Honokom (Ho-no-kohm)


A close neighbor of Etzli Cuauhtla, Honokom has been spared the more aggressive flora and fauna. With large volcanoes dotting the continent, it is highly geologically active, featuring steam geysers, hot springs, fertile soil, and more. As such, its many peoples have enjoyed a rich degree of resources, leading to more opportunities for civilization development. Conflict invariably followed, and much of Honokom is split up between powerful families who vie for control of the continent. In many ways sporting a proud martial history, the ambitions of its people are held high, much to the concerned glances of its neighbors.   Often serving as a mid-way point for trader vessels coming from Olaniad, Golden Tides, and the Shimmering Ocean, trade is a fact of life in Honokom. Virtually every viable coastline has a port of some description, and foreign influence comes and goes on the regular. These port towns and cities are overseen vigilantly by Tensokari, who regard outside influence with suspicion. Not least of which may be due to the various Tensokari factions potentially trying to utilize outside power in order to disrupt the political equilibrium Honokom carefully balances upon.


Volcanoes dot along Honokom, providing great sloping if otherwise 'lonely' mountains. The rich magma runoff from the distant past has done well to give the ground highly fertile soil, resulting in lush greenery. Dry winds leaving Etzli Cuauhtla and Dorvar catch moisture in Golden Tides, ultimately hitting into Honokom and dropping a great deal with rainfall across the land. Fresh water tends to be in abundance, a luxury when surrounded by the salted oceans and seas as it is. In some ways it could be considered tropical, but much of the forested environment is reminiscent of Aerthen in a way.

Fauna & Flora

Being left on its own to develop for quite a while has given Honokom a different degree of biodiversity. Furthermore, the lands penchant to be saturated in mana has left it with far more fantastical creatures than one might expect.

Natural Resources

Rich farmland and dense greenery offer the greatest immediate resources. While the volcanoes have helped bring some minerals to the surface, Honokom is somewhat metal poor. Thus, they tend to import foreign metal more than make their own, with native metal types being rather reserved in usage. Their active volcanoes are particularly desirable to volcanic dragons, who stake out aggressive ownership of the precious magma streams, tightening up their usability.
Included Organizations


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