

While dragons and their ilk command fearsome respect in Nerzin, it is no small feat that the tagraxi can stand somewhat close to them. More at home in the eastern lands of Nerzin than the western, its terrifying shadow lurks through the jungles and forests. Not even cities, the bastions of civilizations, are completely safe from their inordinately cunning predation. There are those who regard them as evil made manifest as a result, blaming them for misfortune and disaster.   True enough for many the tagraxi is just so. It is only the strong who can stand up to it that earn its recognition, and so the tagraxi passes by. To stare into the eyes of a tagraxi is to have one's worth weighed by nature itself. To fear death is to invite it; to greet it as a friend is to see it again another day. In ancient times, a rite of passage for the greatest of warriors entailed a chance meeting with a tagraxi. Foolish were those who tried to fight it and failed. Those who returned after having met its gaze, all others understood then they had passed the trial. While the rite fell out of favor as civilizations progressed, the legends and myths grew ever greater.   Despite its well-deserved reputation, a tagraxi that is fed is rather solitary and unbothered by the world. Their natural curiosity sends them everywhere and anywhere, exploring without fear or concern. In these rare moments, their playful nature can reveal itself--a once in a life time event to witness, even for nearly immortal beings like jiuweihu.

Basic Information


Fully adult tagraxi have a combination physiology between giant cats and snakes--they have long, winding bodies, and up to twelve pairs of legs. Their pronounced, whip-like tails add nearly a third of their total body length in themselves. Pauldron-like scales cover their shoulders and joints, from which juts out their impressively dense and bushy fur. The outer and over fur tends to be a pronounced color with differing stripe patterns, while the under (or 'belly' fur) is usually white, gray, or golden. As a whole, they are very colorful, sporting bright reds, teals, greens, yellows, and oranges. Their paws are each have three pronounced claws, spread out enough to really help their gripping power.   The cat head of a tagraxi is complimented by its unhinging jaw and blade-like teeth, turning it into a living funnel of flesh rending terror. Using their paws, they tend to move prey in and out of their mouths, scraping everything off they can get. What those cannot, their bristling tongues can lick flesh right off the bone. They have one pair of primary eyes, and two sets of secondary eyes set above and below their primary--all three pairs can look independently, giving them an incredible forward facing visual acuity. Notably, their stripe patterns tend to become random on their faces, a sort of visual fingerprint for every tagraxi. Old Nerzin tribal war masks are thought to have been made to imitate this effect and acquire the tagraxi's strength.   Female tagraxi are defined by their fur producing longer, wispier fibers and a neck-enveloping mane. Males, by comparison, are sleeker and their scales grow more for added protection. They each have a single pair of whiskers coming out beneath their triangular noses. These long, tubular strands have a curious 'lighter-than-air' nature, letting them float and sway in a mystifying way.

Biological Traits

Cunning Predator -- Tagraxi have frightening minds able to plot ruses, arrange (rudimentary) traps, and otherwise manipulate prey to have a decisive advantage against them.   Redundant Organs -- Their impressive bodies house multiple redundant organs. They can effectively take lethal blows and come out still at high performance. A few captured specimens shed light that these extra organs are not utilized actively, meaning there is some sense of conservation going on.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mating in the hot summer months and giving birth in the colder winter months, the females give live birth to generally small groups of kittens averaging four to six in size.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tagraxi kittens stay with their mother for a few years. As they age, their bodies 'lengthen', growing each new section that is effectively more spine, organs, and another pair of legs. At around three pairs of legs, the adolescents leave to live on their own for the rest of their lives. Adulthood is normally marked at around nine pairs of legs. The oldest tagraxi are denoted at ten, eleven, and twelve pairs of legs.

Ecology and Habitats

At home in Nerzin, particularly its eastern territories. Tagraxi live in the pseudo-jungle and humid climate the dominates Nerzin, but can live quite happily in mountainous areas. Those who wander westward are rarer, as more open plains and settled territory can make it hard for them to sneak about. They are overtly fond of difficult terrain, as much to ambush as to give them something to move around in.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous; tagraxi eat meat and lots of it.

Biological Cycle

Having long adapted to a relatively stable climate, the hot and cold periods really only mark their mating seasons. They do follow the migrations of their preferred prey, as the tagraxi have a large dietary demand for meat.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Tagraxi are martial milestones, and the bounty they offer is nothing to scoff at. Much of their bodies can be broken down and utilized for magical refinement, making them a premium product in markets or for magical needs. Bladed weapons forged from them benefit from rather powerful cutting properties, able to slash through metals as easily as tagraxi themselves do. Sadly there is not much for armor--their fur, however, is an exorbitant luxury and often considered one of the finest furs to have for clothing.
Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length


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