
Basic Information


A physically imposing humanoid species principally close to humans in overall physique, with some distinct differences. It is reasonable to say they have the normal head, two arms, torso, and legs. They distinctly have two sets of enlarged fangs, one at the top and bottom of the mouth. These fangs grow outside of their mouths into hooked curves, giving them a fierce look even when resting.   Karsoru always have horns growing from their heads, be it from the forehead, temples, middle, or back of the head. These horns can vary between one and four, though more unusual specimens might have more. These horns are of a crystalline nature, rather than animal keratin. Overall, they tend to be homogeneous in appearance, but impurities in the crystals can appear, affecting both color and refraction. The shape and size of these horns can vary, with size having more room and shapes generally being constrained.   The species is sexually dimorphic, in the sense females have wider hips and enlarged breasts. Males can grow facial hair into lengthy beards or mustaches, though the species as a whole has no body hair below the head, period. However, there is little distinction beyond that–karsoru are so homogeneous in their incredible physiques it's more a matter of the individual than any species' norm. Traditionally 'feminine' and 'masculine' traits blend together in the extreme.   Their head hair can grow wildly in texture, complexion, length, and size.   In terms of colors, the skin of the karsoru are always in the reds or blues of the spectrum. In rare situations, similar to albinism, they can appear in the yellow/gold spectrum. The severity, intensity, opacity, and so forth, of their skin can vary greatly. Their eyes have black sclera, but the iris can be any color, often with gem or jewel-like qualities to it. Their hair can chiefly be any color as well, but tends to fall in a single-color, such as being all black, all white, pink, purple, and so forth.

Biological Traits

Superior Physique – Karsoru have ridiculous strength, stamina, and overall endurance, seemingly acting like straight upgrades to humanity outright. This isn't to the point of letting them naturally compete with dragons and other apex species, however.   Symbiosis – They can form intricate mana connections with their partners, effectively sharing mana and magical power. To a lesser extent, this also shares physical vitality between partners as well. One must consume the karsoru's blood or mana to begin this process, and bond partners will exhibit physical changes similar to that of the karsoru.   Specialized Magic – Karsoru have great internal mana, but few ways of expressing it. Their magical arts tend to be simplistic but powerful, with intricate techniques as seen in humanity or the jiuweihu being physically impossible.     Their crystalline horns/growths are capable of sending tactile sensation, though not any kind knowable to skin nerves.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hybrids of this species are less physically supreme, overall smaller, have less pronounced horns and fangs. In many ways it is easy to confuse them for differently colored humans than karsoru in proper.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Karsoru look for compatibility in their would be bond-partner(s). The very foundation of their relationships relies upon having a close, working synergy between persons. For other species, this can be seen as a 'best friends' or near-analogue, which means the karsoru do not actively date casually. Because of this innate close proximity/similarity they desire, lifestyles tend to also follow similar paths. It isn't unheard of for polar opposites to come together, though, and it is a romanticized idea in karsoru cultures.   Nonetheless, where these ideals cannot be realized, karsoru suffice for 'good working relationships'. This is especially notable as much of their marriages tend to be arranged in some manner, though this is severely changing in the last few centuries. In such a sense, karsoru are reliable in performing their expected duties.   Given their reluctance toward casual dating, they tend to view sex in a more athletic 'meeting, greeting, letting off steam' manner. A sore point arises when this behavior meets foreign species, as not all can regard non-bonded sex so casually. In many ways this has fueled rumors and myths about the perverse voracity of the karsoru and their fickle tastes, when it is an innate misunderstanding of values to begin with.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

With a larger-than-life view of the world and a 'go getter' attitude, few things keep the karsoru down. Their great need for interaction, entertainment, or simple indulgence, brings them into contact with many other species on the regular. As such, they can seem quite intimidating, and indeed do play up to this often, especially with people they don't like.   Being at the stronger end of the spectrum, karsoru are used to getting their way, or having to fight to do so. In a way not dissimilar to the muurun, they view fighting as an exchange of values and positions. Killing or crippling are most severe decisions reserved for actual enemies and problems. It is thus somewhat oxymoronic to them when they encounter those who do not want to fight, but it is by no means insurmountable.   While it varies how much they might care for others, karsoru are intensely loyal to those close to them. Their bond-partners, above all others, are first in their minds, and any offense or problem on their part is one on the karsoru's part as well. This has and can provoke extreme reactions, especially when others inadvertently stir up trouble among bond-groups.


Chiefly dwelling in the lands of Nerzin, the karsoru are a species steeped in folklore and legend. Whether as the valiant, if roguish heroines, or the rancorous evil doers, tales abound about them and their fantastical accomplishments. Primarily seen through the eyes of their wandering warriors and artisans, the karsoru have long been an amiable species alongside humanity. It is notable in itself that, unlike many other monster species, the karsoru engage humanity in a way humans see as human-like, letting the two of them become comfortably familiar. While they have never stepped onto the world stage properly, the karsoru have carved out their own niche quite comfortably.   Much of the early karsoru clan-families arose in Nerzin before humanity, or so the old folklore goes. Gazing upon these strangely pale and dark skinned beings, they did battle, and found themselves at equal odds. The karsoru, thusly, welcomed humanity into Nerzin with laughter and liquor, and the two have been neighbors since. Much to the surprise of the karsoru, humanity has not only taken to Nerzin, but adapted and evolved by leaps and bounds.   The more traditional clan-families have despised this, as their natural dominance feels threatened by such. Much of Nerzin's early internal wars were fueled by these belligerent clan-families, who were thus destroyed or crippled beyond recognition in a few centuries. The arrival of the Imperium in this age did not help matters, and all of Nerzin fell under its exploitative practices. Overseen by their ryujin overladies, the karsoru saw themselves taken from Nerzin en-masse, and spread across the Imperium as slave-soldiers. Their intimately sacred bonding symbiosis was used against them in this regard, a dark mark on their otherwise proud history. Many of these karsoru died, either in service or suicide, and so no foothold for the species was ever established elsewhere.   At the fall of the Imperium, the karsoru went into isolation. For many centuries, memory of them had all but faded away, save for the savvy ryujin who kept an eye on them. Forced by necessity to end their isolation, they found themselves strangers in their own homeland. Humanity no longer remembered them except in legend, and the karsoru had become guarded and careful. Other monster species had also come to Nerzin, or found new lease there, and the lands became lively with newfound possibilities.   From their isolation, the karsoru brought with them deep introspection and philosophies. It is to them that the pseudo-religion of harmony is supposed to have come from. Seeking a sense of balance between one's self, one's bond partners, and nature, the karsoru philosophy has deeply impacted much of Nerzin's populations. While it has since mutated, as many species do not rely on each other or Nerzin like the karsoru, it has inadvertently shaped much of Nerzin.   These days, the karsoru are slowly expanding outward, intermingling with new species and cultures. They remain ever so weary of another grand power like the Imperium, and see Nerzin's internal conflicts as a source of concern. Unlike before, however, the clan-families have vowed to fight to the death should any other seek dominion over them. In turn, the karsoru have become a sleeping beast, and no one is eager to rouse it.
Scientific Name
Earth Origin


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