Lumii (Luu-mee)


A creature that is often considered a relative of the slime family, the lumii's benign simplicity endlessly begets questions about it. For one, like slimes, their bodies are largely gelatinous and liquid-like, but have no central 'core' that acts like a heart or brain. In many respects the lumii shouldn't function at all, lacking vital organs, nerves, or anything more complex than its gelatin-like body. They are, somehow, even simpler creatures than actual slimes. Nonetheless, a lumii moves, flops, rolls, and accelerates around with frightening capability. What can be definitively said, though, is they are comprised exclusively of radiant mana, however minuscule it may be.   For whatever mysteries they have, the lumii are something people all over Veltrona adore and often respect. Displaying a semblance of intelligence, lumii show in their own way an understanding of questions, ideas, and even simple requests. Although they cannot communicate back very well, the lumii often show their answers by 'doing' anyway. Their seeming good and friendly nature makes them popular, but they don't suffice for as pets. Lumii are, almost always, on the move and migrating incessantly. They look, sift, peek, and explore every possible corner and crevice they come across, then move on.   While initially people thought of it as foraging, the lumii are not known to actually eat anything. Popular theory later on postulated they are 'searching for something', but whatever it is a lumii wants, no one knows. It's a subject of fierce debate where they're concerned, and all sorts of superstitions surround them. Most usually see the lumii as lost or wandering spirits, though they are not undead at all. Adventurers, explorers, and any one lost in some dark, dangerous place is more than happy to run across them, though.   Wandering lumii delve into unimaginable places, and finding one is a certain way to escape. For, after some amount of time, the lumii head back toward the surface where sun or moons light is available. This pattern of behavior suggests they're light eaters of some variety, or at least require sunlight to sustain them. Countless people have, nonetheless, been saved by them incidentally, and so much respect is afforded to the simple lumii.   On top of the fact there is nearly nothing to gain from a lumii except minuscule amounts of radiant mana, they're largely ignored by everyone and everything. Charming distractions, the novelty of a fleeting moment, or a peculiar oddity to fancy one's self with, and then move on. Only someone desperate for radiant mana would bother them, and countless people would scorn them for doing so. In the end, the lumii keep wandering, ending up in the oddest places a person can imagine.

Basic Information


A tiny to small organism in nature, the lumii are glowing, luminous beings roughly in the shape of a sphere, pyramid, or cube. They lack defining features save their geometrical shapes and light-giving bodies, whose transculent nature always shows their swirling insides. Their exteriors tend toward yellow colors, while their swirling, mana-filled interiors veer toward white and gold.   Lacking any orifices or facial features, it's hard to recognize them as a living being. They are, nonetheless, able to make long, haunting squeals and chirps, well-formulated enough to be a language, but one no one has ever deciphered. The most that has been figured out is a lexicon of their sounds and, to some extent, their associated meanings. Lumii experts have libraries of these contextual ideas, identifying regular notes like 'danger' or 'over here' the lumii use to communicate. Mimicing these sounds, though, doesn't seem to draw their attention at all.

Biological Traits

Divisive Replication – Similar to slimes, lumii eventually inflate with whatever nutrients they need, then split apart, creating new lumii. Particularly successful ones can over inflate, leading to a harmless explosion of one big lumii becoming many other, smaller lumii.   Speed Booster – Lumii, in defiance of any sane physical law, can choose to gain speed, becoming near frictionless as they accelerate faster and faster. After a certain point, they start to launch off at incredible velocity, leaving a shiny streak behind reminiscient of a meteor in the atmosphere. Despite such speed, if they impact something neither they nor the impact site are harmed in any way. Such is how the Shinespark Ocean received its name, as lumii are seen frequently crossing over it.
Average Height
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