Shimmering Ocean


The twin of the Shinespark Ocean, the Shimmering Ocean is a vibrantly beautiful expanse. Clear blue waters, bespeckled by faint glimmers of mana help to create an ever-dancing picture of colors, subtle in flavor, but hypnotic in its simplicity. For much of the ancient world in Sa-kemet, Immensio, and the western end of Etzli Cuauhtla, it was often considered the edge of the world. Indeed, to watch the sun fall beneath the horizon was a colorful display every evening, and the source of many artistic endeavors.   The arrival of lumii from the far side of Veltrona was, itself, a rather bewildering event to behold. While they were called the Children of the Sun initially, their simplistic nature did little to enthuse the ancient peoples. Instead, the lumii have became regarded as a kind of herald, foretelling of some mysterious thing beyond the horizon. It is thanks to these tall-tales that some of the first capable explorers tried braving the seas. Whether to find the lumii's homeland, or what lay beyond the horizon, they were determined to be the first. Much to their disappointment, the shermadi dwelling in the oceans did clarify there was land beyond, and not the realm of the goddesses. Still, the explorers tried.


Great, towering waves and heavy winds hallmark the heart of the Shimmering Ocean. So it would be these powerful forces dissipate as they head toward land, washing upon the shorelines with far reaching force. Overall, while the weather is relatively sensible, as with much of Veltrona, it can be taken to terrible extremes on occasion. Foolish are those who think clear or calm days are safe; a number of barely submerged islands and rocks dot the ocean. These deadly barriers have claimed ship after ship, and without a navigator, they form a veritable maze.   With such varied, almost mountainous topology, the underwater world truly has a wide range of features. Perhaps the most notable are the ever deepening slopes the farther one heads into the ocean. Great chasms and cliff-faces open the door to a vast, impenetrable abyss. Frightful are those who dwell on its border, staring back into something filled with a life utterly alien to everyone else.

Fauna & Flora

With its vast waters and contact with other oceans and seas, all sorts of life fills the Shimmering Ocean. Toward the coastline, more manageable and easier to fish species can be found. Indeed, life is perhaps more vibrant there, with dense kelp-forests, coral reefs, shermadi ocean villages, and more. In the deeper waters, however, vast and enormous animals can be found, ever prowling the depths.

Natural Resources

Vibrant fish life being what it is, the best opportunities are on the coastlines of the Shimmering Ocean. Greater prey (and even more dangerous predators) can be found farther out, for those willing to try. With its rich warmth and good conditions, it is also a prime location for light and water aspected mana.


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