—the karsoru themselves do not mind it. In fact, to them, it speaks of their peoples' strength of character to always keep moving forward. Regardless of the hardships that landed upon their broad backsides, the karsoru do not bend their knees to anyone, or anything.      


Anatomy and Physiology

Karsoru are sexually dimorphic humanoids with a head, torso, two arms with five-fingered hands, and two legs with five-toed feet. The karsoru are defined by their broad physiques, incredible physical strength, and crysium nature, resulting in thick muscle mass and defined figures. Females are much taller and larger than males, have enlarged breasts, widened hips, more overall hair length, spiky and curvaceous crysium growth, and a somewhat softer skin texture due to more body fat. Males are defined by their sharply cut physique and smoother, flowing hair and crysium growth.   Their heads have two eyes, a broad nose, a wide mouth with large lips, and two ears with rounded bottoms but pointed, backward swept tips. Two sets of 'fangs' emerge out of the top and bottom of their mouths, curving sideways as they do so, giving them a 'crescent' shaped bite. Crystalline, crysium-based horns emerge from their skull anywhere from the forehead frontal region to the crown parietal region. In rare cases, horns may emerge from the temporal region. Karsoru either have one, two, or multiple pairs of horns, but one and two are the norm for the species. These horns grow to great lengths, averaging one foot to upwards of three. Their exact pattern and formation structure vary among bloodlines and lineage.   Their torso, arms, and legs coincide with the human form in many ways, having smooth, hairless skin and nearly identical musculature.   The karsoru's crysium nature has dramatic effects on their anatomical structure, greatly distinguishing them from other species. These effects are classified in two broad areas: internal and external.   Internal crysium growth intertwines with the vascular system, spreading to every corner of their body in some manner. While the glow of this crysium mostly doesn't emit through the skin, the vascular connections often do. As karsoru exert more effort on their bodies, the crysium glow intensifies as they utilize more and more mana. This can result from effects like 'glowing skin' to 'pulsating veins' similar to volcanic dragons, and hence led to confusing them for a type of dragon variant in ancient history. In particular, this can result in a colorful luminescent quality to their extremities, faces, and various 'hot' and 'cold' regions of the body. In general, sunlight suppresses or greatly diminishes this luminescence, making it nigh invisible during daytime, but plainly visible in dark areas or during the night. It is considered similar to that seen in bioluminescent fungus, or certain types of ultraviolet / neon reactive makeup.   External crysium growth follows the traditional growth methodology of crysium, being itself a crystalline structure that contains high quantities of mana. While this external crysium usually manifests through a karsoru's horns, it can also do through other locations of the body. The exterior sides of the hands, wrists, elbows, and knees are prominent locations which usually feature some manner of growth that doesn't actively inhibit the karsoru. Another very common form is that of armored 'scales' growing in the cold or exterior regions of their bodies, similar to scale-bearing species like dragons or nuhara. Otherwise, the seeming randomness of crysium emergence on each individual is similar to a kind of 'fingerprint' that ignores ancestry. The karsoru themselves aren't even sure why it does so, but various myths, superstitions, and other beliefs emerged to try explaining the phenomenon and its significance.    


