The Eye of Dagarn


An oval-shaped, rounded object fashioned after a human eye, forged from mana-steel. Hieroglyphic inscriptions adorn the eye, depicting scenes of judge, jury, and execution. The actual pupil of the eye is a bismuth crystal, surrounded by a polished kind of moonstone. A core of pure, liquid mana roils within the Eye, making it hum if held in the hand. One can somewhat see this churning motion through the bismuth pupil.   No one quite knows who Dagarn is, or was, or what even they were. However, legends in Fauverngarz detail a being named Dagarn somewhat extensively. Combining the role of judge and jury, Dagarn was a law-abiding entity, responsible for determining guilt, and sentencing crimes. It's unclear if this was in the living world or the afterlife, as any tale with Dagarn blends the two together. Regardless, Dagarn often meets their end, losing their single eye in some calamitous event or battle.   As for the artifact itself, dragon explorers during the age of the Imperium discovered it in a sealed vault. While unable to discern its abilities of truth seeing, they did discover its aptitude as a magical focus device. The Eye's incredible abilities soon came to light in the hands of the then Principle Supreme, who utilized it to achieve unbelievable magic power. In many ways securing her position in Imperious' vaunted inner circle, it played a pivotal role in the collapse of the World Gate.   Presumed lost in the cataclysmic explosion, the Eye was rediscovered in the depths of Etzli Cuauhtla centuries later. Recognizing its divinity, the elders of Toi'drinn enshrined it within their supreme temple. Ever curious of ascertaining the will of its owner, a disease-stricken child who'd lost their eyes was brought before it. In bestowing the Eye upon them, their body twisted and warped, turning away from the vampyr they were into something never seen before. Caught somewhere between the serpentine form of a mussuba, the winged arms of a harpy, and the cavernous maw of an elder vampyr, the boy was sealed within a protected area of the temple.   For many years, he read scripture and studied, his newfound, cyclopian head finding meaning and intent that no other foresaw. Divining upon the Eye of Dagarn, he felt a continual pull, a need to leave and venture far to the east. Maddening visions soon plagued him, telling of a great body that sought to become whole once again; a sea filled with corpses, nestled in ice, and surrounded by barren wastelands--the home that wanted him to return. Terrified of what being they may be rousing, the priestesses sacrificed the boy in Kirichiki's name, a profound event reserved only for the most serious matters. The Eye was extracted and sealed deep underground in their vaults, never to be touched again.   But, one day, the curator discovered the Eye had vanished.   And so it is, no one is certain where it will appear, or who may bring it where it wants to be.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Eye of Dagarn can function as a magical focus, taking mana directed through and sharpening its potency to incredible levels. Its true power of insight, however, requires one to take the Eye into their body, where it inflicts horrible mutations upon them. This new form, for as powerful and durable as it is, cannot be reversed, and those transformed are slowly driven mad by the will of the Eye.


Most well known for its magical enhancing properties, as seen by the Principle Supreme of the former Imperium. Research on the Eye was an informative matter, teaching many of the draconic smiths better methods of mana infusion, thus magi-tech creation.
Item type
Legendary (unique)
Base Price


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