Ren-Ziran, the Wytche of the Wild Brew (Ren-Zee-Ran)


Born the third daughter of the Maetou family's fourth qaodu, her family's great demands shaped Ren's life from the very start. While lacking prestige or acclaim to rival better known jiuweihu families in southwestern Aochen, they carved out a name with their medicinal and alchemical wares. Ren and her siblings were burdened with learning the Maetou's traditional water magics.   Young Ren, however, only found her interests stirred by the abundant verdancy of Veltrona's wilds. The mysteriousness of life, and all its myriad possibilities, often captivated her wandering mind. It wouldn't be until she finally secured apprenticeship beneath Maetou alchemists did she truly find her life's passion. Braving the wildernesses, cataloging all she found, and then devising alchemical creations from them offered an endlessly captivating purpose she otherwise struggled to find.   Over the decades, Ren drifted away from her family's traditional business. Curiosity and a need to explore compelled her to seek lands beyond Aochen and see what mysteries could be found. With warm farewells and wishes to meet again, she left the Maetou and joined a merchant's fleet that carried her to the shores of northern Fauverngarz.   There she joined with a nomadic tribe of urni and traveled with their migrations between the warm north and cold middlelands. The nomadic lifestyle suited her better than she expected, forced to deal with constant troubles in often many great and small ways. The moment one problem appeared and was dealt with, another sprung up, and it offered a clarity of purpose Ren usually struggled to keep.   It would be, after some years of combing through Fauverngarz's wildernesses, that she happened upon a reclusive kind of lauraume: the wytches. Ren, being an agreeable sort, was welcomed by them and they taught her of their own ways. In turn, Ren's knowledge of foreign medicine offered new insights and solutions to some of the wytche's oldest conundrums. Her successes eventually caught the attention of Moratahn, Wytche-Queen of the Iron Woods, herself.   Set to work at the behest of the Wytche-Queen, Ren, henceforth by the given name of Ren-Ziran, commanded a respectable position in the queen's court. For two hundred years, and notably exactly two hundred, Ren-Ziran handled the bulk of Moratahn's medicinal and alchemical needs. Intimating with Fauverngarz's ways and its most powerful peoples, she learned much and catalogued even more. Still, a need to explore compelled her, and having felt she 'finished' with Fauverngarz, her eyes turned abroad. So, upon Moratahn's warm farewell and bid to return one day, Ren-Ziran departed, heading northwestward.   Crossing Dorvar's rich sands and arid plains, she landed upon Etzli Cuauhtla, and found herself enamored with its brutal primalness. Untamed wilds stretching for miles offered untold life and secrets waiting to be found. Yet, Etzli Cuauhtla pushed against Ren-Ziran's skills as an alchemist, doctor, and mage alike with deadly beasts and deadlier diseases ever ready. She welcomed them all, constantly racing to defeat one problem after another.   In a few short decades, her successes–and the peoples helped by her–drew Ren-Ziran toward Toi'drinn. There she'd met with the vampyr peoples and their esoteric, yet incredible arts of medicine and healing. Her work and singlemindedness enamored some of the Iyolili of Toi'drinn, and so Ren-Ziran became counted among their privilged friends. Rather than suffice for a life in yet another city, Ren-Ziran's gaze turned toward the jungles themselves.   Consumed by life's daily challenges in such an unforgiving place, decades passed, then centuries. Ren-Ziran's constant presence earned her legends and renown, if quieter and lowlier than many of the land's grander names. Many had gone in search of her talents, eager for trade or aide in their own struggles. So it was, her training as a wytche of Fauverngarz and a Maetou mage earned her the regard as the Wytche of the Wild Brew.   It would be, however, in recent centuries the normally aloof Ren-Ziran began taking public notice once more. Tlazohtzin, the Scourge-Maker, has ever been a thorn in her side as much as her in his. Though both are alchemists, their ultimate goals often differed greatly. Ren-Ziran, who lived in the chaos between problem and solution, ruthlessly solved every problem in her path. Tlazohtzin, obsessed with the unsolvable problem of the Relentless Herds and Packs, fixated on an ultimate answer to their eternal scourge. Unlike her, Tlazohtzin's methods might very well destroy the chaos that Ren-Ziran thrived within, even if she too despised the Relentless.   Their repeated clashes has sent shockwaves through Etzli Cuauhtla, stirring countless civilizations in the process. No one is certain which of them will win in the end, or which one may truly possess the 'correct' answer. For those who lived in the bloody jungles, victor and survivor were the same word.