Karsoru skin tones can be any color, but are monochromatic throughout their entire body. One such example is a 'blue' karsoru who, visually, appears entirely blue, and has shades of blue throughout their body, but no other color exists. Their hair and crysium, however, are not intrinsically linked to this monochromatic 'rule'. The crysium itself will take after the dominant type of mana it is made from, such as fiery reds and oranges for fire crysium. The hair, similarly, follows more typical gene-based color expressions, and takes quite readily after the parents.   Their hair, however, is not based on keratin or organic proteins, but rather another expression of crysium itself. These much, much thinner strands maintain a facsimile of inherited color, while the internal structure matches that of their innate crysium nature. This can result in situations where freshly cut karsoru hair 'sparks', 'flutters', 'gushes', etc, as internal mana is released; the exact effect depends on the mana type. Because of the overall thinner, yet paradoxically far stronger and sturdier, fibers, karsoru have notoriously thick, voluminous hair with a softness that is unrivaled on Veltrona. Their nearest comparison may be baarham wool, but the two have extremely different textures.   Karsoru eyes exhibit a uniquely glass-like texture, having vividly colorful irises that possess complex geometry around the pupil itself. In some cases, the pupil itself may have color, and this doesn't seem to impact their eyesight at all. The sclera is typically white or black, but certain hybrids may inherit other colors. In more unusual circumstances, the karsoru may have geometry or structure extending into the sclera itself. Regardless, karsoru eyes are usually considered living works of art unto themselves, and quite beautiful by most standards.   The natural expression of the karsoru is often described as being a sort of 'glower', giving them a strongly imposing appearance. This is less a reflection of personality and more a mixture of cultural habits and natural physiology. To the karsoru, appearing confident is being confident, and appearance is a measure of character, thus terribly important. They are, however, a very expressive species, and their faces animate in all sorts of ways, often to great extremes.    

Natural Abilities

Crysium Physiology – Karsoru are natural crysium-based lifeforms, incorporating and using the unique material as a fundamental part of themselves. Of the many effects this has, their natural connection to mana is virtually seamless, giving them great affinity for it and its potential magical applications.   Mana Symbiosis – The easily ready transfer of mana between the karsoru and their partners engenders a much deeper connection beyond simple intimacy. Metaphysical entwinement begins to occur, with the strengths and weaknesses of the connected parties sharing between them. As a consequence, though, the death of any involved party has much more severe and adverse effects on those they're symbiotically tied with.   Superior Strength – Karsoru are naturally strong as a species, achieving feats of physical might, endurance, and constitution only beaten out by the likes of dragons or ilansu.    


Proficient omnivores, the karsoru eat practically anything that tastes good enough, with only the likes of solid rock being utterly inedible. Their voracious appetites ensure nearly anything they see is on the dinner menu, and they have little concern over the consequences. Their complex digestion methods feed their natural biology as much as their crysium, ensuring nearly every iota of a nutrient is absorbed.   In fact, they have no real concept of excretion except for expunging the most truly inedible or toxic of material. The waste from their biological processes is absorbed into the crysium, where it's broken down and turned into more crysium. Consequentially, the more a karsoru eats, the more crysium they ultimately create. This natural growth is in, many ways, similar to the lauraume and rachtoh, minus the nearly immaculate digestion.   With a profoundly high tolerance for mana-rich foods, the karsoru love hearty red meats, alcohols of all kinds, sugary and crunchy fruits, fish, grains such as rice and wheat, beans, legumes; rather, it'd be more appropriate to list what they don't like than what they do. But, the most important quality of any food they eat is how it's prepared. Karsoru are notoriously picky in that, even if they like all the same ingredients, they'll want to eat them in differing ways. Thus, arrangement, order of consumption, and the rituals thereof are important for them to entertain themselves while they eat. To them, the very process itself is a critical to eating. If it weren't for the fact they love antagonizing the jiuweihu, the two would get on quite well because of these similar sentiments.    

