

The trock is the classic example of the beast of burden, found in virtually every warm region the world over. A sociable herd creature, their tough physique and good endurance is a hallmark of their homeland, Immensio. The untamed trock is a roaming herbivore, eating up easy-to-acquire plants. Preferring plains and loose forests to jungles and mountains, their decent speed and surprisingly good endurance shine the most when they're running. Some historians regard them as the world's earliest domesticated animals, with humanity using them the most. It is often through humans that the other peoples of the world learned how to domesticate the trock.   Seen in agriculture the most, they have no small presence in transportation and military affairs, either. Whether plowing fields, moving carts, or carrying warriors into battle, their sturdy nature serves well in all capacities. They do tend to be skittish about combat, so special training is required to make them manageable. In this regard, trock cavalries tend to focus on hit-and-run tactics, as protracted combat can make even the most seasoned one eventually lose morale.   Notably, they have an aversion to extreme colds (typically ice-forming temperatures) and have an unusual vulnerability to ice magic as well.

Basic Information


A reptillian, quadrupedal beast with a sturdy musculature and a thick, if taut, leathery skin. They notably lack scales, save for a protective later of thick, plate-like scales that grows along their back (that is, on top of their spines). Their heads are long snouts with expressive eyes on the sides, suitable for looking forward as much as to the sides. They have a long, thick tail that acts as a counterbalance, and can serve as a somewhat effective weapon as well. Their legs end in three-fingered feet that have dew claws, giving them decent grip on terrain and some ability to interact with plantlife.   Their skin color tends to be in the tans and browns, but more exotic specimens can appear as gold, white, or black. The scales are often a darker hued color of their skin, with some hybrids having a completely different scale color entirely.

Biological Traits

Robust – Trocks have good endurance, stamina, and all around survivability.   Social Creature – Trocks can bond with a number of beings in an exceedingly rudimentary manner, making them ideal pets, labor animals, and other similar roles.

Genetics and Reproduction

Males and females copulate in the spring time, with the females laying eggs in summer and them hatching in fall. As they are not typically in colder climates, winter time is not an issue for them. However, those seeking to domesticate them in such climates will need to pay special attention to handling their eggs to insure proper growth.

Growth Rate & Stages

The infant form of the trock emerges, for the most part, ready to go. They're softer and less durable, but able to eat and consume plants on their own. They grow into their full adult form in a few years.

Ecology and Habitats

Warm temperate, arid, and steppe-like environments are ideal for them, though they can somewhat work in others outside those definitions. Cold is their greatest enemy, and high humidity can be problematic as their skin does not take care of the excess moisture that well.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Biological Cycle

Trocks are active year-round, though migratory herds in the temperature borders will move into hotter areas during winter.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Aside from their civilized uses (agriculture, industry, military, etc), trocks were hunted once upon-a-time for their meat and skin. Some areas of the world still practice this tradition, but for the most part its been supplanted by better sources for that.
Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight


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