Omnis, the Living Nation


In the time of the Second Dawn, among the worlds many powers loomed an imposing civilization. Calling themselves the Democratic Union of the Plains, they stretched across Immensio, reaching into Nemma, Lophern, Sa-kemet, and even Jerhegn. Establishing such a successful people that they became a veritable beacon to all, the Democratic Union flourished. With such glory, one individual bore an ambitious dream that shattered normalcy.   To reach beyond mortality, and to grasp ahold of true divinity, she proposed a new truth. Tolka's words spread far, undermining religions and philosophies alike as a great wildfire. For, as was clear beyond doubt, Tolka saw past their goddesses themselves, and peered upon beings who transcended imagination. Beings who had toyed with their world, changed it, and threatened their existence.   If they were to survive, they would have to breach into realms of divinity hence unknown. No end of criticisms and fear surrounded her, but such was Tolka's charismatic prowess that millions flocked to her vision. The schism widened, and the ruling powers feared Tolka. A tiny spark ignited a full blown civil war, one that burned Immensio from north to south.   Despite its intensity, the war itself proved brief, for Tolka's ambition far outstripped the loftiness of her opponents. Those who remained either fled or joined, but her grip across the plains solidified all the same. Unfettered by politics or mundane concern, Tolka delved into magic and technology alike.   Her bizarre and alien innovations eventually drew the attention of a lindwurm named Orix. The two got on well, pushing the boundaries of science and arcana until Tolka unveiled the pinnacle of her vision. An immortal vessel that could contain countless souls, uniting them into a collective power beyond the goddesses. A breakthrough in all respects; the next frontier.   Tolka never expected Orix's betrayal. In the hour at hand, Orix tampered with the vessel, turning it into an immovable prison. Millions flocked at Tolka's bidding, sacrificing their mortal bodies and joining in eternal union. Tolka could do nothing but watch in horror from the inside as her faithful fell into the trap. By the end of it all, a humming sphere floated in the unification chamber, the grand doors grinding to a shut as Orix sealed it away deep into the veltron.   It wouldn't be until unfathomable thousands of years later that Khaaestra zahd Machkin dug up the immortal vessel. Although she couldn't fully unshackle the it, she cracked the seal, and built for it a framework body of stone and metal. What awoke then was not Tolka as she had existed, nor her followers, but something entirely different. They hadn't surrendered to despair at their fate; they innovated from within. An entire civilization born and shaped inside their immortal vessel. From their many wills birthed a new being, a collective consciousness that thought with their thoughts, and spoke with their voices.   And so they called it Omnis.   Skittering across the lands, it moves with a purpose given to it. To break the seal upon it and realize the true power Tolka envisioned. As it did, Omnis grew with desire of its own, something echoed into the souls comprising it. Curiosity, and a desire to understand the world, itself, and life. For Omnis perceived those in suffering as needing help; those in anguish as needing saving. All things were to be ordered as Tolka desired, to be uplifted to greatness beyond anything ever known.   No amount of trouble found its way to Omnis, but so too did unexpected kindnesses. It risked capture by the Aerthen Imperial Federation, it braved the Forsaken to save otherwise doomed villages, others gave to it precious metals for self-repair, and more still spoke of tales and knowledge that captivated the imagination. Its peoples despaired at the state of the world, ruined beyond almost any recognition.   But still they are hopeful, for they once again have a beginning to start from. No matter what impedes them, through Omnis the collective will of their nation is enacted. Their greatest of minds turn toward planning their revival; their resolute ones compel action despite the threats they face. The reverent speak to those who listen, emboldening a new generation of faithful. The rest remain, the great masses of the many toiling in their noble deed. Above them all slumbers Tolka, a single soul in an endless sea of many more, her dreams the light by which they live.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Omnis' body is defined by two major components: the inner immortal vessel, and the outer framework supporting it. The vessel is a spherical orb, a composite of various white, blue, and green gemstones and some metals. It has a sort of bismuth-like shimmer around its edges and the minor imperfections present, giving it an eerie feeling to look upon. The framework itself is a black and red metallic frame, sharply angular and arachnid-like with eight legs and a reservoir abdomen for liquid mana. It can be seen as a rather polarizing figure, emphasizing two radically different design concerns.

Body Features

Being built upon arachnid physiology by Khaaestra, Omnis moves with a skitter and principally interacts with the world through its two front legs. A fair number of people who observe this are usually quite freaked out about it.

Identifying Characteristics

A distinguishing feature is Omnis' 'eye', an upside down dark olive triangle with a central circular cut of a sapphire-adjacent gem. It shimmers with pure mana, giving Omnis an ethereal gaze or at least the illusion of one. Otherwise, well, the entirety of its being is rather unique in all of Veltrona.

Special abilities

Gestalt Consciousness -- A mind born from millions more in unison, Omnis possesses unfathomable mental capacity.   Immortal Body -- The spherical vessel that is the real Omnis is nearly indestructible, and is truly ageless from the effects of time. The framework, not so much.   Imprisoned Power -- Orix's seal upon Omnis vastly limits its magical prowess, rendering it from nearly goddess-like to merely world-class variety instead.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Genderless, but may be referred to as Female.



Intellectual Characteristics

Naturally curious and highly sophisticated, it can be hard distinguishing which part is Omnis and which is the people within it. At times it thinks and acts as a singular whole, in others the component parts are that much more visible. To those on the outside it is an almost impossible task unless Omnis itself goes out of its way to make the indication. In this respect one might say its behavior can be somewhat 'random', as pressing needs may change who is in charge at any given moment.   However the undercurrent of methodical planning, execution, and purpose is ever present. This is more Omnis than anything else, the unifying element that keeps so many souls in functional harmony. Desiring better and better understanding of its self, its purpose, and how best to 'live', it absorbs information of all kinds like a sponge. In turn disseminated throughout the entirety of its people, they teach Omnis the meaning of what is what, and so it continues to grow.

Morality & Philosophy

Fulfilling the role of caretaker, it has an overriding notion of compassion, empathy, and no small amount of justice. While time has displaced its values, the fundamentals are indeed universal. To this end Omnis believes acquiring more followers, assuming control over their lives, and providing order is the natural justice it should pursue. What it struggles to reconcile is those who reject its offerings, for what ever reasons they may have.   This has come to represent the grand moral dilemma in Omnis' mind. To save others, to uplift them, and to provide orderly living they must consent to it. But those who do not will suffer, degrade, and fall to ruin. They are only mortal, and many of them are not as well versed as the Democratic Union had once been. Should, then, it force upon them Tolka's vision and its caretaking? Is a small amount of discontent worth the price of saving and enrichening their lives?   There are those who would turn away from these ones, ascribing "they have made their choice". For Omnis, whose vast mind and completely different sense of ethics and morals, it is an impossibility that is hard to ignore. It is compelled, in some way, to help them, regardless if the most obvious method will not be accepted.

Personality Characteristics


Omnis' singular goal is the fulfillment of Tolka's vision--the ascendancy of her nation and all their people to a realm beyond the divine. To do so, however, requires literally larger-than-life efforts and the road ahead is a long one. What form this will ultimately take is unknown, even to Omnis, but it can claim with certainty that such a daunting mission is within its reach. Within such, Omnis strives to define its own existence and purpose, trying to fit into a grand design too much even for its own mind to comprehend yet.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Omnis is, with no embellishment, an entire nation of millions contained within a single vessel. The vast complexity of its mind and vessel is an unbound field of active intelligence and design, the complexity of which Veltrona has never seen before.
More than 5,000 Years
Circumstances of Birth
The convergence of many consciousness in a shared space creating a new gestalt mind.


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