Akai Juugatsu, Hidden Horror Born In Blood (a-kai juu-gaht-suu)


Despite all of Veltrona's wonders, terrifying dangers are never far away. A truth that even the vile vampires, who so often tormented others, knew to be an inescapable fact. They, who hunted and feasted like great predators, would become prey to a sinister creature. They named her Akai Juugatsu, in frightful honor of the bloody autumn in which her legend became known.   Several centuries ago, in the 1900s, a powerful vampire dynasty ruled the tempestous northeastern coastlines of Fauverngarz. With countless living nobles and royals brought to heel, the tyrannical Lemnera Family lauded their bloody power. Few nations dared to contest them, and no rebellion ever succeeded. As the Lemnera's voracious gaze turned westward, their inevitable conquest seemed unstoppable.   Yet, their dreaded ambitions came to a screaming halt.   Powerful Lemnera vampires suddenly vanished, along with all of their undead subordinates. Confusion and disarray swept throughout the family as stronghold by stronghold went dark. Something crossed their territory with unbelievable speed, leaving only silence in its wake. Vampire huntresses, having long warred with the Lemnera, followed in stupefied wonder.   They soon found the living slaves of the Lemnera, now freed from their mistresses' cruelties, delirious with fear and awe. They spoke of a shambling, shifting creature of blood and flesh that had ambled through the Lemnera strongholds. It devoured every vampire with horrific glee, and simply ignored the living. Once no vampires remained, it left as suddenly as it had arrived.   Terrified rambles named it a peculiar Forsaken, or whispered about a new, dreadful form of vampire; some even vainly hoped it was a vengeful spirit or old goddess. Whatever it might've truly been, it ravaged the Lemnera across their lands day and night. The weeks crawled by and quiet rebellions unfolded as the living peoples reclaimed their freedom. Yet, they all wondered if the vampires would return, or if their 'savior' would turn upon them next.   For the vampire huntresses of the Ashold Monastery, an unexpected visitor would happen upon their gates. Lady Julianne ter Lemnera, matriarch of the Lemnera family, begged for sanctuary at their doorstep. Though the huntresses' mortal enemy, their curiosity at what could make a millennia-old vampire become so desperate gripped them. Reluctantly giving Julianne refuge in their prison, the huntresses fortrified their monastery and waited.   Many tense, nerve-wracking weeks later, shrill howls shrieked from the prison at midnight.   The huntresses, scrambling awake, rushed down into the monastery's depths. Though their magic wards and prison gates remained secure, something had gotten inside with Julianne and her vampire kin. When they entered, torn bodies strewn across the floor, walls, and ceiling awaited. They were visibly eaten, bones and organs alike missing while their flesh yet writhed. Tendrils of sticky, red growth emerged from the remains like a gelantious fungus.   The further the huntresses ventured, the more of such horrors they found. Some vampires were surprisingly still 'alive', mewling incoherently as they slowly melted. The growth smothered and stretched over everything, grasping with spindly, worm-like fingers. When they arrived at where Julianne's cell once was, they found a young vampire servant.   Or, at least, something wearing him as one would clothes two sizes too small.   He remained conscious, if for a time; his face contorted in abject terror. Julianne, too, had suffered the same fate, her body and his dissolving together into the lumbering, gelantious creature. The huntresses froze when its attention swung around, a featureless face staring down upon them. As one would later write in her memoirs, "... we clearly stood before a predator who hunted other predators."   It dawned upon them then that the strange, vampire-slaughtering creature who decimated the Lemnera was a Slime Queen.   Visibly transforming before their eyes, she slurped up what remained of her meal, her gelantious form becoming more ... human-like. Pale flesh grew over crimson gelatin as her sheer size compressed inward. Her body, however, looked gaunt and putriefed, no different from a corpse fresh from the grave. She stood before them, crooked and hobbled, her gaze monstrously different. Such a form seemed as if it were an uncomfortable set of clothes.   She chastized the huntresses with a sharp, venomous tongue for their stupid decision of sheltering vampires. As her anger grew, the huntresses bowed and propitiated immediately. They offered to work along with the queen in the hopes of eradicating other vampires; they'd simply used Julianne as bait, after all. Though clearly annoyed by their shortsightedness, the queen agreed to cooperate.   