

A mysterious land beyond the Duskveil, Varnkof's only land connection to Temu is an ominous foreshadowing to the rest of it. With most of the continent a barren, frozen desert, it is only its coastal areas that host an adequate degree of life. In many ways, it is the final steps of civilization before the northern pole region. Not unlike Eylia however, a number of ice-centric beings do make their homes in the farther northern reaches. Unlike Eylia, they're not all that reclusive, and so trade with those who brave up to their far away homelands.   In fact, much of the central continent and its eastern front are supercharged with mana. An unusual vibrancy in the air and ground has led to far more manarium and crysium than most other places on Veltrona. The net result has been, quite literally, forests of crystals both mundane and fantastic. Strange and mysterious happenings in the land have led to an ever greater aura of mystery around it. The fact Zahmal is but a stone's throw away on its western front has only amplified this. What, if any relationship, the two continents have is a maddeningly curious idea a number of scholars are interested about.


Vast frozen deserts, broken up by enormous mountain ranges, typify Varnkof. Its coastal lines, with some degree of warm weather, host the most opportunities for life. While rocky, they're not all that prohibitive for the indigenous populations or visiting explorers to make use of. Ever more notable, however, is the vast forests of crysium that grow across the continent. Entire mazes of refractive beauty beguile the unaware and blind the disrespectful. Whether or not something is actually going on, or explorers are simply ill-prepared for the sight, is a point of contention.

Fauna & Flora

For a world abundantly utilizing mana, Varnkof's diversity and adaptation of it can be considered quite strange. Being far more prevalent, engendering radical and unbelievable forms of life that are impossible to find elsewhere. Glass-like striders walk across the deserts, while roving rock centipedes skitter ceaselessly through the snow, sniffing up manarium to eat. Effervescent flowers tinkle in the sun, twisting light down their see-through stems and dissipating it into a beautiful, sandy stream of nutrients. It is rather mysterious why such life is prevalent here, while the neighboring Zahmal is devoid of almost anything.

Natural Resources

The crystalline forests represent the greatest wealth of Varnkof. A number of foreign, in-the-know organizations desperately want to strip mine them, but distance and environment conspire against them. There is little telling what might happen to its surreal ecology if such were to happen, as well.
Inhabiting Species


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