

A literal continent-spanning desert, Eylia is a frozen land with virtually nothing to offer in terms of livability. That is, unless one happens to be an ice dragon or similar being. A number of small, somewhat isolated nations dot Eylia, principally populated by them. The solemn cold has been their shield and veil for countless generations, obscuring their bizarre and esoteric lifestyles from the rest of the world. Notably, they do cluster around geothermal vents, harvesting the heat to create green houses that help to sustain them. War is something of a rarity, as these small nations are so far apart no one really encroaches on the other. That being said, greed has won over reason more than once, and a number of ruined settlements can be found, drowned in snow and frost.   What is more notable, perhaps, is the number of underground dwelling civilizations who have tunnels leading up into Eylia. Although they're apart of the Underworld proper, frequent explorers visit, and often misunderstand the entire surface as a desolate, barren wasteland.


Rolling hills and small mountains, ever-covered in snow and frost, define Eylia's surface. While a few mountain ranges exist, it can be rather hard telling them apart from the rest of the terrain. A few active volcanoes do liven up the scenery, pumping magma and heating up the black rock underneath. Geothermal hotspots dot the continent, some more densely packed than others, offering bastions of life-giving heat. Microcosms tend to form around them, the smallest of preys and predators whose livelihoods are locked to such locations.

Fauna & Flora

Most flora and fauna on Eylia exist in microcosms around geothermal hotspots. There are a notable amount of exotic, mana-based creatures, however. These sentient creatures consist of crystalline structures, living snow, and animated rock. Lacking the traditional sense of predator and prey, they amble around the deserts with their own bizarre sense of purpose. It's hard to classify them as one or the other, but typically threatening one will create a hostile response back. Given how much little study has been done on them, no one really knows all that much.

Natural Resources

Without much prospecting to speak of, no one really knows what Eylia has. The presence of some notable civilizations does indicate there must be something valuable in the ground, but they're tight-lipped. With both distance and temperatures both being unkind to most everyone, perhaps no one will ever know.
Inhabiting Species


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