

Hanging off the bottom of Fauverngarz, Karg is a predominantly alpine, tundra, and frozen location the further south one goes. With a few indigenous groups claiming it as home, it has been a largely ignored territory by most everyone else in the world. Karg does, typically, serve as a final civilized port for anyone aiming to explore into the (relative) southeastern oceans and continents. Given that Eylia is devoid of sea-capable infrastructure, and Fauverngarz's southeastern stretches are just as much a wasteland, a fair amount of business ends up in Karg. Conversely, those making their way through the Divide and past the Long Sleep Sea stop by for resupplying, if not business.   In the distant past, a number of raider cultures used to dominate Karg. Bolstered by their domestic successes, they soon branched outward, striking into Golden Tides and hammering the likes of Honokom and Dorvar. For as much territory as they took, the greater nations in their respective continents lashed back. The raiders, thus unable to endure, were pushed back to Karg, then ultimately broken apart. A long-term garrison of the continent maintains a vigil, operating the only large-scale port and serving as a guard dog should the raiders try reforming.   Given how long it has been, though, the raider survivors and indigenous groups intermarried, mixed, and turned their sights toward different goals.


With its southern reaches a frozen, rocky-hilly wasteland, most of Karg's habitable space is found in the center and northern section. In particular, the mountainous regions bisecting it from Fauverngarz host the best opportunities for livelihood to be found. The alpine territories being as they are, there are virtually no direct routes into Fauverngarz over land. The mountains are simply too jagged, storm-ridden, and otherwise perilous to safely navigate.

Fauna & Flora

Featuring cold-adapted flora and fauna, most species are closely related to those found in Faunverngarz. Some divergence has begun, although it is relatively minor in nature. Lichens, cold-resistant grasses, pine trees, and the like constitute the greenery to be found. Notably, a great variety of ice-aspected flora does exist, in turn providing sustenance and further ice mana reliant organisms. Being largely wild and untamed, fantastic opportunities await to be discovered.

Natural Resources

While its wildlife and vegetation are limited in opportunities, Karg does have an incredible mineral wealth in its mountainous regions. Furthermore, being virtually unexploited, it is easy for anyone to setup mining operations and quickly make back their investments. A number of companies in Dorvar are interested in the idea, but the indigenous groups greatly resist their exploitative efforts. With its nearby access of oceans and seas, it also has a range of choice in regards to fishing. For the most part, though, many focus on hunting the sea monsters of Olaniad. These great kills bring prestige and honor to their hunters, as well as months worth of supplies.
Alternative Name(s)
Cold Fang


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