Life Cycle

Karsoru infants are born as grumpy, semi-translucent bundles of crying and angry cuddling. While many species have vulnerability as infants, karsoru are particularly notable in that their newborn's crysium hasn't fully stabilized yet. This means controlling the ambient mana around them is critical for what they're exposed to, as it may trigger their crysium to grow out of control. As this vulnerability can persist for around a year, to this end, special infant-rearing areas, or even forms of technology that help protect said infants are common features in karsoru cultures.   Childhood proper begins once an infant has become fully opaque and the beginnings of their horns start to grow fully. While their diet is a concern, so long as they don't ingest too much excess mana, they'll do reasonably well for themselves. It is around this point they begin developing curiosity and intrigue of the surrounding world, and so begin exploring, playing with, or eating whatever they find. Given the general danger of leaving them to their own devices, karsoru parents or guardians are usually on caretaking duty to watch over them. The main concern at this stage of development is teaching the children some measure of restraint, as they are far stronger than they fully understand.   With age and, hopefully, self-control, children reach adolescence around their 25th birthday. By such a stage, they usually have well-developed interests, if not sophisticated understanding, and a respectable physical and intellectual capability. Many karsoru tribes begin formal education at this point, insofar as traditional occupations are concerned within their respective families, if not a little bit before hand. The exact type of education varies, but karsoru generally do not conform to monotonous academia very well; such forms of education quite literally drive them mad. Apprenticeship is a regular choice as it allows both hands on experience in both the practicals and informal aspects of a given job.   Physical maturation is usually reached somewhere in the 40s for the karsoru, though can take as long as their 50s. At this stage they've nearly (or have) fully developed their bodies, with the notable exception of their horns, which are about half-developed. Another twenty-ish years are necessary for their horns to reach their full, natural maturation point. Karsoru cultures, thusly, have two different 'coming of age' periods: one for general coming of age, and one for becoming a complete adult. The exact details varies, but by the point of fully matured horns, a karsoru is a full adult who can marry, inherit aspects (or the entirety) of the family business, and so on.   For the majority of the next few centuries, karsoru will generally maintain peak performance and their legendary physical prowess. Toward the end of their lifespan, approximately the last quarter of it, they'll begin to experience physical decline, enfeeblement, and other symptoms of declining physiological performance. Notably, their biology continues to operate at a high level unlike other mortal species. Health decline is actually measured more through the behavior of their crysium, which has begun to grow with rampant malignancy. The older a karsoru becomes at this stage, the more the crysium begins to overtake their bodies.   Death usually results from organ failure as the crysium growth fully crystalizes these vital areas. Once the biology has begun cascade failure, the balance between it and crysium rapidly deteriorates. Within a very short amount of time, the crysium will cannibalize the entire body, transforming it into a crystalline statue half-resembling the person they used to be and half-crysium spire. For the karsoru, these crystallized remains are subjects of great reverence, esteem, and familial legacy. Many cultures express different forms of respect, from elaborate above-ground gardens to vast mausoleums hidden away in secluded coves. A type of funerary cannibalism exists where some, or all, of a deceased's crystal remains will be ground down and added to a ritualistic feast. In this respect, they're honored by becoming the strength of their successors.    

Anaxials, Hybrids, and Variants


Karsoru anaxials are notably among those who are very near human-like in their general anatomy. They have a far lower physical malformation rate and generally take after their human parents. Their innate crysium nature is generally less pervasive, but features like their iconic horns and unique crysium growths do remain. That and monochromatic skin are the primary signs of their anaxial nature, otherwise most could pass off for physically strong humans.   One unusual quirk is that the karsoru's physical prominence manifests rather differently in their anaxials. It's completely random if one resembles the larger, bulkier body of their karsoru parent, or if they resemble the general human physique instead. Despite the differing appearances, both forms have the same physical strength potential. This does result in unusual situations of a relatively demure human suddenly displaying superhuman strength that most, at a glance, wouldn't expect as possible.    


Karsoru hybrids generally do not express a lot of their sire's characteristics, except for hair color, horn growth structure, and potentially skin tone. On occasion, there will be those demonstrating more species-specific growths, such as dragon scales, rather than through their own crysium growth. The most notably regular difference is that a karsoru's innate aspected nature change quite readily, such as becoming fire or veltron aspected. It's believed to have a large impact on their temperament, as such karsoru do not necessarily possess the same overbearing extroverted nature as their wind-aspected kindred. They are still, however, karsoru, and so still have a lot of similar mannerisms nonetheless.    


There are no known karsoru variants, though there are arguments the cold-region dwelling ones may deserve identification as such. Their slow but increasing ice-aspected population size suggests a form of genetic drift not seen elsewhere in the species. It would, however, take many thousands of years for such divergence to reach a recognizable point, so it's largely considered a non-issue to the karsoru.      


