Shinespark Ocean


Being in the equatorial band, and touching the frigid waters of northern and southern Veltrona, the Shinespark Ocean sees a great deal of diversity in its livelihood. Thus, it is often the prime territory of fishing business for the peoples of Nerzin. Trade companies often pass through on their way to Aerthen, and rarer still, Votyoger. The most activity tends to happen along the coastline, with the sturdier (and more expensive) companies braving the open waters. Although Eylia is technically no more farther than Votyoger, the frozen continent has little to offer. Some exotic expeditions go down for the unusual creatures, but they can hardly be called the norm.   The ocean's namesake comes from a rather peculiar occurrence with the lumii. The creatures are able to glide along the surface of water without much issue. Strangely enough, they can get faster, and faster, and faster when doing so. The ones that migrate in the direction of the Shimmering Ocean eventually take off at incredible speeds. Hence, the moment they 'launch' away, they make a shining spark not unlike a falling star across the water. Given that the lumii principally take off from the Shinespark Ocean toward the east, hence the name.


Warm waters and tempestuous weather define the heart of the Shinespark Ocean. A number of submerged islands and jutting reef-rocks dot around the depths, treacherously close to the surface. Their rather spread out nature is just tight enough any captain would sweat passing through the area without a navigator. It is thanks to these same features, however, such vibrant coral reefs and diverse ecosystems are able to exist. Those traveling along the coastline of Nerzin will fare quite better, as the mostly smooth and stable terrain is very conductive to naval business.

Fauna & Flora

Seeing some of the most diverse ocean life around, it's hard to list any one particular stand out. The shermadi have many notable villages and nomadic groups here, however. With how life abundant the waters are, it has long been ideal for them to dwell in the ocean.

Natural Resources

Aside from the obvious trade and fishing opportunities, rather peculiar magical crystals are abundant on the ocean floor. Rich in various aspected mana types--including exotic light and shadow variants--means mages have a great interest in harvesting them. In turn, the shermadi who dwell in the ocean often use them as a high-value currency when dealing with the land walkers. What mystifies many is why such crystals form so easily in the ocean. The abundance of mana aside, if there is some other geological fixture helping create them, no one can figure out what or why.


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