Xipilli, the Wandering Savior (zii-pee-lee)


By the time of his birth, Xipilli's home enclave‌ was long into decline. A wasting disease had torn through the population for years, and while his family was spared the initial horrors thanks to their affluence, they were not immune. His talent for magic was prominent, even as a child, and he put them to work however he could to save his family. Recognizing his talent, and realizing their own doom, Xipilli was tricked to depart on one of the last trade caravans leaving the enclave. To this day, he still bitterly remembers his parents waving goodbye.   Taken to the city-state of Toi'drinn‌, he was swept up by a prominent group of doctors as a new initiate. Over the years there, Xipilli's talents flourished, and much reward and praise was heaped upon his incredible accomplishments. Still, despite the wealth and prestige flowing to him, he found no peace, nor meaning in saving lives for profit. In much secrecy, he stole away on a trade caravan heading out of Etzli Cuauhtla‌, one that took him across the seas, through danger and worse, to the lands of Sa-kemet‌.   The beautiful and deadly wonders of the desert lands rattled him to his core. Nebusian‌ priestesses spoke with him often, unveiling the wondrous mysteries of their sun worship, and the truths they knew to be certain. As he made his way to the capital of Atenkhet‌, and beheld the Black Pyramid‌ with his own eyes, resolve built within his chest. An impossible dream, a hopeless-to-obtain desire, and a mad ambition, all combined together.   From his very heart, Xipilli despised suffering, hated starvation, and resented inadequacy. He wanted all peoples to have the warmth of home, the safety of meals, and the health of disease-free lives. It was to be his lot in life–his calling, he knew, then and there.   And so, Xipilli studied, practiced, and learned. He committed to his magical art the best he could, and sought to teach others to help as he wanted to help. In turn, his reputation grew by leaps and folds, neither the poorest nor the richest turned away if in genuine need. With each city, town, or village he visited, he did what he could, and left behind those to continue on the care. In this, he hoped to set the trend for better lives, for he knew no person by themself could save the world.   Slithering across all the lands there are, Xipilli endeavors to help those in need, and finds himself again and again with allies and enemies all around him. Even he, mortal that he is, falters, suffers, and cries, but by the dawn of the next day, he gets up, to continue on. Unable to save his parents, he does what he can so that no other must ever understand what that feeling is like.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A capable mussuba, that while he doesn't have the strength of the warrior, isn't to be underestimated. Xipilli's beautiful appearance belies the seriousness he carries about, and the aura of someone burdened by great weight.

Body Features

Xipilli's pale skin is offset by his opulent scales. With their deeply dark, obsidian-like coloration, the edges of the scales themselves are lined with a gold look. No one knows if it's actual gold, even Xipilli himself, but it brightens up his otherwise dark splendor, and coupled with his young, prime-of-his-life looks, makes him quite appealing to the eyes.

Facial Features

With an oval-shaped face and round, expressive eyes, Xipilli has a certain masculine beauty about him. Yet, those same eyes betray the weight that presses down on him, and offer an insight to a mind far more mature than might be expected.

Identifying Characteristics

His scales are rather unique, even among the mussuba, and capture the eye quite easily. If not for those, then his attire and equipment denoting him as a member of Atenkhet's clergy is quite distinct in and of itself.

Special abilities

Healing Magic – Xipilli has an innate gift for healing magic, and years of study and practice have refined it to an exceptional degree.

Apparel & Accessories

His shoulder-length hair is often tied with various trinkets and magical charms, crowned by a gold diadem of nebusian origin. Long, flowing tan robes adorn his humanoid half, padded out with thick cloth for added protection. Golden threads suffice for the stitching, and indeed, hieroglyphic patterns are etched across the tapestry of his robe. They depict, in part, the life giving story of water and peaceful coming together. Yellow tourmaline-embedded bracelets adorn his wrists, the jewels themselves having a hint of fiery-red in them. His lower, serpentine half is often left as is, given its sufficiently fine. Xipilli carries a bag, pouches, and other containers along himself as he needs.   The most notable thing he owns would be a large, staff of sun-gold and steel. The height of it splitting apart into a T-shape, the ritualistic tool carries censers off its ends, burning medicinal herbs and disease-warding plants. Small bells hang off these censers, jingling with every motion Xipilli makes. A single, vertical band of ingrained writing can be found on the shaft of the staff. Translated out of the nebusian script, it reads, "Our loving, departed son; generous is his heart; graceful he carries Akenra's light".

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Having received the height of Toi'drinn's esoteric, but advanced, medical knowledge, he surprises many with his capabilities as a healer. In venturing to Atenkhet, and receiving training from the priestesshood, he has become knowledgeable in scripture, social design, and the ways of different people. Altogether, Xipilli has a unique perspective born of two very different worlds, marrying their strengths together. While he isn't the greatest in academia, his practical knowledge is unrivaled.

Mental Trauma

Having seen so many waste away, and many more still die as he was caring for them, Xipilli has a grim, fanatical determination to save lives whenever he can. Still, every failure haunts him, and that list still grows, however slow it may be.

Intellectual Characteristics

A brightly optimistic soul, tempered by the harsh realities he has grown up with, Xipilli chooses to see the best and brightest in life. He is keenly aware of the darkness that lurks in all things, and pays due respect to it. He is ever burdened by his abilities to save lives, and is better for it some days than others. It is an unending responsibility, one that even if he wanted to selfishly deny, eats away at his conscience.   While he scorns wasteful hedonism, without much recourse, he is drawn to having a good time when he is able to. It is an especially hard struggle for him, as turning away from his path would be easy, and save him from so much pain. Yet, he endeavors to continue onward, and help others, even when he himself falters. He quite likes arts, particularly music, and is actively trying to learn the flute and small harp he carries with him.   Deeply spiritual, he regards the world in layers, and does not suffice for reason what faith can answer. This isn't to be a total rejection of logic, rather, a pointed acknowledgement in what he chooses to be the answers.

Morality & Philosophy

Life is sacred, and that is why so much more must be done to preserve it and bring prosperity. Such forms the core of Xipilli's philosophy and religious view, seeing that all people and equitable animal life are protected when they can be. He understands, of course, those who willfully wrong and bring harm to others. Foolish as he knows it can be, he would still like to save them, be it with stern punishment or otherwise. To do so otherwise would be to give a tacit approval that not all life is worthy. Having lived through such himself, and seen its consequences, he deliberately rejects such a notion outright. For better, or worse.

Personality Characteristics


To save others and free them from suffering, he endeavors to bring healing arts and knowledge to as many as he can. His journeys take him far and wide, for better or worse, but still, he perseveres.
Year of Birth
2408 TD 27 Years old
Roundly expressive, a little wide-set; slittled pupils, emerald iris, dark teal sclera
Black, with gold highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin; deeply dark, obsidian scales outlined with resplendent gold


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