Kos, Of the Devouring Light


In southwestern Lophern stood the land of Donfaed, so named after the city-state. By the late 1900s, it was a beacon of safety and prosperity in a land otherwise beset by war. Though scarred with its own share of blows, many held their heads up high for the future. To the modern day they remain so, timeless statues cradled in a tomb of a city.   So marks the passage of Kos, the heroine, the savior: the one who would slay evil, forever.   Years prior, an unremarkable band of adventurers called the Split-Hammers adopted a young chimaera. Her parents, either killed or having abandoned her, were never found. So they named her Kos, a shorthand for saying someone is 'fighty'. Unburdened by her rough childhood, Kos took to the adventuring lifestyle like a fish to water. In time, she grew into a formidable fighter, and the center star of the Split-Hammers.   Although they had national acclaim within Donfaed, the Split-Hammers never really went abroad. Adventuring was, ultimately, a way to build fortunes off one's blood and sweat. While many of the of the original members retired, Kos continued on. She drank the wine of heroism, believing in it completely. From the tiny problems to the issues that made queens sweat nervously, Kos tackled them all. Upon her back the Split-Hammers grew, and a powerful guild arose around her.   Countless deeds fell at her feet, either by her hand or by those yet influenced by her. Kos' starry-eyed bravado, however, left her blind to a growing corruption. Rich and powerful forces, hampered again and again by her heroic acts, turned their blades upon her. It wasn't through violence, though–Kos was simply too powerful. Instead they tarnished her reputation, slandered the Split-Hammers, and poisoned the minds of the people. It took years, but the once great heroine turned into a pariah.   Kos, all the while, caught onto the scheme, though in her mind it was the deeds of an evil cult. The more she routed them out, the greater the public's opinion turned against her. Ally turned to enemy, and those who adored Kos scorned her instead. The heroine lost friends, family, colleagues, and everyone else as the insidious trap closed in. Her ultimate mark on Donfaed became a tumultuous exile, and the disbandment of the Split-Hammers.   Despite all that happened, Kos never abandoned heroism. Even as those who she protected scorned her instead, she sought out evil to destroy. The harrowing realization of how powerful evil could become, though, ever shadowed her mind. She couldn't simply destroy what she found; the ideas that birthed evil, too, had to be killed. The years dragged by, and hardship bore its toll upon her. Kos remained convinced, yet unable to find an answer to the quandary.   Some would say madness finally befell her. Others believed some stray, zealous thought came instead. Whatever the reason that only Kos herself knows, the heroine disappeared into the western mountains. Eventually, Donfaed forgot about Kos, a name only remembered ruefully by her once-close companions.   Then, Kos returned.   Changed by some inexplicably radiant power, her whole being had transformed. A single-mindedness gripped her completely, a determination to finally save everyone she could. The veltron beneath her warped and twisted, suffused with radiant mana. Dirt became stone, animals turned into statues, and people followed soon after. Yet those who changed became like Kos, sharing in her singular purpose of expunging evil forever.   These Light-Devoured fell upon Kos' flanks, an expanding army of anyone and everything consumed by her encroaching light. Faced against Kos' incredible might and her unfathomable magical powers, Donfaed fell. Not as any other city might, or had, for its denizens ever remained apart of it. Not all consumed by Kos emerged as the strange, quasi-living beings that followed her so faithfully. Those who remained stood silently, trapped forever in their stony prison.   Long after the downfall of Donfaed it became clear she'd turned into some kind of Forsaken. Kos' all-consuming hatred of evil had found the answer she'd long sought. Only by blindingly illuminating the soul, the scouring of every possibility of difference, would evil be slain forever. Those felled by her light join in her chorus, singing without voices to realize the pure world Kos dreamt of.   Donfaed's neighbors, in a rare display of unity, moved the entirety of their militaries to assault Kos. They met the Light-Devoured in open battle, a brutal slugfest even the most unsavory of descriptions would struggle to capture. Kos herself, seemingly slayed, marked the end of the fearsome battle. Donfaed, suffused with her wicked radiance, was cordoned off and condemned until the mana finally dissipates.   Were it could be that would mark Kos' infamous tale.   Over the decades since, Kos' Light-Devoured would emerge again and again. Whether in Lophern, nearby Aerthen, or even as far as Nerzin and Sa-kemet, Kos would return. Village after village would be swept away, and so many more would come to fear the coming light. No more than Atenkhet despises her, for she is seen as an abominable perversion of Akenra's sunlight.   It remains unknown how Kos came about her 'newfound' power, or what continues to bring her back. Even among the more exotic types of Forsaken, she and hers are supremely unusual. Some even argue she isn't actually a Forsaken at all, but something completely different. Whatever the truth may become, the lives she takes is quite real.  
Would you keep going, no matter how many of them cursed your name? Would you scale even the tallest mountain, nothing but your bloodied hands to drag you up? How far would you go for those you love?
— Kos, asking a knight-captain in central Aerthen.

