Fount of the Boundless


A u-shaped object, built out of craggy obsidian, lined with pulsing veins of blue plasma. There has been a degree of refinement, in the form of palladium intertwined roots and branches that help to 'keep it together'. It is often believed to be an exotic or ancient type of chalice upon first glance, a fact accompanied by the roiling pure liquid mana in the 'cup'.   No one knows where the Fount came from, and the first records of its existence came about during the Imperium. Unearthed near the now destroyed World Gate, it was initially believed to be some kind of functional core. However, it later proved entirely superfluous, despite the incredible amounts of mana residing within the Fount. Thusly, sealed away for academic research, it and other artifacts were lost in the world-shaking explosion.   Rediscovered in the far mountainous reaches in Lophern, the Fount quickly became the heart of many conflicts. Powers great and small desire the vast mana it seemingly spews out, weaponizing it to power armies or fantastically dangerous spells. Few, however, are able to tap into its bounty and survive. Once an entire fortress-city was consumed in a backblast, the Fount vanished again.   While it doesn't appear in any mythological records, a number of priestesses have consistently reviewed the Fount. It is often thought to be divine in nature, but not one has agreed to whose divinity it would belong to. One astute priestess, who doubled as an astronomer, however, attributed the Fount as to something from the night sky. That is, the two are eerily similar, to the point that it is clearly not something from Veltrona itself.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Fount is a source of mana, and so can be drawn upon to increase mana in whoever or whatever is siphoning it. However, the more that is drawn, the more that comes out--a desire for a handful of mana produces a bucket, and so forth. It is phenomenally easy to overdraw and cause a mana flood, which releases destructive amounts of energy.


It is most renowned for its military applications, being a feared, unknown relic of fantastic capabilities.
Item type
Legendary (unique)


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