Mussuba (mu-ssuu-bah)


A variant of the nuhara, the two-armed mussuba are a puzzling predicament in their ancestral lineage. Originally they were considered a distinct species due to significant differences from the nuhara. But, archaeological and scholarly study of their history revealed the same hallmarks of a progenitor culture like the nuhara. The direct implication, and generally accepted evidence, is that the mussuba are from the same root civilization as the nuhara themselves.   The exact prior relationship they had, however, remains a mystery. Some have proposed a sort of speciest-class divide, with one being the ruler, and the other, servile. Some different pondering went toward a more literal 'magical and physical' divide, as the mussuba have far more magical talent than the nuhara. There's also something to be said about their choice of climates: mussuba prefer humid and wet environments, like Etzli Cuauhtla, over desert/arid regions like Dorvar.   Strangely, a distinct divergence did arise. While they acknowledged some ancestral head goddess, the mussuba had nothing resembling a directive or guardianship as the nuhara did. That fact along proved difficult to discern, as many mussuba live alongside nuhara when the opportunity arises. Ergo, if they did at one point have a distinct mission, it became lost. A not too difficult feat considering the vague sense of time and history involved.   Ultimately, the mussuba went down their own path of development, one that saw them at odds with many others. Their unique magical arts, exotic venom, and esoteric knowledge made them targets for greedy individuals. Given their particular cultural ways, and how easily misconstrued they can be, it proved a disastrous recipe for the mussuba.   Much of their recorded histories involved struggles and wars to defend themselves from exploitation and slavery. Their budding civilizations were forced into outlandish and wild regions, places no others would willfully bother with. The mussuba cared little for such difficulties, and bore a deep resentment toward the many who ostracized them. Though they weren't without allies, such peoples could be counted on one hand at best.   Those in Etzli Cuauhtla formulated the Dresxi Enclaves, while others formed reclusive cities within the likes of Honokom, Lophern, Aerthen, and Nerzin. Their reclusiveness engendered an almost mythical aura around them, though one that frequently painted them as evil spirits or types of Forsaken.   Such deep-seated mistrust festered for generations, and so the mussuba didn't readily look to the outside world much at all. Still, they refused becoming cold hearted or cruel, for such wasn't readily in their nature. They would, in their own ways, reach out, explore, and live amongst others who held little regard for them.   In a rare reversal of fortune, the Great Darkness became a defining point in their history. Their reclusive living and well-fortified cities made for, essentially, excellent survival bunkers. The mussuba opened their doors, and took in who they could. Though such harsh times demanded hard answers of its peoples, countless lives were ultimately saved by the mussuba. When the skies cleared and the survivors left to build their homes once more, the mussuba were invited along with.   So it seemed, much of their ill-gotten reputation cleared away just as much.   Though most mussuba initially stayed within their territories, the open invitations attracted many of them out. In time, they too became embroiled within the politica of their lands. By their nature, the mussuba didn't readily create conquering civilizations like others. They were quite fine to keep to their territories, or to live among friends instead. It has made them appear historically somewhat insignificant as a result.   Those who more studiously observe the mussuba do tend to notice their far reaching influence. They've ever been keen to capitalize on trade, political mediation, and all the services of a 'trusted but neutral' third party in numerous affairs. Knowledge and wealth alike are something they hold a grip on, guiding it like many rivers through their cities. It can be quite the precarious balancing act, but one the mussuba have turned into an art form.   There are those, of course, closer to the nuhara way of things than that of others. The Dresxi Enclaves of Etzli Cuauhtla embody the ferocity of the nuhara the most. Fighting against all the dangers of their bloody homeland, the mussuba are steadfast warriors. For them, the defense of their homes, and that of people, is the most worthy of purposes to commit toward. A brutal, and daunting task when faced against the Relentless Herds and Packs.