So it came to be, the name Akai Juugatsu finally wore a face.   When the last of the Lemnera were devoured, the vampire huntresses quickly offered even more prey to Akai. They shared with her all their knowledge of vampire dens, secret families, and other sinister cabals that tormented the living. Akai, ever glad to be offered such wonderful meals, adventured across Fauverngarz in pursuit. She spared little attention to those in her way, and the temptations of riches or luxuries meant even less. So long as she had her hunt, anyone who offered suitable prey would attract her attention.   Such defined the countless tales left in Akai Juugatsu's wake. In some, she was a tall, haugty noblewoman whose skin had never seen sunlight, come to make bargains. In others, a horrifying monstrosity that erupted from evil persons seemingly at random. The most telling sign of her coming would always be her unique crimson slimes and their conspiciously sudden appearances. They shadowed her coming and going, whether or not Akai herself ever showed.   In part, slimes themselves became seen as wards against evil and the undead. While they could be pests and multiply out of control easily, they were nigh immaculate creatures whose cleansing did not discriminate. Crimson slimes, especially, were venerated as they were Akai's direct progeny. On Fauverngarz, it became said that if a slime attacked someone, they were either being an idiot, or a vampire in disguise.   As in much folklore, the peoples' respect belied the fears hidden beneath. Akai wasn't a heroic figure, but a dangerous predator who lived in the dark. The living merely benefited from being unappetizing, not inviolable. In time, when Fauverngarz lacked in vampires to devour, Akai simply migrated onward. Accounts of her appearance arose in Votyoger, Aerthen, and even far away Nerzin. These sporadic sightings, riddled with inconsistencies, led many to assume they might've uncovered Akai's descendants, rather the horror herself. Decades upon decades passed, far beyond when any other slime queen may have died naturally, it seemed as if the original had simply faded away.   Centuries later, at the advent of the Traitors' War in Aerthen, Akai herself resurfaced. Drawn to Vorhein's undead swarms, Akai feasted upon them with gluttonous abandon. Her hunt eventually led her into the direct path of the Federation's armies, led by crown Princess Corentine Durand. The armies and the adventurers with them swiftly attacked Akai, mistaking her for a perverse kind of undead. Refusing to suffer such an insult, Akai begrudgingly donned her human-like guise once more, much to the horror of the onlookers.   Berating the ignorant soldiers, Akai snidely pointed out their incompetency with managing the vampires in their own ranks, nevermind the rampaging undead. Princess Corentine, caught by surprise, challenged Akai to prove her audacious claims. An easy enough thing to do, for Akai's appearance carved fear into the hearts of the hidden vampires. Try as they might to avoid Akai's attention, they were flushed out one-by-one. Each one soon tried fleeing, only to be skewered by either Akai or Federation soldiers.   Fearing more infiltrators yet lurking, Princess Corentine faced a dilemma. Her armies were rattled by the sudden exposure of such dangerous beings, let alone their unawareness of them. Various nobles in the ranks started feuding immediately, casting suspicions or attempting to prove their own innocence. Though her advisors protested, Princess Corentine saw a simpler solution through Akai herself.   A bargain was struck, one that saw Akai offer her 'services' to Princess Corentine. Though on the surface it merely meant the Federation wouldn't try to impede Akai, other secretive agreements were made away from the public eye. So it was that Akai became the Princess' monstrous hunting beast.   Throughout the Traitors' War, Akai proved reliable; she ever wanted simple things, and the crown Princess found no reason to deny them. The fact so many vampires hid within the ranks of the Federation deeply disturbed Princess Corentine. At the end of the war, the princess feared far greater machinations at play than anyone realized. Immortals and their schemes were dangerous foes to contend with, and she'd only just caught the tail end of one such plan.   To Akai, such a conundrum was a feast of intriguing complexities. Sinister forces moved throughout the dark that she lived in, plotting and conspiring. Something that, to her surprise, hinted at an even greater power at work: an ancient vampire lineage the likes of which she'd never seen. The allure of such exotic prey captivated her attention. Whatever they wanted, she wanted; what they had, she would take.   It mattered little to Akai what fate would befall the Federation; it simply became the hunting grounds between two terrifying powers.