Cultural Universals

If the idea of two different thunderstorms colliding took on physical form, karsoru would probably be the first thought in everyone's minds. Loud, proud, unbelievably powerful and with the egos to match, there is nothing quiet about what karsoru do. Because of this, they regard one's boldness as a demonstration of character, though not necessarily through sheer loudness. Powerful or elegant choice of language, delivered cleanly and clearly, is as effective as a singular expletive or other ear-ringing choice of phrase. This lends a paradoxical element to their interactions when a particularly soft or quiet karsoru speaks and everyone around them treats their words with mountainous regard. It's a mannerism other species sometimes have trouble grasping or doing themselves, leading to awkward exchanges.   This is doubled by the karsoru's sense of forthrightness. While secrets and private matters are still something they respect, they'll just as much embrace confronting (or verbalizing) their issues. It is a kind of directness that other cultures, like those in Nerzin, struggle with as it boldly smacks their concept of etiquette into the floor. Yet, in other instances, they demonstrate a keen awareness of social sensitivity in certain matters. The constant dance between these two, and their mannerisms in general, keep most people on their toes. When in private or more friendly situations, though, the karsoru's easy going nature reveals itself more readily.    

Lingual Characteristics

The physical structure of the karsoru mouth impacts their lingual characteristics rather prominently. The shape and size of the jaw as well conforms to the large tusks emerging out of their mouth, which in turn impacts things like lip or teeth-based sounds. Because of this, their languages tend to center on projecting sounds that lean onto clear, but specific methodologies. One of the side effects usually occurs when they speak other, non-karsoru languages, and their pronunciation carries a 'lisp'. Some have even called this 'accent' of theirs a hissing tongue, as they can sound quite similar to the nuhara and mussuba. With great practice and refinement, however, karsoru can generally overcome this verbal difference, but other species have trouble pronouncing their languages.    

Arts and Beauty

The great variety of karsoru arts share only one really centralizing characteristic: emotional evocation. As one connoisseur described, "the subject matter is one part of the picture, yes, but it is the feeling—the soul of it, if you will—that truly commands their attention.". In this respect, the more heartfelt and capturing of that emotional range a piece is, the more the karsoru themselves may resonate with it. This has led their artisans to face a rather particularly brutal gauntlet, as karsoru are some of the most honest critics out there, if someone can survive their choice of language.   In broad strokes, their musical landscape heavily features percussive and wind instruments, usually accompanied by other instruments from other species that 'fit well enough'. Their painting ventures favor heavily stylized methods that vary from near-realistic to nigh-indecipherable tapestries of incredible dynamic complexity. In fact, realistic works tend to be entirely of a sensual or erotic nature, as the karsoru find accuracy 'much more important' in such matters.   Sports, as a whole, is the true bread and butter of the karsoru. Physical activity and competition together is practically how most spend their day-to-day activities, if nothing more important needs to happen. The greatest sport of all would be that of wrestling. It's considered to demonstrate a person's character the most, and so many karsoru have proficiency in it. Great debates and many arguments follow any kind of rules or format changes, to the point of several different wars starting because of it. The wise know not to needlessly suggest ideas when the karsoru are arguing over sports. In fact, it can be hard to distinguish between a 'sport' or 'performative art', as the karsoru often conflate both together.   The karsoru notion of beauty carries certain contrivances, closely tied to their concepts of art. They're most concerned with how well a person portrays themself: clothing, posture, expression, etc. The closer to the ideal form of personality they have, the more attractive they become. In a sense, they hate indecisiveness or those obfuscated by nuance and subterfuge. There's great arguments over this, however, as different karsoru value different types of personalities and their associated 'presentation'.    