Physical Description

Body Features

A hardy physique sculpted by a lifetime of adventuring, Kos' body is beyond exemplary. Her change has only pushed it further, arguably that of a statue that'd been carved by the hands of a goddess. What imperfections were left upon her skin transformed into streaks of green opal, adding dashing color across her body. With a reasonably large frame and thick muscles, Kos is ever physically imposing to be around. Her torso and hips are quite tight as a result, becoming a solid trunk that physical power exerts from. Kos' carries a surprisingly hefty bosom, one that defies motion in maintaining its statue-esque solidness.   The hair and fur of Kos largely resemble her skin in tone, color, and texture, being almost indistinguishable except for their shapes. They're fixed in position as well, unmoving no matter what kind of motion she undergoes. Strangely movement is possible, as Kos has had different hair stylings in some encounters. Whether by intention, accident, or something else is impossible to discern. The mane of fur around her neck in particular tends to be in a 'swept back from blowing winds' style more often than not.   Her dragon wings and scaled-forearms are generally smooth with sharp, curving cliffs rounding them off. It is a style typical among water dragons, which many suspect would be part of her bloodline legacy in some form. Kos' hands are generally larger, nearing paw like, with exaggerated curved, short but thick claws.   The scorpion tail out of her backside has, instead of a spear-like tip, more of a sideways, double-headed hammer. Retaining the ability to extend her tail like all other chimaera, Kos can swing it from a surprising number of angles. Its destructive power is impressive as a result. The chitin of the tail is sturdier than normal, and the exposed musculature reveals a green opal flesh that connects it all together.   Kos' baarham horns on her head start up and behind her temples. Two thick bases grow up from the skull, then sweep backward halfway across the head. They curve around her fluffy, tall nebubis ears, creating a half-circle before continuing on. They terminate in a slight downward slope, hanging off the back of the head. Somewhere between a crown-like appearance and a protective headguard would describe them.

Facial Features

A squarish-head lends toward a stronger, almost blocky look, especially with Kos' facial chimaera bones. Upon her cheek bones, around her eyes, and slightly into her brow line, the thick, plate-like bones give her a half-mask appearance. A stronger, prominent bone growth protects her chin, being slightly rounded and partially marred by green opal cracks. Her lips are somewhat broken apart, green opal replacing the scars on her marbled flesh. It is an elemental of wildness or ferocity in a face otherwise highly controlled.   Kos' natural expression lends toward serious, and her imposing physique makes it an easy first impression. Her visage changed somewhat along with her, lending toward a more solemn and reserved air. Even when expressing strong emotions, this solemnness remains. However, sometimes it uncharacteristically breaks, revealing the bombastic aura she once carried.

Identifying Characteristics

Kos' presence is extremely distinct because of her radiant nature, and anyone with a sense would pick it up immediately. Her actual physique is, also, very distinct and almost wholly unique across Veltrona. Some foolish folk who don't know better might confuse her for a kind of petrakin, though.

Special abilities

Consuming Radiance – Kos' mere presence affects the world around her with radiant mana. The longer exposure continues, the more an imbalance overrides and transforms everything and everyone just like her. Only those with strong mana constitutions can resist her for long, if at all. It's an effect she can seemingly control at will, intensifying or restraining as desired.   Life Sense – Kos can supernaturally sense living beings up to a mile away with disturbing accuracy.   Supernatural Physique – Already an accomplished adventurer and powerful chimaera, Kos' change only enhanced her even further. She is stronger, more durable, and altogether great with endurance that most mortal beings struggle to keep up with.   Radiant Magic – She can only use radiant mana for magic, and performs rather exotic forms of radiant-based magic as a result.

