Silver Shores (Sil-ver shor-es)


There is some disagreement over whether or not the 'Silver Shores' actually exist. Ostensibly, it is the expanse of water between Etzli Cuauhtla and Honokom, which would put Golden Tides on its eastern face, and Olaniad on its southwestern. While there aren't a lot of large islands, there are countless small ones, some hosting micro environments even. Combined with the rich complexity of its oceanic terrain, the Silver Shores is quite the character to deal with.   The root of its existence largely centers on 'who' is asked. Those in Honokom entirely favor its existence, as their maps need extreme detail in order to navigate such waters. Those in Dorvar and Karg largely see it as the 'western arm' of Golden Tides, and usually have little business to do in the region directly. If one had to surmise the difficulties, it is that inordinately prideful or egotistical people end up butting heads over matters of 'official documentation'.   Well, regardless of their whims, the Silver Shores would make equal demands of them all.   Generally a very resource rich ocean, the especially fertile underwater soil comes from volcanic run off in the region. Combined with a warm water current that travels from east to southwest, much of the ecosystems in Golden Tides find a home in the Silver Shores. There are, however, two notable problems that change its dynamics: the farther away Tyrant's Sea, and Olaniad's own creatures.   While the chaotic waters of the Tyrant's Sea are largely kept inside, there are still currents flowing in and out. For the Silver Shores, it is the far western current, one that runs along the eastern face of Etzli Cuauhtla, that is most concerning. It intermingles with the currents of Golden Tides, bringing them both into and through the Silver Shores. The result of this means that a lot of high-intensity, mana-rich waters disperse throughout the Silver Shores. Life, in turn, eagerly uses this bountiful resource to grow with rampant abandon.   Thankfully filtered down to a more stable form, the resulting life is simply much grander, rather than Tyrant Sea's chaotic mutants. However, those coming from Golden Tides can be ill-prepared to deal with the dramatically different ecosystems present in Silver Shores. Worse, an unexpected danger also rears its head: sea-borne leviathans from Olaniad. Drawn to the richness of the waters, these leviathans roam for easy meals in a veritable buffet of selections. In fact, its so delightful to them that leviathans who predate on each other simply ignore their competition to eat for free instead.


Silver Shores can largely be defined by its volcanic nature and the run off from Etzli Cuauhtla, Honokom, and even small volcanoes within the ocean itself. While it's as tectonically active as Chompy Waters, the infrequent heartbeat of many volcanoes help to keep the area well-fed on rich substrate and mana. In fact, a number of veltron mana-specific geological formations have a high chance of occuring. Sudden rock formations, spires, pillars, or even erupting cliffsides, happen throughout the year with some regularity. Most remain beneath the waterline, but there are occasionally great eruptions that can pose dangers to vessels.   This leaves the remaining topography with two general tones in its makeup: the steady run off provided by nearby volcanoes, and then the chaotic appearance of different veltron formations. Overtime, water currents erode and knock down the weakest formations, creating a varied and turbulent underwater landscape. Substrate, sand, and other material eventually fills in the gaps, with life like corals racing to profit off the opportunities.   The general activity of Silver Shores' geography can make it a challenge to build upon. Underwater peoples such as shermadi and ekurin specifically seek out more inactive regions to settle and fortify. Those above the water line trying to build on the islands and continental shores have to contend with volcanic activity as much as weather. Still, the relative abundance of materials and the ease by which it can be acquired is endlessly tempting to everyone.


Thanks to the bounty of its waters, the ecosystems of Silver Shores are particularly diverse, and fully of highly competitive organisms. Things like corals, kelps, tubular plants, and more grow with a rampant abandon that feed even more voracious animals. The geological activity of the region also means localized, or even wide-spread, disruptions are somewhat the norm. So, even areas that have settled down may experience sudden upsets that have ripple effects on nearby regions.   There is something of an asymmetrical balance in Silver Shores, however. The wildlife predominantly favors filter feeders, herbivores, and other generally non-carnivorous forms of life. What predators do exist, while consistently so, often fluctuate as the year goes by. Local scholars attribute this to external predation coming in from Olaniad's leviathans, as well as Golden Tide's native predators. Both sides have a habit of intruding as Silver Shores reaches population saturation, then decimate the ecosystems in blood frenzy hunts.   Eventually either leaving or hunting each other to death, the remaining carnage drifts to the oceanic floor where flora and scavenger fauna eagerly slurp it up. The sudden absence of most predators means the normal prey species can flourish, and they explosively increase in numbers. In a sense, the ecosystems of Silver Shores oscillate rapidly between extremes of feast or famine. Either in multiple times in the same year, or spread out over a period of a few years, depending on circumstances.   One notable problem in the last few millenniums has been leviathans moving their spawning grounds into Silver Shores. While they're generally the smaller breeds of leviathans, their imminent threat is no less severe when feeding in order to spawn. Even after their parents leave, the off spring are born at a dangerously large size and more than capable of hunting anything in the waters. Most leviathans don't natively rotate to the silver shores to spawn, so it hasn't become too serious of an issue, but people readily fear them doing so.

Natural Resources

With volcanic activity providing much from Veltrona itself, the mana-rich waters of Tyrant's Sea flowing in further enrichen the Silver Shores. For much of the native life there, they don't want for resources to consume and flourish upon, making the whole ocean rich in biodiversity. For people, it poses a bountiful opportunity, though fraught with danger from sea-borne leviathans.   It's difficult to evaluate the mineral and metal wealth of Silver Shores because of how troublesome sustained mining operations can be. The area is definitely rich, but even shermadi and ekurin can struggle to fully exploit viable mining sites. If it isn't local flora invading in, its the fauna coming by to eat the flora or them. Since the noise and disturbance of mining can attract a lot of attention, it also means roaming leviathans are a real concern. Hence, whatever mining goes on tends to be for extremely rare materials, such as pure crysium, platinum, or the remains of particular animals.   Fishing and hunting are by far the most profitable, and ironically, usually safest ventures. Depending on the time of year, fortunate fisherwomen can haul in great amounts of easy-to-catch prey. In more troublesome time, huntresses contend with fearsome predators, eying the prize of such formidable bodies and their bounties. Underwater gatherers roam through the fauna forests, corals, and other growths, collecting anything from edible to functionally useful materials in crafting. In that respect, seasonal foraging and hunting parties are more the norm in Silver Shores, and exceedingly profitable in doing so.


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