Magic and Technology

Despite their great abundance of mana and crysium, the karsoru have a strained relationship with magic. It's rather difficult for them to formulate magic as their internal mana is specialized toward its eventual conversion into crysium. The crysium itself is a vital part of their existence, so consuming too much of its mana in turn directly affects their lives. The balance this requires demands great skill and self-control, which put even greater pressure on the development of their magical arts.   Ironically, their most common answer was to seek external sources instead. By utilizing mana within nature, or stored/charged crystals of some manner, they could conduct magic without interfering with their own biology. This method became the foundation for their most common artforms, particularly for beginners or 'everyday usage'. More advanced practitioners, or those needing truly serious amounts of power, delved into utilizing themselves as the source of mana instead.   The karsoru's practicality and insight meant their innovations had a wide-range of applications. Given their close proximity to other species, a lot of cross-proliferation regularly occurred throughout their development history. It's rather difficult to discern what is purely a creation of their own minds and making, and what is something they cooperatively developed or inherited with others. Their infant cradles do stand out as it rather uniquely handles the problems of infancy specific to their species, but other such examples are hard to come by.   Given the karsoru's extreme physical performance, though, their mere existence has had a dramatic impact on many technical fields, such as material sciences, architectural construction, martial arts, etc. Dragons, and similar species, exude a similar pressure, but their general seclusion from common interaction means they've not had a similar impact. Karsoru, on the other hand, are a litmus test unto themselves that many seek to prove their innovations by. Much like in art itself, if one can survive their harsh criticism, their worthiness becomes great indeed.    

Religion and Philosophy

For as long as they have first walked the veltron, the karsoru have been keenly aware of their own nature. Transformative, after a fashion, for all that is consumed by them becomes crysium, the purest of all essences. They struggled to understand this potential, for it made them feel as if they were devourers of all that existed. Some took this idea farther, embracing the concept of devouring existence itself to return all things to its purest form. They warred among themselves as such evil bloomed and they beheld the horrifying consequences of their actions.   From such tragedy came a starker realization of a much different path. As caretakers, curators, and gardeners, they could transform the ill to the healthy, the desolate to the verdant. They, who were strong, had a certain responsibility for that strength and how it affected the world. Thus began their regard for the many spirits, divinities, and heavenlies, who were involved with all the going-ons of life and the universe at large. When their strength alone no longer sufficed for a clear answer, the karsoru painstakingly took in the advice and considerations of others.   Thus, theirs has always been a struggle of personal power to nature's responsibility. The ease of destruction did not beget ease of creation, and the unfair dichotomy between the two ruthlessly punished them again and again. Their understanding of the greater kosmology, deities, and other universal forces came into focus relative to these two primal concepts. Many different paths ensued as the karsoru began exploring which brought virtuous reward and accomplishment, or forsaken evil and vile wrongs. For an proud, individualistic species, these paths and their answers became definitive hallmarks of who they are, and were.    

Science and Spirituality

One might easily come to the wrong ideas of karsoru thoughtfulness given their general mannerism. Indeed, many cultures tend to take a dim view of their intelligence, or at least associate them to things closer to 'dumb brute'. While they may not enjoy rigid academia or the strenuous, monotonous work of scholars, the karsoru aren't slackers in the slightest. They'll find a solution to a problem that works quicker than almost anyone else, and they won't let uncertainty get in their way about it, either.   That said, their manner of approach means things like standardization or records of process are not really considered. A karsoru mistress of the arts can create truly impressive works, but unless hand-taught as one of her disciples, few people (if any) can ever actually reproduce her work exactly. This sort of situation isn't terribly unique, though it usually plagues immortal species because of their generally greater egos. The karsoru's allies, at least, have long learned how to coax such great knowledge out of them in a way it can survive inside scrolls and books for future generations. Such generations usually ending up being inside their newly made family bloodlines, anyway.   Oral traditions, thusly, became the central thread to which karsoru stories, histories, and knowledge alike wove together. Much like the petrakin, the karsoru believe those carrying the history are as important as the history itself. As it is, the performer greatly shapes the impact of the knowledge, translating it through time to relevancy in the here-and-now. Some of the greatest karsoru memes, performances, and rituals are derived from expansive oral traditions carefully demonstrated and passed on throughout the generations.   For a people used to having strength of arm, confidence, and keen intellect to confront their myriad problems, the spiritual would often be a confounding thing. Still, for what it defied in description, intuition and emotion guided in meaning. From the spiritual did the karsoru begin to glimpse the greater universe and all its vastness, changing the course of their species forever. Perhaps, also, as a result of their crysium-based nature, spiritual beings have a certain attraction to them. Or, as the karsoru think, it is their own forthrightness and clarity of self drawing such admiration of themselves.      