Physical Description

Body Features

Ren-Ziran's physique fits within a nimble and lean, almost athletic figure. For one who never bothered with rigorous physical training or magical reformation, her body is a testament to hardy survival and the brutal demands of Veltrona's wilds. Numerous scars dot and line her figure, often layering in ways not unlike a tree that'd survived throughout the ages. As with all immortal species, her natural regeneration has faded all but the most serious of them.   A particularly grevious scar lines the right side of her neck, reaching between her lower cheek and shoulder. The aftermath of an Iron Wood in Fauverngarz that'd unexpectedly collasped and the mythical sharpness that nearly ended her life. Her arms and legs often sport the most cuts, knicks, scrapes, and scars from her adventures. The fur there tends to be patchmarked with chunks missing as a result, making her appear almost feral.   Ren-Ziran's overall posture tends toward poor and hunched, emphasized by her constant crouching and sneaking through the wilds. She tends to be overly honest as a result, for she stands 'upright and person-like' when comfortable or safe, and hunches when danger is near.   She has three-tails in total, notably below average for jiuweihu of her relative age. Ren-Ziran's obsessiveness toward alchemy may, ultimately, be impacting her potential, but it doesn't bother her.   Her hair is long and chestnut brown, reaching to her middle-back and with a wild, unkept nature to it. Often accusing it of permanent bedhead, Ren-Ziran nonetheless also sports different kinds of plants literally growing within her hair and tails. These are often accidental as much as symbiotic and make Ren-Ziran even more unwilling to groom herself properly.   Of Ren-Ziran's tall fox ears, her left ear has a semi-circular, bite-like wound on the left-middle side. A relatively recent 'scar' since her stay in Etzli Cuauhtla, it will take time to regenerate fully.

Facial Features

Ren-Ziran's heartshaped face compliments her wide, expressively round eyes and small, but pointed and upturned nose. A splash of natural freckles flow across her cheeks and nose, mixing with snowflake-like acid stains that have scarred her skin. Her mouth trends toward small, with full lips often in a tight fixture.   Her eyes are notably heterochromatic, though unusually maintain the same color with different clarities. The right eye favors darker and opaque qualities, being almost rock-like in its uniformity. Her left eye sparkles with a clear, crystalline appearance, and a jagged scar cuts through her skin where the Iron Wood cut through.   Ren-Ziran's expressiveness is often exaggerated yet understated, as much someone captivated by wonder as scarred by the things she beheld. The duality of such a thing gives her a slightly feral, if crazed, appearance that often unsettles other people.