Basic Information


The mussuba inherit much from their nuhara lineage, but with the following differences:   The 'snake hood' has completely disappeared, and their faces are entirely human-like with minor, but artistic and symmetrical snake scales growing on the harder areas. They also only have one pair of arms.   Mussuba scales are even finer and smoother than nuhara ones, seamlessly interweaving like a mistress artist's painting. Some have even postulated they have shermadi blood of a kind as a result. Of all scale-bearing species, mussuba scales offer the least protection, making them unusually fragile when compared to the nuhara. Although, against the likes of humanity, they still have respectable physical strength and durability.   Their internal flesh, such as the inside of their mouth, is a pale sea green and black color, rather than a pinkish-red is in most other species.   Mussuba sexual dimorphism lends females and males to have 'opposing' skin and scale patterns. It's something that is rather difficult to distinguish in practice, as each family tends to have its own pattern variations. This means multiple siblings and their parents have a visual similarity, and so familial relations can be visually identified easier. But, without the knowledge of that family relation, it's effectively moot.   Mussuba skin coloration favor pale blues, ashen, and glossy blacks, and their scales are universally some sort of dark color with an iridescent sheen overlaid on top. Of the two, their scales have the most variety of colors, easily changing from generation-to-generation, but the root nature tends to always be the same. For example, darker red or obsidian scales with a certain luster beneath their colorful sheen. As a result, they're largely considered a universally beautiful or exotic looking species.

Biological Traits

In addition to all the attributes they inherit from the nuhara, mussuba have the following differences:   Mana Wellspring – Mussuba naturally generate increasingly larger amounts of mana, to the point it can be self-endangering if it is not processed or expelled in some form. It is markedly different from the vampyr, who require blood to act as a catalyst in order to process their own natural mana. The mussuba, by comparison, are like self-filling chalices that eventually break if they do not handle all the mana surging within them.   Heartfire Venom – A supercharged, mana-dense venom that functions as the primary means of expelling excess mana for mussuba. Its exact mixture is quite bizarre, and reproduces many effects similar to aphrodisiacs when injected. Those who cannot handle the sudden, massive influx of invading mana may rapidly experience lethal effects of varying kinds (internal melting, calcification, sudden organ explosion, etc). It is something often processed into Heartfire Potions, for better or worse.   Purifying Saliva – The saliva of mussuba is unusually powerful in its cleansing, achieving anti-bacteria, anti-septic, and other purifying effects. It, alongside the venom, are powerful alchemical ingredients.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

