

A tiny, bipedal species of lizard, the mok is a prolific creature throughout the equatorial band of Veltrona. Its principle home is believed to be Etzli Cuauhtla, and is perhaps one of the oldest species there. Their presence in Jerhegn implies some means of getting there from Etzli Cuauhtla, if true. That they've been observed to be adept swimmers suggests they simply swam there, though.   Carnivorous yet tiny, the mok is a hunter of small critters of all kinds. Their long time competition has ever been cats and dogs, and the three have a storied history in the minds of people. Clever, yet sociable, the mok epitomizes power of form in its powerful legs and crushing jaw. Small two fingered claws give it some means of manipulation, usually to onto prey, grab ledges, or other minute functions. While they can scale upward to some extent, their real strength is running and vaulting across the ground. Some people consider that a proof of origin within Immensio, but scholars don't completely agree.   Capable of ranging wide and taking care of itself, the mok spread with notable success across the lands. Something of a pack animal, they keep to their family units, or sometimes rarely two or three different families living in the same area. That they would, again and again, collide with people is where the mok entered their realms. Feisty and fierce, the mok took what they could, and fought what they kept. Their fussiness made them less appealing than dogs, and their haughtiness ever fought cats for the throne. However, pests followed people, and the mok ever hunted the pests.   History, as they say, was made from there on out. Moks gradually molded into the labyrinthine homes people made, navigating the constructed jungles with enviable ease. Their voracious hunting ever proved a problem, as the mok were quite fine tearing into small holes or loose walls to find prey. They are, however, terrifyingly effective at what they do. Eventually, the rise of cities saw them displaced for the most part. Large, sealed walls kept them from coming and going, while the likes of cats adapted to the newfound verticality.   Moks, as a consequence, remained only common in rural locations, or ones without prohibitive walls. Through the generations, those that dwelled with people adapted better and better. Sedentary by their kind's standards, plumper and meatier, but with added muscle and bulk as well. Various breeds emerged based on locale, and these tamed mok forever found a place beside the peoples they lived with. Their haughty demeanor ever refused to bend, a notorious pride that earned more than their fair share of stories.   It's said the mok choose the ones they follow; or, more aptly, they pick who they think deserves to serve them. These tiny tyrants are ever demanding on attention and food when it suits them. One would think they might get along with cats as a result, but like two ladies vying for territory, they ever bristle and posture. Something that never helps the likes of pests, ever the prey of these territorial powers. Against people, the mok either vie for what is theirs, or angrily remember those who wronged them. They are, if nothing else, spiteful creatures.   Yet, there is virtue in their deeds, for they protect their young. Be it theirs or the people they've chosen, mok will lay down some mighty (if tiny) roars and furiously chomp apart their enemies. Those who are lost might find a local mok guiding them, at least until they get somewhere recognizable. Some still, trained to a great degree, carry messages or vital supplies with an enviable dependability.   Indeed, the mok has its place, one carved out by it from a timelessness of deeds few could match.

Basic Information


A bipedal creature with a long horizontal body shape, the mok is balanced upon its two legs and long tail. Sharp claws cap their thick feet, ideal for pounding ground or tearing something up. Similar to the trock in some ways, they're bulkier and surprisingly strong creature despite their tiny size. Their snouts are somewhat stubby, owing more to powerful jaws and purpose-made teeth. Two eyes sit near the top of their head, recessed but mostly forward facing with some horizontal angling. Two tiny arms (relative to their body) retain barely useful functionality, mostly for a range of menial tasks the mok otherwise can't use its teeth for.   Depending on the exact climate, the mok has a variety of feathers and patterns. Warmer climates favor thin, semi-flexible feathers they use to posture and display social signals with. Colder ones are more downy and fluffy, though retain very large and 'signature' feathers for social purposes. The most significant feathers across all breeds trail along their spine and toward their tail, being an animated way of emoting for them. Their undersides are normally more tough skin and large, broadly flat scales as seen in other lizards.

Biological Traits

Tiny Tyrant – Prideful and powerful in their size category, the mok might rule the world if they were a size or three times larger. As it is, they can punch above their weight but it's a risky proposition even for them.   Squish – Their faces are, despite their firm appearance, quite squishy. It's rather adorable.
Average Height
Tiny (1ft, 30~cm)
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution


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