Dragon's Bath


With its somewhat enclosed location, and between a warmer and colder climate, Dragon's Bath earned its notoriety thanks to, well, dragons. The sea has ever been popular for dragons to rest and bathe in, treating it as a luxurious spa location. Being on the shores of Votyoger, they have ever been a persistent and common sight to find. In fact, a number of older families and lineages have long setup shop along the shores of Dragon's Bath. Thanks to the patronage of their incredible clientele, they've been inoculated from most conflicts and any lack of resources.


Shifting between warmer and colder waters depending on where one is, Dragon's Bath is a lightly salted sea. In fact, several prominent volcanic veins running through and underneath it tend to add a hint of sulfur and other exotic chemicals to the mixture. Sharp cliffs and ridges on Fauverngarz and Dorvar's sides keep them landlocked out of accessing Dragon's Bath particularly easily. In all, it does not see much trade except in its far eastern area. Several specific ports are setup to handle incoming vessels from Aerthen, Nerzin, and Fauverngarz. They're explicitly prohibited in entering the western area, where the dragons notoriously do their bathing.

Fauna & Flora

With the somewhat hostile nature of the waters, exotic fish species come and go from Dragon's Bath on the regular. In fact, it is often treated as the spawning grounds, so during certain seasons it can become quite lively. With the dragons lurking around, however, large or deadly predators aren't to be found, as they're taken for sport virtually on sight. Much to their annoyance, this just means that only the small and quick species they can't be bothered to catch live in the sea.

Natural Resources

The fishing opportunities being what it is, not much effort has gone into exploiting the land wealth of Dragon's Bath. As such would disturb such a pristine location, the dragons do not allow anyone to disturb it.
Location under
Owning Organization


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