Rest and Sleep

The high-strung oscillation of the karsoru lifestyle combines periods of great activity and rest together in an unending series of waves. They find it nearly impossible to sleeping when they're full of energy, and so such energy must be expended in some form. Resting, insofar as lounging, eating, or taking things easy for a moment, are preludes before they really begin 'putting the iron to work'. Some have associated this periodic behavior with a form of mania, though an improper classification as it lacks several associated issued.   The technique, as is often the case, is to follow a sort of energy-expending schedule that coincides with eating, resting, and sleeping. Though, calling it a schedule is a generous concept, it is a rhythm of sorts the karsoru naturally fit within. Its flexibility does make it a little hard for others to keep pace with, let alone the sheer level of exertion the karsoru are used to doing.   It is enough of an issue that meditative practices aren't unusual for the karsoru. Such methods have a variety of uses, and gaining control over their own activity is considered a virtuous quality. As a result, there's something of a great historical difference between ancient and modern karsoru, solely dependent on how widespread these practices were at the time. The much higher, more rampant activity of ancient karsoru is thought to be a result of them simply trying to tire themselves out enough to sleep. Though, that is a difficult view to really validate, it is a common one among their historians. Other species have much different ideas considering they were usually on the receiving end of such activity.    

Consciousness and Thought

Although ranking in the average ranges for sensory and cognitive functions, the karsoru do have a unique relationship with mana itself. Their ability to sense it is far more developed than most others, making it much easier for them to potentially interact with it. This normally revolves around managing their own internal mana, as well as its eventual transformation into crysium within their bodies. However, with practice, longer range sensing becomes possible, and karsoru can even find crysium deposits well-hidden from all others.   The insistent push within the mind is a concept the karsoru all intuitively understand, though it is not well-comprehended to other species. In an abstract way, motion is the important quality: always be doing something from one state to another. It's not quite related to transformation in the same way fire is, though it could be seen as something similar.    

Motivation and Emotion

From the insistent push within, the karsoru are motivated to do something. It provides no aim nor purpose, only a ceaseless direction—sometimes forward, backward, sideways ... it matters not, in the end. No one can argue that any karsoru ever lacks for motivation, but taming that latent energy into something coherent is where many encounter issues. A clear mind brings clear direction, and a fogged mind may be trapped within endless spirals. A mind that labors under constant motion, thusly, brings about constant stress, and so managing that is critical.   In many ways, their broad emotional range and pronounced displays thereof are means by which they manage the insistent push. Through effort and exertion, they expend the roiling energy to achieve a state of calmness, but these alone do not suffice. Through meditation and intense mental training, they tame the push and its constant stress generation. Those who fail to handle this usually resort to the wilder, more destructive emotional outbreaks their species is notorious for undergoing sometimes. Alcohol, thusly, helps massively as it is a strong depressant that smothers the insistent push, and so karsoru always have some on hand nearby. In that sense, alcohol is more a medication they keep than a luxury they indulge in; though they do like really good alcohol on its own merits.    

