The Duskveil


Nestled between Varnkof and Akpahm, the Duskveil is curiously enclosed sort of sea. That is, it has traditionally lived with its own rules and concerns, and doesn't pay much attention to the Shimmering Ocean it neighbors. Predominantly fished upon by the coastal nations of Varnkof and Akpahm, the shermadi dwelling there have never been particularly friendly.   It is said the great tribe who dwells in the waters sought ultimate seclusion from all things. Thus, they obtained it, but the encroachment of land walkers roused their ire. Conflicted ensued as it does, but the shermadi were unable to strike at the land walkers homes farther away from the shorelines. A cold war ensued for many generations, only recently breaking down as the tribe itself splintered apart. Now with a return of their coastal living, everyone is trying to find their own position in the shifting tides.


The Duskveil has a curious mixing of temperature ranges. It's northern half against Varnkof is rather frigid; meanwhile, its southeastern and southwestern areas benefit from warmer areas. In particular, the southwestern exchanges with the Shimmering Ocean, and receives a fair amount of heat. This activity results in a fairly unusual mixture, and much of the ecology comes to reflect such diversity. However, as a consequence of the differing temperatures, the area has a far more regular occurrence of extreme weather. While the surrounding lands stop full on cyclone formation, a different sort of phenomena tends to occur.   Mana-charged particulate creates roving blanket clouds that weave through the air, twisting, folding in on themselves, and unfurling with a finale flourish. Twisting water tornadoes, explosive waves shooting up in the air, followed by colorful refractions and beautiful twinkles and sparks. For those from Sa-kemet, it is almost reminiscent of a dust storm, although far less deadly in nature. Its stunning visual displays have been the source of legends and awe for generations, but it does obscure sight something fierce. Hence, its wondrous calling of being the 'Duskveil'.   With reasonable depths and a varied underwater topology, the shermadi have comfortably exploited it. In fact, so long they have developed it, that a great deal of the Duskveil is not that different from a land civilization. Road-like sign postings, sea-stone villages and even cities, can be found apart of the sea's floor. This has notably engendered the ecosystem around them, both in terms of corals and sea-plants.

Fauna & Flora

With its mixed waters being friendly to cold and warm dwelling creatures, one can see mixtures not easily found elsewhere in Veltrona. The local shermadi have done well to hunt and keep predators at bay outside, helping weaker prey species thrive in great numbers. Combined with their active efforts to cultivate coral reef farms and sea-plants of all kinds, it's hard to envision how the Duskveil might've been otherwise.

Natural Resources

Hosting a wider-than-usual range of fishing opportunities, the Duskveil's secret power is its connection to the Shimmering Ocean. More specifically, sitting at the doorstep of Atenkhet has made it ideal for their merchant fleets to visit. Conflicts not withstanding, it has led to innumerable opportunities to increase exploitation. Prospecting foreigners have even found vast mineral veins along the shorelines, potentially further inland as well. In turn, the locals have found increasing amounts of foreign interest coming to them. Even the otherwise isolationist shermadi have taken an intrigue on the matter, seeking mining equipment for their own ends.


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