The mussuba are, much more than other species, rather intimate in their mannerisms. They think very little of close physical contact, and much of their social cues are heavily based on interpersonal standing. This results in dramatically different responses depending on the existent relationship. If say, there is a human tradition for shaking hands, most mussuba instead prefer some manner of bowing, or clasping their own hands in symbolic greeting. To directly shake hands carries a lot of connotations, particularly for mages or other people who utilize their arts in magical arts.   The only time mussuba are really 'distant' is when those involved are more 'unknown' or 'dangerous'. When it comes to friends, family, or those they fancy, they much rather be close and touching in some manner: shoulder-to-shoulder, playfully poking/squeezing, brushing their tails together, etc. How these are done, and in what manner, are keystone clues toward the relationship's nature among the mussuba. It can be said that rather than use words, they use actions to convey themselves.   While these ideas are perhaps easy to read, understanding them in motion is incredibly tricky. Mussuba cultural ticks change from region to region, and deciphering the specific, individual mannerisms of each mussuba alongside that is a daunting challenge. It is not something that is easily picked up, and more often than not, the mussuba themselves have to teach their different and unique meanings to those unaware.   Hence, even knowing the meanings can be, itself, quite meaningful.   For the mussuba, those they know are among the most important and treasured things in the world. They'll move heaven and veltron if need be, well past the point of restraint or rationality. Their overprotectiveness in this regard is somewhat legendary, and one of the compounding reasons for their ill-gotten reputation. To those who know, however, it is a cherished thing to be given.   It is their romantic partners who have the privilege of being at the top of this, though. The happiness, safety, and contentment of their partners is a very real, tangible thing to the mussuba. From the physical intimacy of sharing their mana-rich venom, to the deep connections they build, such relationships can form the entire metaphorical world of the mussuba. It is why, of all the different and varied mussuba cultures, anything involving loved ones is treated with an almost sacred reverence.   Those who would trample or harm this would only bring a downfall of wrath upon them, something almost any other mussuba would not begrudge. It is something that, ironically, lets them get on quite well with the baarham, a people with their own particular, and extreme, dispositions.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The foundations of many mussuba cultures is that of magic itself, and their intimate relationship thereof. For the mussuba, their ever-surging mana demands much in how it is answered. It is often not as simple as 'use magic until the excess mana is dealt with'. Differing types of mana can arise, as well in different densities, how they actually gather, how the body attempts to handle them, etc. In a way, the mussuba can also be called a 'prismatic' people due to the wild and varying different amounts of mana coursing through them.   The one sure-fire way that is universal among their species is their venom. Their body processes–to the best of its ability–their excess mana into their venom. Hence, regularly expelling their venom is the most stable method by which they handle this problem. As a consequence, many different innovations based upon their Heartfire Venom form a magical and technological keystone in their civilizations.   With such resources available to them, the mussuba practice virtually every kind of magic known. For most, it is an additional means by which they handle their mana, but it is also capitalizing on their natural strengths. Magic comes so naturally to them that they have little issue in crafting elaborate arts, or executing fantastically costly forms thereof. It's something that has vastly aided them in their struggles to survive, and built a foundation of prosperity most others can only eye enviously.   A fact that often has caused them no end of trouble throughout history.   The prosperous plenitude of their physiology has ever made them targets for exploitation by others. Whether it is for their venom, their saliva, enslavement as magical servants, or otherwise, the mussuba have ever been on the bad end of such stories. In turn, they became insular and guarded, bristling with danger and death at the approach of craven outsiders. While they've positioned themselves quite well in the modern times, this ancestral history is deeply ingrained within them. Mussuba do not trust those outside their worlds very easily, if ever at all.   Something that can be quite contrary to their otherwise intimate and caring mannerisms. Mussuba are constantly checking over one another for signs of stress, manaesia, or other complications that result from their daily lives. They think little of personal space among friends, and share many gestures other species consider far too expressive to do so casually. In many ways, they're an empathic species and see little of boundaries; though what ones do exist are, essentially, ironclad in their respect for them.   Perhaps surprisingly to many, their cultural arts are the second and often most sophisticated thing mussuba pride themselves on. Combining magical arts with cultural ones produces the utmost dazzling dances, theater performances, storytelling, book weaving, and so much more. Such things are tangible expressions of themselves in the world, and a way of providing everlasting comfort, experience, and history to all. Whether these be the world-shaping tales told to youngsters, the heroic epics of many a heroine, the titillating and sensual experience of the erotic, or even straightforward education and learning, the mussuba are incredible artisans.   Pride and honor go hand in hand as a result, and for many, the value of one's public face is the value of their life. It can, and often has, led to violent outbursts of all kinds when one or the other has been infringed upon. All the moreso when one's loved ones or friends are the besmirched. The mussuba will come out in droves to answer the offense, a protective overreaction not unlike the rachtoh's.   A comparison that is often seen as quite fitting: the further one delves into the worlds of the mussuba, the ever more entangled they become in their affairs. A spider web made of snakes instead of silk, and something that becomes even more terrifying when the rachtoh and mussuba live together. Woe be to those who earn their ire, entire nations may move at a moment's notice if the offense is great enough.
Nagas, snake people, brazilian mussurana
Genetic Ancestor(s)
200~ years
Average Height
6-8ft / 182-243cm
Average Weight
300lb / 136kg


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