Sexuality and Love

Often because of the dimorphic extremity in their own species, the karsoru have very differing ideas about sexual relations. In the female and male perspective, with males being smaller (and ostensibly weaker), they have to be treated with a different standard of care. Or, at the least, the male is seen as having to dictate the pace of the relationship because they aren't as naturally strong. The navigation of this thereof tends to make homosexual relations a much more regular thing as one's own sex is identical in performance, so there's no dichotomous problems. Though, ultimately, this usually falls into the normal purview of bisexuality with more incidental crossing over rather than exclusivity, per say.   Let it be known, all the same, that the karsoru move heaven and veltron for their loves, friends, and families. For a species already supercharged with motivation, anything their closest of relations needs pushes them over the edge. Worse, to wrong such people is to awaken a rage-filled mountain that knows little restraint and less mercy. The core root of all karsoru conflicts can, in large part, be attributed to two things: sports, love, and sometimes both at once. In this respect, their concept of loyalty is truly absurd, and a standard of measure to which many others aspire toward (or, at least, hold in reverence).   Such behavior further intertwines with their own symbiotic nature. To the karsoru, the highest bond to share with another is that of crysium itself. It is a method by which one's very own essence, in many types and ways, is shared with another, combining strengths and weaknesses alike. Arguably a form of instinctual magic of its own variety, the natural result is that of the involved becoming more than the sum of their parts. The exact process isn't well understood, though it tends to align with many existing forms of symbiotic behavior, such as 'physiological synchronization'. Scholars think the karsoru, either by evolution or otherwise, adapted greatly toward this phenomena, hence giving their incredible symbiosis.      


Social Mannerisms

If there is one thing the karsoru are generally good at doing, it is modulating their energy for the moment. A behavior much more learned than anything else, they'll match the vibes of a given situation, but their readiness to escalate instantly means that's often a tenuous proposition. Some might save having too much backbone can be as bad as not having any, and the karsoru's willingness to throw down on the spot is a testament to that. Insults, underhanded slights, precarious proclamations, delusions of grandeur; it matters not, for if a karsoru hears one and feels up to the fight, there's going to be one.   Among their own people, their great strength and general durability means such confrontations lead to impromptu brawls. Strength, and the expression thereof, is a way of demonstrating character, after all. It is a kind of engagement superficially similar to dragons, lacking only the innate conveyance their species does that enables it as 'communication'. In the karsoru mindset, it is more about proving who is correct or who is wrong. This does run into problems where other species are concerned, who may very distinctly not have the raw strength needed to survive that kind of treatment. Some karsoru may try to do so anyway, but others find more inventive solutions where possible.   Otherwise, it's quite sound to count on the karsoru's sense of honesty. They don't mince words, and their desire to be reliable makes them rather trustworthy (at least on certain things). If one can live up to, or at least withstand, their loud and prominent mannerisms, they're some of the most reliable people on Veltrona. It is something that a lot of species, usually having to learn social machinations and maneuvering, sometimes struggle to grasp. It doesn't help the karsoru themselves like to mess with people who don't know better.    


Traditionally matriarchal, women are considered the pillars of a given family and society at large. While a lot stricter in more ancient history, modern innovations, changing circumstances, and sheer demand for workforce saw men entering positions of esteem and responsibility as well. Most modern karsoru tribes and civilizations utilize a mixed approach, appearing fairly egalitarian on the surface. While women are still considered the default for much, especially inheritance and succession, it's not uncommon for particularly worthy men to be in such positions, either. Sports remain a unique exception to this, where the performance of men on the field of play was as much athletic ability as a form of courtship display. Some are even specifically co-ed in an elaborate, ritualized form of dating that allows karsoru to better suss out potential partners. Something that regularly leads to confusion in other cultures where co-ed sports are not actually for dating.   As a result, it wasn't uncommon for karsoru men, particularly second and third sons or onward, to migrate out of their home tribe for exogamy. While other tribes were a possible destination, karsoru men more often built homes with other species and their civilizations. Their (relatively) great strength, honest character, and unshakeable personalities made them popular. Most scholars consider this the likely angle to which the first interspecies relations of the karsoru and others began. As the men made these connections, the women invariably followed, and so the rest is history.    