Apparel & Accessories

Ren-Ziran's wardrobe fits between two distinct styles: the middlelands of Fauverngarz and her adapted-to-purpose attire of Etzli Cuauhtla.   The persistent cold of Fauverngarz demands insulation and comfort, to which Ren-Ziran's fur-lined, sturdy leather clothes were made to answer. Generally a slate-gray main color, complimented by white furs, the tunic, baggy trousers, and solid boots were made to withstand galeforce winds and icicle-laced storms. Brown-leather cordage is built into the sleeves and legs, allowing her to easily tie on items or secure them to her person. A similar leather belt, situated under her exterior coat, is fixed with a number of anchors for pouches, bags, and field tools.   Etzli Cuauhtla, by contrast, is a sweltering nightmare of unending humidity and high temperatures. Insulation can be a death sentence, forcing Ren-Ziran to reinvent her wardrobe almost entirely. Keen to learn from others, she adopted a set of white-yellow silken underclothes, to which baggier but solid bamboo-woven pants and shirt would rest upon. Made for maximum breathability, but protective enough to stop even the most insidious slug from getting inside, they're tied shut tightly and secured to her with woven cords.   Her protective equipment comes in the form of a specially-made, broad-sized leaf hat and cloak, and a combination mask/visor fashioned from Iron Wood itself. The hat and cloak, principally made with a bamboo base interior, are stitched with large, broad leaves from the Mirror Tree on the exterior. A type of parasite, the Mirror Tree optically camouflages itself while its roots invade nearby plants and steal their nutrients. An extremely rare and difficult tree to find, Ren-Ziran's cloak combines optical camouflage with magical arts to create a powerful defensive item. When inactive, it appears similar to the broadly green leaves of other jungle trees. When active, she all but disappears from sight, only the strange, mirror-like refractions and shimmers persisting when she moves.   Ren-Ziran's face mask is principally made from the unrefined bark of an Iron Wood, fitted with straps and a hinge that lets her lift it up and down as needed. Clear, transparent crysium glass protects the eye holes, while a specialized design lets her breathe air directly, or recycled air supplied by a small piece of wind crysium. Essentially allowing for her to environmentally seal her face, it is an important tool to survive the myriad toxins, poisons, and other deadly airborne substances within Etzli Cuauhtla.

Mental characteristics




Ren-Ziran's upbringing in the Maetou wasn't glamorous, but she received a comprehensive education as expected of their hardworking family. Principally concerned with formalized learning and applied understanding, she built a robust foundation to which her later desires would heavily rely upon. Whether a natural savant or merely obsessed, Ren-Ziran's attentiveness in alchemy quickly put her into the upper echelons of the Maetou's next generations. Still, uncaring or unconcerned with broader issues like high society, mingling, and forming connections, her obsessive work ethic went largely unappreciated as a result.   Crafty and capable, Ren-Ziran learned from everyone around her with something to teach. Most would eventually go in one ear and out the other, but she picked up on survival methods, wilderness surveying, rustic cooking, and many more arts that only lived experience could truly give. In many ways, her journeys throughout the centuries have given her ecletic familiarity with many solutions to Veltrona's problems.   The wytches of Fauverngarz, and Moratahn herself, were particularly receptive to Ren-Ziran's learning methods. They set her loose on practical issues with first-hand requirements, rather than confining her to libraries or schools. While at times dangerous, they valued self-sufficiency and skill, which imbued into Ren-Ziran a pride for her capabilities that'd never truly flourished before. They also imparted the necessity of understanding how to live within, and move around, different societies; at least if only to get what she needed.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ren-Ziran's hyperawareness and over-attentiveness are at times strengths as much as debilitating weaknesses. When fully engaged, she can become a mistress in a topic with alarming speed and efficiency. Otherwise, her ability to engage varies between disinterest to completely ignoring the topic. For Ren-Ziran, only the complexity to a given problem mattered, and most problems she found weren't that complex at all.   Hence, her capability to solve said problems can be truly phenomenal, but she is very much driven by her own interests first. It can appear as callous or uncaring, but it is a fundamental sense of empathy that intertwines with her alchemical arts in the first place. Resolving other peoples' problems is, in a way, how Ren-Ziran expresses her concepts of compassion. Something further complicated by her nature as an immortal and the many, many different mortal peoples she deals with.   She has, however, picked up on Moratahn's sense of absolute ruthlessness. While not quite a 'survival of the fittest' mentality, she is quick to judge those who willfully become dead weight or otherwise drag down others. Such behavior is met by swift and brutal death in the wilds, to which Ren-Ziran embodies fully. Unlike Moratahn, she's more willing to extend a helping pawhand, if only once.


Current Location
Year of Birth
1732 TD 703 Years old
Heterochromatic; one eye bright, vividly green and gem-stone like; the other dark, opaquely and glossy green
Long, middle-back length; messily bed-head like, chestnut brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Peachy-pale, smooth with smatterings of freckles
5'7ft; 167cm
Aligned Organization


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