

Located to the relative south of Votyoger, Fauverngarz (a draconic name, somewhere around 'unpleasantly cold') is a land of bizarre, though ultimately unremarkable, history. Predominantly cold, it is an ever unpleasant mixture of swamps, marshlands, forests, and alpine mountain ranges. Combined with generally difficult-to-farm soil, the prevalence of the undead, and several ruined civilizations dotting the landscape, it is, in the best of terms, a 'bleak' continent.   Long ago, the Imperium sought to colonize it, as many of the volcanic and arctic dragons enjoyed its landscape (for differing reasons). While tangentially bringing the land under the wings of the Imperium, it was never heavily exploited. Its distance from everything else ultimately made it unattractive for long term living. Thus, much of the initial rush of immigrant dragons soon left, but a few notable clans remained, staking out huge tracts of (arguably, worthless) land.   They have ever been in opposition of Fauverngarz's native populations; typically, human queendoms, arctic dwelling muurun, and an unusually large amount of petrakin. Thus, various nations, city-states, and other governmental organs arose, fell, and arose again. Most curiously, however, is the ever prevalent ruins of past civilizations–ones far, far older than even the former Imperium itself. Scholars the world over are vastly intrigued at exploring them, but the remoteness of the land and its hostile nature has impeded them greatly.


Predominantly cold or frozen, with sparing few areas seeing lush greenery in the summer, Fauverngarz is a hardy land. It is not wholly impossible to dwell within, however, as ample forests and wild grounds give it plenty of wildlife to hunt. While many of its surface deposits of manarium was exploited long ago, enough remain in the ground that reservoirs of fresh water and plant life still exist. Not unlike oasises in the desert, these secluded coves are the subjects of legends and tall-tales to the highly superstitious people who live there.   Aside from the cold, one of the greatest dangers in Fauverngarz is the prevalence of the undead. The cold does well to maintain their rotting and decaying bodies, giving them a persistence not seen elsewhere. Not all of these undead are from recent times; ancient skeletons are the most dangerous, heralding from a bygone time no one remembers. Draped in strange armor and weapons, they are nonetheless skeletons, and while manageable, the unprepared often fall victim to them.

Natural Resources

Curiously, Fauverngarz has evidence of significant exploitation. Much of its 'easier to mine/acquire' earthly resources have old, long destroyed mines, and clear indications of strip mining. Combined with the deep, underground ruins of past civilizations, it is clear it used to be occupied at a massive scale at one point. However, with no indication of who did it, or whatever happened to them, it is mostly a sore point for the current era's residents, who have to work even harder to find equitable resources.   As a whole, development in Fauverngarz is heading at a reasonable pace, albeit slow compared to the richer lands of somewhere like Aerthen. Much of the organized civilizations spend time cultivating their terrible soil, hunting across vast grounds for animals, and mining whatever earthly resources haven't been already depleted. Magical arts are something an especially heavy investment goes into, as it is seen as a religious imperative as much as viable method of development.
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