Kinship and Ethnicities

Skintone was one of the primary methods of identifying a karsoru by tribe, or at least homeland or ancestral region. In ancient times, this sufficed as the populations were both small and relatively independent enough that crossover skintones from mixed parents wasn't a regular issue. As population increased and came into more frequent contact, however, it became an increasingly unreliable method. The karsoru tribes leaned much more heavily into their unique symbols, clothing methodologies, and dialects at around such a time. While skintone remains a 'traditional' method of identification, its usage as a form of discrimination earned it great scorn and disapproval.   The principle method of ethnic identification usually resulted from both dialect and principle choice of sport. This coincided with most tribes resolving their conflicts through elaborate competitions, so certain tribes began favoring certain sports in specific. A notion that did result in conflict with other species, especially those who either didn't carry favorites or practiced those that a tribe considered 'opposing'.    

Governments and Politics

Karsoru tribes generally functional democratically, either in direct or representative forms. However, since leadership of such a scale is considered tiresome or tedious, it's usually left to the older or more experienced karsoru who have the patience for such a thing. This results in a fairly consistent division brought on by age, especially as modern times have engendered faster change than most of history usually sees. A tribe's political landscape is constantly tugged in one direction or another by the younger and older generations.   Particularly renowned karsoru tend to command much more attention, especially if they're respected in a given field. As such respect is earned in a very literal and direct manner, it can be unshakeable bedrock upon which future leaders are chosen by. It does, however, cause problems when a renowned karsoru not part of tribal leadership ends up throwing their weight around. Either the tribe itself has to accommodate them quickly or some sort of hierarchical beat down ensues to maintain order. In this way, a tribe continually maintains a fit and capable leadership, or rapidly replaces those who can't maintain the strength to lead still.    

Trade and Economics

Given their usually close proximity to other species, the karsoru tend to be deeply embedded in their economic and political situations. Of the economic ones, the karsoru's great demands for great food, entertainment, and leisure ruthlessly drives such sectors. On the other hand, their powerful physiques make them incredible workers for menial labor, like farming, mining, and logging. The more skilled among them take to metalsmithing, forging, and carpentry, building and creating with ease. As such, there is a great desire for them in those areas, but paying their wages can bankrupt the unprepared.   That said, their sheer scale of work, and respectable quality thereof, has helped literally build entire cities from nothing. It isn't uncommon for the karsoru to earn higher social standing as a result. Unfortunately, their unbending forthrightness makes them either great allies or terrible enemies in the complex geopolitical quagmire of nation states. Many otherwise peaceful and stable cities have been torn asunder by them confronting a profound yet hidden evil or wrongdoing they learned about.    

Interspecies Relations

Love or hate them, everyone has an opinion about the karsoru, and they're always colorfully charged. No one alive can call them a boring people, but the constant turbulence brought on by their desires always rocks the proverbial boat in some form. Dragons find them irritating because karsoru love testing their own physical might against such beings. Baarham find them too uncompromising and simple-minded, while the karsoru see their machinations as insanely shortsighted. The jiuweihu often feel dragged into doing all sorts of nonsense without regard for consequences and the karsoru laugh at their hobby of staring at paper all the time. Humans, spirited as they are, get on well with the karsoru, though often lack the same physical might to live at the intensities they do.   The rachtoh themselves are a curious relationship. Like the karsoru, they have a history of being exploited for their body's natural materials, and so greatly resent such things. And, much greater than the karsoru themselves, they're intensely social beings who love doing things with each other. Their friendship, unlikely as it was, came from a mutual sense of hardship and respect of kinship. Some scholars consider this relationship a definitive one that taught the karsoru the meaning of restraint and consideration. The rachtoh, physically limited as a species, could never match the raw strength of the karsoru, which deeply confounded them and forced a reconsideration of their own views.      

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  • Tailao, Honorary of the Mourning Blade

    Design Notes


    Species conceptual portrait goes here.    
    Conceptual Inspiration
    Saurians, Oni, Yaoguai   Average Lifespan
    500~ years   Average Height
    6'10ft / 208cm   Average Weight
    450lbs / 204kg   Aspected Nature
    Wind   Day/Night Behavior
    Diurnal   Place of Origin
    Considered to be either Lophern or Nerzin   Preferred Biome
    Hilly or mountainous regions with hot and cold seasons and accompanying forests   Geographic Distribution


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