Physical Description

Body Features

In her disguised form, pale-skinned, marred with visibly crimson veins, and physically gaunt, Akai Juugatsu resembles a corpse fresh out of the ground more than anything truly alive. Her human-like appearance is, by her own admission, done more for the simplicity of the form than anything. It is the quickest and easiest appearance to shapeshift into, compared to something like a dragon or jiuweihu. And, perhaps in no small measure, Akai favors human appearances over others.   If she's had time to settle into her disguise, it's virtually impossible figuring out Akai is actually a slime. Whenever she adopts a more conventional appearance, there's no discernible indication one is actually dealing with her at all. It makes her 'default' appearance of a corpse-like human all the more disturbing to consider. The simple fact may be she prefers it for how much it unsettles others.   Akai's true form is a writhing mass of crimson-colored slime gelatin conformed to a vaguely humanoid shape. It possesses two arms, two legs, a torso, and head, though these may change at any given moment. True to her nature, she tends to imitate monstrous qualities and terrifying aspects to further heighten her intimidation. Although she can strike out with the slime tendrils, these are usually not flexible nor energy-efficient in combat. Instead, she emphasizes brute force and the unique properties of her slime-like body to win in melee.

Facial Features

While Akai's disguised body is fairly consistent in its corpse-like appearance, her face changes somewhat frequently. Depending on the culture she's in, Akai sculpts her appearance toward characteristics that culture considers disturbing or unsightly. Her core purpose is to ilicit unease and fear in others, though she is not always successful in doing so.   The most consistent accounts of an appearance she 'favors' comes from legends about her from Fauverngarz's northeastern regions. Akai's facial features emphasize an asymmetry strong enough one can tell at a glance, but not extremely so. Her eyes are of differing sizes and shapes, with the right one being folded, and the left being rounded. Her nose is slightly curved to the left, and her mouth is permanently crooked in a way that favors the right side. Any sort of expression she does shows her muscles contracting in over-exaggerated, almost doll-like mannerisms.   Some popular accounts consider this appearance of hers to be rather uncanny looking. Others liken her to a painter's first attempts at creating a human face. Akai herself notably regards this appearance with some fondness, and she doesn't perceive it as ugly. Whether its patterned on someone else, or her own 'original' appearance, no one knows.   Her true form is notably lacking in any real features except what is, essentially, a head that exists solely for its teeth-filled maw. Akai doesn't maintain hair, eyes, or any discernible features except a mouth that can eat or spit up acidic slime on her would-be victims. The only other distinct feature of her head's 'insides' is the skull-like pattern. It's impossible to tell if it's an actual skull, or just slime fluid changed to look like one; a detail almost always imitated by her offspring slimes as well.

Identifying Characteristics

Akai's noble attires are generally quite eye-catching, and she tends to draw attention as any other noble might. Those who glimpse her visage may come off with the idea she's terribly sick or misfortunate in some way. Any who glimpse into her eyes, however, quickly realize something instinctually dangerous about her. Thanks to her extreme proficiency as a shapeshifter, she's world class in hiding her presence from powerful or magical senses. In fact, her 'mundaneness' when scrutinized by such senses can, itself, be a dead giveaway that she's highly unusual.

Special abilities

Blood Mistressy – A deviant form of Liquid Magic, Akai manipulates the rich essence of blood to all sorts of end. Whether physically transforming it into tangible weapons, like claws, whips, blades, or spears, or utilizing it for magical arts, her skill is unbelievably grand. Her most common source for fueling the blood either comes from reserves inside herself, or from would-be victims/donors.   Perfect Mimicry – Akai's skill at shape shifting far exceeds that of even other slime queens, allowing her to perfectly mimic living beings.   The Thing Within – By deconstructing herself into simple parts, Akai can invade a living being's body, subverting them from the inside-out. She then wears them like a skin suit, puppeting them along or leaving them be until she assumes control. Most don't even realize they've been taken over by her until she devours them.

Apparel & Accessories

Personal items and clothing for Akai are a somewhat troublesome affair. Since anything that is 'not her' won't transform, it can become a confining restraint instead. That largely forces her to either wear easily discarded items, or things that can be destroyed at a moment's notice. In this respect, if she's wearing 'solid items', it is only because she believes it won't be necessary to transform any time soon.   Overall, since Akai shapeshifts her own clothing usually, they are essentially her flesh and blood. Through diligent study and practice, she has refined her skill to such a degree that even accomplished artisans cannot distinguish what's real and what's her. Although she cannot quite weaponize her clothing as she does her true form, she can transform portions of it to create surprise attacks.   Akai's 'traditional' attire consists of Fauverngarz funerary wear, as much as for the dead as the grieving. A white blouse and brown under pants cover her body, while a woodswoman's black leather vest secures her torso. A split open, pleated skirt hangs from her hips, reminiscient of a mushroom's bell. Two sturdy boots, similar to her vest, secure her feet. The threading used in the clothing is a crimson red, ominously clashing with her clothes; these are essentially 'veins' she uses throughout the disguise.   She often carries and uses a simplistic, wooden parasol, and it is often her most common 'solid' item of choice.   Otherwise, it is safe to assume a culture's concept of noble attire and wear is more Akai's usual purview.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





