Corentine Durand, Crown Princess of the Federation


Once the Crown Prince, Corentine suffered throughout her youth born a man to the proud Durand family. The dissonance of her life, however, came to a head in her teenage years, resulting in a familial conflict between herself and her father, the Emperor. What truly transpired is a mystery, but the Emperor relented, and permitted Corentine her desire of a transformation.   Her birth name stricken from every record and made forbidden, Corentine emerged onto the political scene in the midst of a storm. Accusations of ineptitude as an heir came from all sides, the political body of the Federation‌ ravenous beyond compare. Worst of all were the brutal jabs at her inability to produce future heirs, complicating the matter of succession terribly. Even the moderate allies she might've had voted for her younger brother, the second born prince, to succeed the crown instead because of such reasons.   Corentine took it all in stride, weathering every blow with an unspoken conviction that unnerved those around her. Come time for the next political forum in the spring, she took to the proverbial battleground with such conviction it left allies and enemies alike stunned in awe. Indeed, most found her change in behavior so jarring that new rumors circulated she was a body-double put out by the Emperor. To this, Corentine laughed and famously said, "I am myself, now. Just watch."   And watch the Federation did. Corentine since went on to properly enlist in the Imperial Army, serving with distinction in both training and live combat. Her incredible conduct has earned the admiration of her soldiers and military peers, as well as the adoration of the common people at large. Direct, formal, but fair in business, she doesn't bother with the political maneuvering of others. Leveraging her position of Crown Princess, she strode as a giant, much to the ire of the nobility.   Such characterizes her notoriety within the Federation: popular with the people, unpopular with the nobility. Corentine walks a tight-rope in appeasing the powerful, while also keeping them in check. She has little tolerance as a proud soldier for her peoples to be exploited by the slovenly and decadent. Not only that, it is an important matter to see the Imperial State's will is respected and carried forth, lest a member of the Federation attempt an insurrection.   It would be in an incident later called the Traitor's War‌ that would see her aptitudes put to the test. Entire queendoms and states, vowing a separatist's agenda, launched a surprise attack. Much of the nobility she'd spurned kept resources back, hamstringing her military efforts and setting her further and further back. Rather than cow-tow and lose face for the Imperial Family, Corentine entreated the peoples, rallying a draft-army of considerable size in a few months.   Virtually on her own bankroll and charisma, Corentine led her army against the traitors, clawing victory after victory. Such accomplishments became her weapon, all but cutting down the nobles that dare refuse her summons. Faced by such incredible backlash, they surrendered, and the proper armies Corentine needed flooded in. With the rebellion squashed and the territories laid to waste, she returned, riding on a high of popular approval and a vicious eye toward retribution.   With her sights firmly set on the seat of Empress, she aims to insure all powers within the Federation carry proper fealty to her. That the people remain ever supportive is a great boon; one the nobility fears more than the actual rebellion itself. For now, matters of succession are yet many years away, and the Emperor watches his daughter with great interest.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

With sweeping hair and a business-like face, Corentine exudes the proper aura of an imperial princess. A bit soft in the cheeks, her unblemished peach-skin and constantly alert eyes offer the unyielding and captivating strength expected of her position.

Body Features

She's quite physically fit, given her life of soldiering and fighting in some rather harsh combat conditions. Otherwise, she's among the norm for human women in Aerthen, and possesses a good physique.

Facial Features

A diamond-cut face and piercing eyes gives her the sharp demeanor of a noble in the eyes of many. Her hair, when not tied back in a helm or cap, is often framed to accentuate with this fact. Even at full rest, it's hard to find any softness in her expressions, which can make her genuine laughs and smiles appear rather menacing sometimes.

Identifying Characteristics

Her attire tends to be her most identifiable aspect, as it contains regalia of the Imperial Family. For those unaware of that, or her, however, she does not seem all that different from AIF military officers.

Special abilities

Ice and Lightning Magic – Corentine's magical abilities specialize in ice and lightning, forming a deadly combination of elements.   Swordsmistress – Although practiced in a number of martial weapons, Corentine's excellence with the sword is far above the norm. It is such to the point she can wade into battle without a shield, deflecting ranged attacks with her special blade, and maintain her incredible combat speed.

