

It's thought of, if not taken all that seriously, that a Goddess in the ancient past must've been responsible for Jerhegn's isolation. With tempestuously dangerous mountains cutting off the north and eastern approaches, and the vast southern and western waterways walled off by jagged cliffs, the actual land of Jerhegn is virtually isolated from the ground. As for airborne species, most do not actively go into or return from the place, giving the entire sub-continent a foreboding reputation.   The truth is as mundane as it is exceptional.   Once a shared landmass part of Etzli Cuauhtla‌, tectonic movements shifted Jerhegn away, colliding with the northern continent. In doing so, a microcosm of primitive Etzli Cuauhtla survived and passed on, developing down a different path entirely. Seeing little impact from either the Imperium‌ or the baarham‌, Jerhegn slowly awoke on its own, with many of its civilized tribes settling along the coastlines.   With great effort, they carved open the sheer cliffs, and tamed the dangerous waters. These maritime nations branched out, surprising many with their sudden arrival and the imminent opening of their once-unknown land. Ever determined to survive and prosper on their own, Jerhegn has become a contested land, with many vying for dominance in the region.


Befittingly, Jerhegn is a verdant and richly tropical land, possessed of much of the same conditions as ancient Etzli Cuauhtla. Disease and dangerous wildlife are rampant, and with an especially strong presence of the Relentless, making inland habitation dangerous. Many intelligent groups opt to settle along the coastlines and few open plains, avoiding the wild jungles.

Natural Resources

Little is known of Jerhegn's ultimate prosperity. The continent's many nations opt for sea trade, acting as port-of-calls or sources of piracy/privateers, respectively. What can be said is they do allow foreigners to freely investigate and invest into exploiting the land, with few successfully contending with the Relentless who dwell there.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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