A self-directed learner, Akai goes where whim and interest take her. Formalized education has always seemed strange to her, as she perceives anything not relevant to her desires as unnecessary. This has resulted in her having a very ecletic sense of knowledge, especially as most of it is usually needed in the context of her prey. Since vampires, and other highly intelligent forms of undead like liches, all favor nuanced and complex topics, Akai had to learn how to understand and imitate such things herself.   In a sense, she is people-smart to a fault, highly capable of learning of their desires, interests, and understanding of the world. In adopting the knowledge she gains, Akai better imitates and subverts her way through social interactions. Even more dangerous is the fact it matters very little if she gets 'caught' in a web of lies or other complications. If she won't deign to reveal her true form and devour the problems, she can always find another face to wear. Through trial and error, she learned the mannerisms, etiquette, and ways of nobility for many, many cultures very well.   By necessity as much as pure boredom, Akai took up some studies regarding history. In learning much of the written and unspoken ways of the lands, she can better grasp the movements of her chosen prey. The fact that she often plunders the left over fortunes of slain vampires means she gains access to some rather privy information as well.

Intellectual Characteristics

There can be no denying her meticulousness, nor foresight in preparation. Indeed, Akai's analytical capabilities make her frighteningly adept at dissecting the mysteries of society and its peoples. Her effective memory and quick conceptualization of relationships between points of interest lets her grasp a shocking amount of detail. It is from that fabric she often discerns where secrets are hidden, and more importantly, the ones who are trying to hide them.   In some respects an ally by convenience to vampire huntresses, priestesses, and others who deal with the undead, few would call her a 'friend'. Akai's prickliness and unusual sense of formality when wearing her disguises makes her dangerous to interact with. She isn't capricious so much as exceedingly demanding, and above all other things, hates having her time wasted. One comes to her with something she wants and needs, or they stay out of her way.

Morality & Philosophy

The very fundamentals of Akai's being are that of a malicious predator. She lives for the thrill of the hunt, and the unbridled pleasure of devouring her favorite prey. Perhaps the only meaningful distinction between her and vampires is that her cruelty is a weapon chosen for purpose, and not wielded freely. She gives no real regard to the living at all, unless they are useful to find undead or they get in her way. The living are just as edible as the dead to her, but she rather doesn't like their flavor at all.   It is her consumption-based motives that serves as the cornerstone of Akai's identity. There's little space for morality, or ideas like 'good' or 'evil'; instead only what brings her pleasure, and what becomes an annoyance. Her adoption of more complex views throughout the centuries came about more by perceived need than desire. For example, 'do not kill innocents' resulted because she couldn't be bothered dealing with self-righteous twits chasing her constantly.   However, she is not unaffected by her centuries of social imitation and cultural drifting. Akai has picked up all sorts of ideas pertaining to purpose, honor, good and evil, and many more things besides. It's a complicated issue to her as she does not fit in any of these frameworks, and nothing readily understands her own existence. She is an outsider to them all, an invader more often than not, and utterly alone in her existence. Even among slime queens there is no one quite like her.   Such concerns become quite burdensome in the quiet times between hunts, and something she tries to avoid confronting. Still, as the years go on, the weight of her own thoughts grow heavier. In small ways, it forces Akai to change, and the comfort of the hunt may not be there forever.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Her's is a title spoken of in fear and terror in the vampire aristocracies. A foreboding omen that turns the very source of their desires into an unknowable enemy. Although the vampires comfort themselves in that it is just superstition, it does little to calm their anxieties.
Year of Birth
1904 TD 531 Years old
Current Residence
Wide, asymmetrical eyes.
Pupils are uneveningly dilated and unresponsive to light changes.
Black iris, veiny-red white sclera
Dark Crimson colors.
Slightly-below shoulder in length.
Overall vine-like and messily intermixed with smaller hair strands.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, veiny and gaunty
Disguised: 5'5ft, 165cm
True Form: 7'4ft, 223cm
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