Apparel & Accessories

Corentine's attire is a cross between military officer and aerthenian noble, distinguished by the colors of the Imperial State. A fine fitted suit and pants form the underlying core, while a protective, full vest covers her torso. Epaulettes with an aiguillette crossing her from shoulder-to-vest pocket sport some small symbolic icons. Heavy cloth faulds, slittled to allow ease of leg movement, form a protective skirt down to her shins, where her heavy reinforced boots guard her feet. A distinguished cap adorns her head, tall enough to sport the crest of the Imperial Family upon its brow. In all, some concessions are made to reinforce the attire for protection, as Corentine often wades into battle with it, rather than switching out to more comprehensive armors like plate mail.   In the times she's bothered to go 'full civilian', she has vast wardrobes of dresses. Indeed, it'd be harder to find styles she doesn't have than does, suiting her well in stately visits or other noble matters.   Her sword's scabbard is a sturdy thing, covered in a red velvet and reinforced by a golden filigree. The sword itself is mana-steel, forged by a dragon smith. The handle and pommel, thusly, starkly stand out against the rest of her, as it has sweeping curves and sharp angles typical of draconic imagery.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Only the finest tutors, curriculums, and books were afforded to Corentine. Whatever she desired, became hers, and so her appetite for worldly knowledge has yet to be satiated. When she is not busy with her duties elsewhere, she's typically consuming books, studying, and other ceaseless efforts to improve herself. The realm of military theory and stratagem has proven her greatest strength, though she has an unashamedly large interest in civil engineering.

Mental Trauma

Having more than one close-call at the jaws of Vorhein has left an especially chilling fear of the undead in the back of her mind.

Intellectual Characteristics

Formal, good natured, and above all a disciplined soldier, Corentine does her best to carry herself as the crown princess of the AIF. Nonetheless, she fully pulls rank and prestige when necessary, especially amongst the nobility who dare to try and rattle sabres at her. This capable seriousness has earned her respect amongst her peers, and the accommodating regard she gives to those beneath her has earned the love of commoners as well.   Corentine is constantly at odds with her love of fulfilling her royal obligations and her own personal ambitions. On the one hand, she works diligently to properly inherit her future title of Empress, handling policies, economics, and other stately concerns. On the other, she is imminently interested in her own personal glory on the battlefield, and loves to seek out challenges both in war and in personal duels. Her brutal efficiency in both has earned her a frightful reputation, making many quite afraid of ever directly engaging her.

Morality & Philosophy

The prosperity of the Federation is at the heart of many of Corentine's concerns. Yet, for as diverse and populated as it is, the effective policies of one area do not translate well into others. This has left her juggling a number of different philosophical pursuits, something she has grown to resent. Yet, her efforts to introduce a 'standardized' federal framework meets fierce resistance. For as much as it benefits the common people, her measures seek to curb the effective power of the nobility. That is, preventing them from organizing against the Imperial State.   In a way not dissimilar to dragons, 'might makes right' can appear to guide some of her choices. However, she fully accepts and accommodates for other viewpoints, as a singular approach has proven not to work. If, however, her opponents counter proposals lack the weight to justify themselves, then it is further evidence to her own righteousness.

Personality Characteristics


Above all other matters, Corentine strives to prove her competency and capability as the heir-apparent to the Imperial State. Besieged on all sides by doubters and uncertain allies, an unfair amount of weight is placed upon her shoulders. Still, she meets it head on, and thus far has proven herself quite convincing. But to rule a nation, let alone the entire Federation, is a marathon, not a sprint. Many still remain on their fences, speculating as to how the future of the lands will end up.


Family Ties

  • Father; Emperor Josora Durand
  • Species
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    While lacking the mythical qualities of some others, Corentine's status as Crown Princess is of deadly importance within the Federation. It is not spoken of lightly nor taken in vain, and many of the Federation's foreign neighbors often extend a similar degree of import.
    Year of Birth
    2406 TD 29 Years old
    Rounded eyes, a hint of a over hood; Crystal blue iris, white sclera
    Black, reaches middle-of-back
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Healthy heavy
    Aligned Organization
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