

The all encompassing ocean of Veltrona's southern pole, Olaniad is split between its frozen surface and sub-freezing waters. Virtually no one has ever lived here, though the wreckages of lost explorers and doomed souls can be found every so often. It is claimed that some ice dragons have made their secret lairs in this otherwise inhospitable place. With no fear of the temperature, and food abundant in the water, it is not as far fetched as might be imagined.


With a permanent frozen sheet of ice at the poles, and sub-freezing waters underneath, Olaniad is inhospitable to most forms of life. Rainy weather that happens to head in its direction turn into ice storms, sending shards of razor-edged icicles through the air. Depending on the yearly cycle, the whole region may be cast in darkness, denied the sun for months on end. Worse, those who adapt to its cold extremes must deal with an environment otherwise devoid of nutritional plenitude.

Fauna & Flora

Exotic species make Olaniad their home, both flora and fauna. Greater amounts of mana accumulate in Olaniad, supplanting some of the needs for sunlight. As such, some species have adapted toward total darkness, and retreat in the months that sunlight actually shines on Olaniad. What is most notable, however, are the mega-faunas that exist in the area. These leviathans are some of the strangest creatures to live on Veltrona, with lifespans stretching in the millennia. Given their great numerity and the vast ocean they call home, Olaniad is often called the 'realm of monsters'. Some of these leviathans wander into other seas on the occasion, hence the terrifying reputation that follows them.

Natural Resources

With great ambient mana and abundant sea life, it is a great place for predators and manavores to subsist within. That being said, there's no mineral wealth whatsoever, and no above-water flora to exploit.
Alternative Name(s)
Realm of Monsters


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