Chompy Waters


So-described for its treacherous currents, Chompy Waters--as those in Etzli Cuauhtla refer to it--is a dangerous sea. Violent currents and churning waters throw ships about nearly all the time, and accompanied by the deadly lances of jagged rocks. In fact, save for the bays and coves that branch off of it, there are not many safe places above or below the water. Jerhegn's to the north has often looked over its cliffs, wondrous of the lands beyond, but ever unable to reach them.   It is notable that Chompy Waters was so dangerous long before the formation of Tyrant's Sea. What is curious is that in such a time, it was a closed off sea. Thanks to some brave shermadi explorers, the surprisingly deep and dangerous floor of the sea has come to light somewhat. Great chasms lance into the earth, pumping water at phenomenal rates into some underground system. Others have exposed magma vents, sending superheated water upward into the (comparatively) colder waters. It is this subterranean system that some have speculated as the root cause for the sea being 'chompy'.   Regardless of how, ultimately it is considered a very dangerous route to traverse. Those who can brave it and pass through then have to deal with Tyrant's Sea, an altogether different set of deadly problems. If both gauntlets can be passed, however, the riches of Dorvar await.   Most prefer to go around Etzli Cuauhtla and take the longer, safer way.


Sharp, jagged cliffs line most of Chompy Waters, followed by the turbulent waters that ever churn through it. While Jerhegn to the north is marked by a virtually impassable wall, a number of coves and bays in Etzli Cuauhtla to the south open up. With the humid and tropical weather surrounding it, little of the area could be described as pleasant, and near-constant sweating is an expectation.

Fauna & Flora

Little aquatic life comes through or lives in Chompy Waters. Those adapted to the harshness of it are all that can be found, with the flora more prevalent in resilient kelp and aquatic mosses. Some extremophile organisms linger around the subterranean entrances, but rarely venture farther away.

Natural Resources

A lack of decent fishing, virtually no safe mining locations, and little trade to do, Chompy Waters is a fairly barren location in all respects. One might, ostensibly, get something from water aspected mana crystals if they were in desperate need of some.


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