

Among Etzli Cuauhtla's largest predators, chontzincoatl is a species surrounded in legends and myths. Rarely found, the serpent's appearance can be regarded as an omen of calamity--or so most foreigners would interpret. Those of the deadly jungles, however, understand life and death belong in a cycle. One cannot happen without the other, and so a chontzincoatl's destructive force is seen in a holistic sense. No one truly wishes to die, but if the will of the goddesses manifests in such divine serpents, who can deny them? In this light, defeating one can be seen as overcoming the mandate of death. For some, it is almost sacrilege, but for many more, it is a triumphant of people, and the hallmark of one earning the favor of the goddesses.   What is most notable about chontzincoatls is, despite being predators, they are rather sedate most of the time. They slither through the jungles, seeking optimum locations with an intersection of sunlight and mana. Few things endanger them, and so during these times, it isn't all that hard to approach or observe them. They do, however, sense killing intent with unfaltering clarity, and so hunters or would-be challengers are immediately confronted by their fearsome power. Quite a number of legends attribute the chontzincoatl as a protector of children. So it goes, children find safety in the immense plumage of its mane, traveling on its backside. With their small size and lack of deadly aura, it is not as far-fetched as some might believe.   A more practical examination finds a number of small species tend to cluster around adult chontzincoatls. These mana-conductive species raise the ambient supply, potentially providing it a continual source. Thus, while it may not be directly protective of them, its lack of hostilities does bring it tangible benefits. There is also the fact many bolder predators may try to attack for food regardless, essentially meaning its meals deliver themselves as well.

Basic Information


A long serpents body defines most of their physique, with a thick but tapering tail end, and a large, strikingly fearsome head. Their jaws distend open easily, but unlike other serpents, they have flat, grinding teeth, not fangs nor slicing blade teeth. At their size range, crushing their meals is far more useful, as most prey tend to be quite hardy in one form or another. They can grow 'beards' and 'eyebrows', which are in fact just feathers that appear amongst the oldest of their kind.   Chontzincoatls are visually beautiful creatures, with their feathers and scales found among bright greens, fiery reds, warm oranges, ocean teals and turqoise, and even icy to plasma like blues. Their eyes tend to be chiefly blue colored; their underscales are nominally white to bony colored. Some of them may begin to incorporate (deliberately or accidentally) crysium shards, which may jut out of them like tiny knives, or integrate as smooth, glassy parts. They have a very notable plumage around their neck, which they can control with exceptional capability.   They are a female-only species.

Biological Traits

Apex Predator -- Chontzincoatls stand at the top of the food chain, with few other natural enemies in their adult form.   Fire Magic -- A unique, instinctual brand of fire magic gives deceptively dangerous weapons. They chiefly breath it out in a stream of fire, but can also launch explosive spheres, as well as whip-crack their tail with a flashing bang.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is an utter mystery how they reproduce exactly. They do lay eggs, and the immature form of chontzincoatls looks completely different from the adult form.

Growth Rate & Stages

Reproducing in vast numbers, chontzincoatls grow slowly, a fact mostly found out by dragon scholars. By all accounts, in order to maintain viability, they reproduce in great numbers, and through brute forcing with random luck does a mature adult specimen eventually arise. If they were ever given a conductive environment without great predators on their young, they could flood and collapse entire ecosystems.

Ecology and Habitats

Chiefly found in Etzli Cuauhtla, but some specimens are known to be found in other super-jungles, like Jerhegn. A few errant ones may roam outside into temperate forest environments, but they do not handle the cold well whatsoever, and so retreat during the winter.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Principally carnivorous; they do gnaw on mana-infused trees and rocky ores.

Biological Cycle

The green-and-brown child-form of chontzincoatl is not any different from other, simpler snake species. In fact, they're quite similar to some venomous ones, despite lacking any venom themselves. As they survive and age, they begin to molt into larger and larger forms, obtaining the plumage and resplendent appearance they're better known for. One notable feature is that their snake-fangs eventually shed from their mouth, and a more complete set of gnashing-chompers permanently take their place.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Those who can succeed in a great hunt for a chontzincoatl will reap a number of rewards. While its meat is not the tastiest around, it has a lot of it, and so can provide food for quite a long time. The real value is in the scales, feathers, bones, and exotic crystals or crysium it may possess, all of which can be turned into objects of use. Some of the lightest weight, but most protective gear to be found in the jungles is fashioned from their remains.
Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight


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