

With a mixture of mediterranean, steppe, and alpine climates, Nemma has a fairly sharp degree of geological diversity. Given its relation with the Tempest Seas to the west, a lot of its rainfall typically ends up on the eastern side of the continent. Once weather starts migrating west, the storms in the Tempest Seas quickly suck it away, leaving that side of Nemma rather dry. As such, the peoples of Nemma tend have starkly different histories, depending on which side they called home. Nomads dominate the mountainous and steppe regions, while fixed civilizations cultivate farmland on the rain-drenched side. The easterners also have the benefit of more stable seas and oceans, providing ample fishing opportunities.   With a narrow land connection to Immensio, the two continents have a somewhat shared history together. More recently, however, formulating powers have sought to create a great wall, separating the two and controlling Nemma more securely. Considering how much pushback there is against their ambitions, it is a contentious issue to put it lightly.


With a skyward reaching mountain at the heart of the continent, much of the life and weather revolves around it. The eastern side benefits from heavy rainfall and stable seas, mostly rolling hills and few disturbances. The western side takes on a drier, steppe-like climate, ideal for roaming wildlife. A number of fresh water rivers course down from the central mountains, replenished with snowfall every year. As such, a surprising variety of lakes can be found on both sides, though the eastern's tend to overflow when it rains.

Fauna & Flora

With much of the same life found in Immensio, those who live principally in Nemma tend to adapt to the weather differences of its two sides. The prominence of its central mountains is notable, as a number of unique creatures dwell there not otherwise found elsewhere in the continent. Some have often attributed Nemma as the homelands of the trock, but given its ubiquity across the world, that is a tall claim to make.

Natural Resources

Plentiful farm lands, abundant fresh water, and mountainous regions ideal for mining have all left Nemma rather rich and well-off. With its western facing trade suffering from the barrier that is the Tempest Seas, most attention tend to goes down the coast toward Lophern and Aerthen. The windiness of the entire continent is quite conductive to the formation of wind-aspected mana crystals, an otherwise difficult-to-acquire mountainous resource found in its plains.
Inhabiting Species


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