Apparel & Accessories

Kos' attire is strangely reminiscient of her original adventurer's gear. Unlike the leathers, irons, and binding cloths that brought it together, hers has ever become a part of her. It's as stone-like as the rest of her body, and seemingly inseparable from her. At the least, when Kos is slain and she crumbles away, it crumbles along with. Its stony-textures are darker and lack the green opal scars of her flesh, however, making it a clearer contrast.   A heavy iron breastplate adorns Kos' upper torso, covering her shoulders, collar, and chest. Its built from a layered style, where different rings of the breastplate are used to sculpt its shape rather than one continguous sheet of metal. Her midsection guarded with a thick chainmail and padded cloth, though it resembles chained up stone better than cloth. A heavy, formerly leather belt wraps around her waist, adorned with pouches, holsters for sword sheathes, and other useful tools. Some of them appear broken off, though, having obviously been destroyed at some point.   Squared shoulder pads cover her shoulders, being somewhat blocky and silhouette shaping. Chainmail wrappings go down her upper arms and meet at a cuff just past the elbow, where human flesh reshapes into dragon scales. Small tassels hang off her shoulders and arms, surprisingly animate and moving as they decoratively sway. They have a double helix twisting cord that terminates in a cat's tail fluffy end.   Layered plate similar to her chest piece covers her thighs and legs. Making concessions for weight and mobility, they have a stylish, swirling filigree applied with a motif of rolling flowers. It is a theme shared with her breastplate and its filigree as well. The armor meets heavy, nebubis-styled boots that are ideal for their paw feet. A general range of motion and overlapping metals make it much more nimble than most would expect from looking at it.   Kos' signature weapon is a sword-spear, and the shaft is much like the rest of her rocky visage. The sword itself, strangely, looks to be made out of some palladium-esque material. Its metal intertwines with the shaft's head connection, and creates a beautiful design resembling a blooming flower. In life, Kos adored flowers and fruits, and so adorned much of her gear with iconography or designs evocative of them. Her weapon is no different, beautiful but undoubtedly functional.   A broken blacksmith's hammer hangs from her utility belt, split down the head. The symbolic symbol of the Split-Hammers, it is completely untouched by her radiant mana. By all accounts it is simply an ordinary item, but that itself is rather extraordinary considering the circumstances.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Although Kos never received formalized education, her life as an adventurer saw all kinds of practical work. It is the sort of understanding created from necessity, desperation, and the willingness to survive. In such a regard she became incredibly capable and handy, soaking up the wisdom of her peers and finding the best ways to apply it. Things like arithmetic were measured by ideas like, 'how much weight is the food', and 'how to split pay equally', 'how to calculate an enemy's characteristics', and so on. A calculus sheet would look like indecipherable garbage to her, but few might setup a caravan as well as she does.

Intellectual Characteristics

Before her change a louder-than-life figure, Kos lived with a proud, energetic nature that had a magnetic affect on those around her. Speaking with her heart before her brain, she ended up in countless guffaws and just as charmingly worked out of them again. For her, doing she knows is right (a much as feeling as anything else) is terribly important. It would be life that sculpted and shaped this core around a terrifyingly adept adventurer. Kos could dissect the environment around her, figure out what was what, and put a plan into action with terrifying speed.   Whatever Kos became afterward, her adventurer's aptitude veered toward the supernatural. With newer senses and a sharper, focused mind Kos could tackle problems dozens of times greater and come out on top. Her bombastic nature, however, seems to have been crushed and refined into a cooler, calculative one. Adhered to her unwavering resolve and firmly fixated purpose, Kos has nothing to distract her from pursuing it. Parts of the affable woman she once was emerges every so often, but always fleetingly. Perhaps the burden of what she is committed to is so great even Kos cannot ignore it for long.

Morality & Philosophy

It's not hard understanding what Kos wants to do. I've spoken to her more than once.   What is it, then? Hm.   The first time we talked, I'd ran my spear through her. Broke that unyielding body and knew death would surely win that day. Yet, as she laid upon the veltron, slowly crumbling to rock as all the other devoured do, she stared at me. Impassive. Not bored, but someone trying to solve some errant thought.   "You want to save them like me," she'd said, "why do you resist?"   "What you do is not 'saving'," I retorted.   "But it is. For everyone, equally. No matter who they are, or what they did. I would save them all, like a true heroine."   "That you do not understand the lives you ruin only makes those words even more tragic."   "I thought like that once. But no matter how many times I tried, evil always returned. If it is not stopped, then heroines like us will always be needed. What of those in between? The ones we cannot reach? The ones who must suffer and die, so that we answer their cries?"   Her life, or whatever sustains her, gave out before I could say anything. It's easy to ridicule Kos, and simply say she is an evil, rampaging force. The truth is we're all much closer at heart than we'd ever want to admit. Still, that doesn't mean she shouldn't be stopped. There's a right and wrong way to be a heroine.
— From the testimonies of Holimad, of the Hol lineage. Holimad has made it her purpose to stop Kos and her Light-Devoured, and so regularly reports to Votyoger in her endless mission.


The Light-Devoured

Although Light-Devoured is the technically correct title for them all, some simply shorthand it to devoured instead.   Kos' unique brand of Forsaken arise from their heavily radiant nature. They are so called 'light-devoured' because of those who came close, yet escaped. She yawns like a hungry beast, eager to consume, but without feral madness. Others liken it to faithful conviction beyond fanaticism; an all-consuming, compulsive need that cannot be denied. She is yet maddeningly unknownable and terrifying, and then also far too person-like at the same time.   Defying the typical notions of undeath, they are seemingly changed in the same way Kos has. Alive, yet different, and all too much sharing in her single-mindedness to 'save' all others. For, in the minds of the devoured, there is no higher nobility, no greater charity, than their mission. They hold the keys to a true, everlasting paradiso, and so invite all they can. It falls to everyone else to resist their encroaching light, and defy its deathly grip.   The true nature of what they are doing simply seems unfathomable to them.
Year of Birth
1822 TD 613 Years old
Muted yellow iris, gray sclera, unblinking expression, oval eyes
Chin-length, wild, slightly curly, colored the same as her skin
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Marble stone with large, blotchy brown sections; fractures of green opal-like gems


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