Introduction to Tales of Veltrona
Hello, and Welcome!
to the
Tales of Veltrona.
(TOV)Thank you for taking the time to read and explore this world, and I hope find enjoyment in this work.
So, what 'is' Veltrona?

Veltrona is a world of these many things interplaying, growing, and changing off of each other. It sits very comfortably in the realm of fantasy works, but reaches out toward ideas of science fantasy as well. By embracing their defining characteristics, it offers something familiar just as much as different. That and some special flavors were added in; monsterkind being one of the best examples. I'm ever fond of monster people as an idea, and Veltrona is very much their home. Some familiar to us, others iconic, and more quite stranger and unique.
It is also a setting that, amongst its framings, embraces the essence of being a person. In our case, we call it 'humanity'. How do they live? Why do they, and what for? Where did their story begin, if any, and what events led them to become what they are now? How do they express themselves, connect, share, love, and more? Much of Veltrona's designs could be called grounded in realistic ideas–these are tales of people, how ever fantastic they are. Some, of course, step into the fantastical even by their standards. Such wondrous things have a place as well.
Navigating the Veltrona Lorebook
Imagine this website/lorebook similar to Wikipedia:
a lot of it is broadly categorized, and interlinking articles to each other.
On the main homepage, the World Codex and its various categories is where everything can be found.
☰ The floating 3-bars on the leftside of the screen is a quick access list to everything as well. Where you choose to start can send you all over the place, but here's some of my personal selections:
For Stories, try:
Two Differences
Abasi's Day in Atenkhet
For Characters, try:
Velandra, Sovereign of the Heavens
Venyra, the Desolator
Aramix, Eternal Pharaoh of Atenkhet
Vanzkah zahd Ghown, Queen Domina of Baarham
Alexandre, Hero of Aerthen
Ioxchen Soulripper, Emissary of the Honored Dead
Xipilli, the Wandering Savior
For Lore, try:
The Practicals of Magic
Immortality and Transcendence
The Power of the Moons
On Building Settlements and Surviving Veltrona
The First Dawn
All sorts more awaits you! Do feel free to explore around!
The Meta Know-how
For the curious mind looking for a more straight-cut explanation, this is for you. Tales of Veltrona, as a whole, is monster people fantasy, LGBT friendly setting. A 'monster person' is essentially a human/humanoid with monstrous/bestial characteristics. A dragon, for example, has scales, wings, tails, and horn(s), but the bulk of the body is very human-like. It's rooted in fantasy/science fantasy, geopolitical intrigue, personal character story arcs, adventures, and interpersonal dramas. While TOV has its own various plotlines running around, its lorebook is aimed at being useful for general readers, fan writers, and fan artists. Everyone has something for them, be they a casual reader wanting to absorb a world, or someone looking for more on their favorite thing. The baseline rating it aims for is a very soft M-Rating. The reasoning is that the work will have comfortable space to explore its concepts, some of which may eventually be beyond a T-Rating. Much like a chef in a kitchen, it is to keep both options and flavors open. It falls to our skill in how these things are best utilized. Overall, it should make for a comfortable reading experience. If and when that is tested would hopefully be by appreciable design and not a poor or tasteless attempt.Alpha, Beta, and Launch
There are 3 planned development phases: alpha, beta, and 1.0 launch. αAlpha consists of first draft writings, initial concepts, and the raw creation of the world itself. Anything and everything can change at a notice, depending on development needs. Generally speaking, once something is publicly readable it's more established, and so will not see as much volatile change unless a notable issue occurs. For example, some main characters have undergone extensive overhauls compared to their initial release versions because the world has matured significantly.
βBeta is the refinement stage, second and third drafts being finalized. The world is generally established, all the major groundwork is laid out, and all needed pieces are present. Articles will be reviewed, updated to meet a standard format, and fleshed out appropriately. Major clean up, readability, and a variety of odds-and-ends for presentation will also be done. Serious adjustments are less likely-to-non existent, barring any serious issues.
1.0Launch is the polished and set-in-stone version of the world that represents its first narrative release. This is the reliable bedrock upon which all future works can be based without much concern of development changes. A break for the developers will be done initially and then progress toward future plans will begin. New and additional content will continue to appear as Veltrona receives new written stories, articles, and otherwise.
As Veltrona is a living project that will constantly receive attention in its growth, these development benchmarks are more to guide the process of said growth. Future content expansions of all kinds remain a possibility, depending on the Veltrona Project's needs or wants. We're hopeful that people find all sorts of things they love to engage with in Veltrona as it grows throughout these various development cycles.Contact Us?
@CitizenForte DISCORD: E-MAIL:
[email protected]
When emailing, please include [TOV] in the subject field, or my automatic filters may delete your mail.
I found Tales of Veltrona while searching for worlds to investigate as part of my Resolution 2023 Challenge - I'm looking at world landing pages, introductions, and primers as I'm redesigning my own homepage. I find your landing page to be pretty well organized. The introductory material is informative without being too wordy... links to items that may be of interest are provided. Adding the bit of "meta" in this article is a nice touch too. You're doing great work... best of luck in continuing it!
Laurels & Loot is a new, lightweight TTRPG rules system that hearkens back to the early days.
Thank you for stopping by! It's good to hear how fresh eyes find their way through here. I'm always worried about it since first impressions and clear navigation is very important. I'm grateful for your well wishes, and good luck with your 2023 resolution.