Primordial: Radiant


One of the primordial mana-types, often known and drawn alongside its twin, eclipse mana. Like all primordial manas, radiant mana is found much more easily in the Heavens than on Veltrona. Its best known sources are stars, especially the bright sun itself.   The essence of radiant mana is 'extroversion'. Like its namesake of the sun, it 'radiates' its influence around itself wherever it emerges. It can be seen quite similar to fire mana in that sense, and the two are often considered siblings of a kind. Most sources of light exude heat, and heat is the domain of fire. Fire creates light, and light is the domain of the radiance. However, this relationship is not universal.   Radiant mana, so-called light mana in common vernacular, can create light without heat. It can influence without being felt, changing everything within its presence. Because of the lack of heat, it can sometimes be called 'cold' or 'frosty', especially to mortal senses. The so-called 'cold light' is likened toward ice mana instead in these instances. Befitting of its primordial nature, radiant mana defies traditional elemental thinking quite brazenly.   Understanding the nature of its extroversion is important. Radiant mana changes the universe around itself, its mere presence enough to distort truths. It veers toward 'ordered' and 'stable', almost to the point of stagnation. In a sense, one could call it the essence of eternity, emphasized on lasting eternally over all other concerns.   The deeper one invokes radiant mana, the more its unyielding order and structure strengthens. This is why radiant mana storms create 'petrified stone' and other immutable forms of matter. Such raw, abrupt surges in radiant mana flash-converts existence into eternity. However, this is only the lowest level form of what radiant mana can achieve.    

Magical Arts

Utilizing radiant mana in magical arts is profoundly demanding. Because of its extroverted nature, it is oppressive toward all other mana types. This pressure 'diminishes' them, or rather, extinguishes sources without strong cores. A good comparison is a camp fire. One that is small and demure, perhaps dying with embers, will be snuffed out by radiant mana. One that burns hot and pure, while squeezed, will become hotter and even more pure.   Like a vicious teacher, radiant mana destroys the unworthy but refines those with strong character. Managing this oppressive nature is vital, and one cannot do anything with half-measures. To try and toy around with radiant mana is to cast one's naked self into a raging storm. Only those with the strength of character to persevere through it will emerge.   Thanks to that same nature, however, radiant mana is a great source of study. Its pure and uncompromising effects are the whetstone by which countless mistresses sharpen upon. Even if they themselves do not use radiant mana, tackling it is an enlightening experience. Of course, finding usable sources of radiant mana is often more the issue. Sunlight only imparts so much, and lumii only carry tiny portions. That is another matter, though.   Those who can utilize radiant mana are capable of incredible feats. Light itself becomes a weapon, shaped by the mind's vision. 'Swords of light' are a very common expression, using brillant radiance to cut through anything and everything. 'Shields of light' are also a common companion. It can oppress other manas, giving it strong defensive properties against 'weak' forms of magic. However, strongly realized magic will become stronger, so it is a double-edged technique.   Because light itself becomes a medium, stranger possibilities await a capable mage. One can, in theory, make architecture like a house, a castle, or a bridge from solid light. Parts of these ideas were realized within Atenkhet, who utilize radiant mana in very controlled, careful manners. This 'hard light' ability creates unusual opportunities, but it is a demanding material. Incredible force of will is required to sculpt and shape it, or otherwise its mana will run wild.   Some people debate if its a magic or a material, or even both, though.    


Radiant mana in its pure state is generally a yellow-white color, with edges of bronze or dark gold. As it scatters into sparkles, they become closer to white, usually in a blinding way that is irritating to the eyes. Unlike the sun, it's easy to 'stare into the center' of radiant mana, but its edges are where one gets hurt. An interesting nature that has intrigued artists and philosophers for generations.   When it comes into contact with other manas, the edges of the radiant mana will become 'fierce'. It aggressively seeks to oppress, and will destroy if its opponent is incapable. Those who can resist, however, come into a smooth, harmonious relationship not unlike oil and water.   Its classical representations tend to be burning wheels, or circles licked with flaming spikes. It is visually similar to eclipse's representation, or rather, it is the original that eclipse mana inverted on its own. Eyeballs with sparkles are a distinct way of indicating it without the connotations of eclipse mana.


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