

The all-encompassing ocean of Veltrona's northern pole, Vastia is the proverbial twin of Olaniad. Sat between Zahmal and Varnkof, there are no other above-water regions save the frozen glacial mass at the pole. As such, those who tried exploring it often called it the likes of 'End of the World', and 'Vast Beyond Compare'.   As no sapient beings has truly lived there, its history is drawn by the explorers and doomed trade caravans trying to find new routes. There are rumors that ice dragons and other beings have made secret lairs, however. Where is a subject of speculation; whether in the sub-freezing waters, or somewhere in the frozen glaciers.


Sub-surface valleys, chasms, and jutting upward rocks define Vastia's underwater domain. It is an intensely jagged and unforgiving environment, ideal for creatures of all kinds to lurk within. A surprisingly strong series of winding currents move water at great speed and volumes, forming invisible vacuums that can send all sorts of things hurdling into dark, sunless depths. As such, the lurking abyssal shermadi who dwell at the bottom of Vastia find quite a lot of oddities ending up near them.

Fauna & Flora

A variety of arctic sea monsters dwell in the waters, adapted toward great lives and enormous physiques. While smaller organisms do make their livelihoods there, it is a precarious balance.

Natural Resources

Fishing is the only real opportunity; the underwater work is far too dangerous, even for shermadi.
Alternative Name(s)
The End of the World


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