Slime (s-lime)


In many ways regarded as a nuisance, pest, or more rarely, problem, slimes are normally the result of magical byproduct. As they are almost a purely mana-driven existence in its rawest form, the nascent slime exists only in the simplest manner: seeking food to survive. At this stage, it is not much different from bacteria, possessing no capacity for response except basic stimulus.   As a slime eats, it accumulates power, gradually undergoing rapid growth into a more mature form. This second stage slime, an adult slime, has a rudimentary intelligence equivalent to a dog. While still driven by hunger, it will also stake out territory, compete with other slimes, and instigate mating. These matings produce new nuclear cores, birthing the child-like slimes in a strange process that can be anywhere from cellular division, impregnation, and outright self-cloning. The overall life-cycle of the slime then repeats, creating the pest-like cycle so many despise them for.   The third stage slime is extraordinarily rare and not well-understood by the general populace. When enough mana has accumulated, and an unknown portion of time has passed, a fairly mature slime will metamorph into a more advanced state. These humanoid slimes, thusly named for the primarily human-like imitation they do, acquire true sapience and become proper monsters. They are able to think, reason, feel, communicate, and participate in all ways a truly intelligent creature can. They're also able to, somehow, communicate with their lesser, bacteria-like brethren, becoming something of a controlling figure in the slime microcosm.   As such, these 'queen or king' slimes are by no means a joke, having full access to their natural talents and scores of underlings. Their ability to imitate other living beings is profoundly dangerous. Coupled with consuming their given target, they have the potential to be the world's best infiltrators. For this reason alone, many are killed when they appear, as the ruling powers that be fear such assassins gravely.   However, those who survive can find themselves in interesting positions. Cities and other large social gathering points often strike deals with these royal slimes. In essence, these cities dump or deposit much of their unusable waste into an underground network for the slimes to feed on. The royal slimes keep their brethren in check, culling back overgrowth when necessary. The city's waste disposal issue is taken care of, and the slimes have consistent source of sustenance. Similarly, alchemical shops and metal smithing organizations are interested in the liquid manipulation properties of slimes, which gives other royals some potential room to grow.   Overall, however, the royal slimes come to adopt the host culture of whatever area they grow up in. Befitting of their nature, royal slimes have no real culture of their own, instead imitating others with an eerie perfection. Given their status as nature born leaders, however, they are all almost universally arrogant and haughty.

Basic Information


A gelatinous organism, slimes are visually uniform and have no major differences between each other except coloration. Non-humanoid slimes are, in essence, blobs, spheres, and other simple, liquid-friendly shapes, though they can extend parts of themselves in a way similar to arms. These tentacle-like appendages require more energy, and are not often used, but give them some much needed versatility in their otherwise highly basic form.   Humanoid slimes can take on human-like characteristics, or imitate other species. The more powerful the slime, the more indistinguishable this imitation becomes. At the greatest height of power, a slime can appear no different than the species its imitating, even down to the scent, touch, and taste.

Biological Traits

Liquid Mistressly – Slimes interact with liquids of all forms, from simple water to molten metals, often taking characteristics of those liquids. However, they can only interact with liquids they physically touch. Their liquid, gelatinous-like bodies originate from this attribute.   Essence Devourer – Ultimately, a slime breaks down everything it eats into mana, which sustains its existence. The more atomically or magically dense something is, the longer it may take to devour, but they will eat it if it's tasty enough.   Nuclear Core – The whole concept of a slime is sustained by a kind of core, which often but not always takes the shape of a sphere. Similar to the brains of normal organisms, this is the everything that constitutes the slime, and its destruction is a guaranteed death.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

If you want to experience the trifecta of acidic dissolution, drowning, and having your bones pulverized by liquid gelatin, then feral slimes are your ideal choice.   Royal slimes, however, are as about as amendable as any other person might be. As they come to adopt their host cultures, one must regard the norms of the given area when romancing the royal slime. Perhaps distinctly unique to them, however, is their appetites–they love eating, so providing good cooking is a strong bonus.   While it may not need direct stating, only royal slimes exhibit intelligent mating behavior. Mature (stage two) and younger slimes are only concerned with eating you. In this instance, please refer to the first paragraph of this section.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Feral slimes are less than animals–sustained on simplistic chemical impulses, they go where food is, and eat.   Royal slimes inherit their parent culture's tendencies, and so do not have anything uniquely outstanding to them. Perhaps as nature shapeshifters their perspective on the sanctity of the 'body' is different, but not enough to be a regular mannerism or cultural landmark.
Common fantasy


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