Etzli Cuauhtla (Et-zz-lee Kawht-lah)


A vast, predominantly tropical continent comfortably sat in Veltrona's‌ equatorial zone. Etzli Cuauhtla is, for the most part, an unexploited continent, with any developed nations existing in mostly insular pockets. This problem chiefly arises from the presence of the vast droves of wildlife, be they mundane, dangerous, or the Relentless‌. Territorial expansion is, thusly, easy to do but hard to maintain, as one must constantly resist the advance of nature in every sense of the idea.   Despite such difficulties, Etzli Cuauhtla is rich with life–both sapient and not–and represents the homeland for many monster species. Many civilizations, both past and present, have made their homes in its vicious jungles and forests. It isn't uncommon to venture and come across many of these ruins, long overrun by nature in some form or another. In the same stroke, it is also somewhat common for many civilizations to take up the ruins of a previous one, reinforcing the damaged infrastructure in a cheap kick-start effort.   In more recent centuries, Etzli Cuauhtla has steadily faced change. The advance of industrialization and better technology is steadily overwhelming the natural barriers once closing off much of the continent. For better or worse, its inhabitants are keen to make use of these advantages, and so welcome foreign investment heartily. In particular, Atenkhet's‌ trade companies and Jerhegn's‌ maritime nations are known to be competing on the continent. Still, the many natives are not entirely selling their lands away, and have begun to make themselves known as national powers in their own right.


Richly verdant, Etzli Cuauhtla's beauty conceals its deadly nature. The law of the jungle is, in a literal sense, present everywhere on the continent, with a variety of sapient-eating animals in abundance. Were that not troubling enough, an unfathomable array of poisons, toxins, venoms, disease, and other maladies linger in the jungle, promising untold pain and death to foreigners who are not wise to them. It is of little surprise, thusly, why all the native populations treat life with a fatalistic respect.   If one can manage past these issues, Etzli Cuauhtla is ripe for many species to call home.

Natural Resources

Having largely gone untouched over its lifetime, Etzli Cuauhtla is ripe with resources of every kind. While many of the industrially minded nations see raw resources in the ground, there is also a large biodiversity not seen elsewhere. Indeed, some monster nations are intrigued by certain kinds of fauna coming from the jungles, as they're promising food alternatives superior to some of their own. It can be imagined that those who can brave Etzli Cuauhtla's dangers will receive great riches in turn, provided they can also make the trip back home.   Overall, the remoteness of the continent from many nations means exploitation is a slow, laborious, and overall costly venture. Still, these problems do not sway all businesses, and a number of outposts have begun cropping up along the shorelines of the continent.
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