Calaule, the Doom of Hatred (Ca-la-uul)


Lurking in the annals of history, Calaule gives even the most resolute of historians pause. She is a being many dare to believe exist, and many more argue the details over–as with so much relating to the Goddesses, it is often speculation and rumor. Nonetheless, there is a disturbingly consistent thread surrounding her, and one wokma scholar elected to publish an article concerning the matter. Despite the controversy surrounding this article, and how much it is banned for heresy, it remains the most concrete source of information. An excerpt is showcased below,    
... clearly demonstrates that, there are agents walking our lands that do not obey even we, the greatest powers of it. It has boggled my mind since I was a child, for my grandfather often spoke in hushed, frightful whispers of one of these things he saw.   Although I have never found that being, I did find this one. For want of a better name, I shall call her Calaule, for she is an agent of punishment and justice.   Whose justice, I do not know.   It is said in the darkest of pits, and the most unholy of places, they are found ruined–not from age or incompetence, but an attack. I have scoured these bygone places and asked their frightened descendants, not seeking the evils they made, but what caused their fates.   Again, and again, they mention the same thing. The very same thing, despite being two or more continents separated; the very same thing, despite being five or ten centuries separated.   One day, a statue appears, towering over all the trees, buildings, and even mountains. There is no warning, no sound, and indeed, many are scared at its sudden, utterly impossible arrival. It looks like a human woman, except not, and its eyes are piercing, unblinking, staring down at them all. She smiles at them–and, as many of them had said, it is a horrible, terrible, frightening smile. Then, her club (or blade, it isn't clear) holding arm lifts up, and the calamity strikes.   I can suppose, given that almost all of these 'victims' were on the path to becoming forsaken good-for-nothings, that perhaps this was divine punishment. Yet, by who?   I have looked, and can find no answers, even in religions long forgotten by humanity. If any have any ideas, please send me a letter at ██████████.   Now, as for my proofs, I shall detail in triplicate the translations and their sources on the following pages. ...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Calaule is a titanic (188 meters approx.) philian, dwarfing even multi-story castles. Like all philians, a burning halo of light hovers over her head, casting her face with dreadful shadows. Looking very much like an animated statue, her flowing, simplistic robes impossibly billow in the wind, and shudder with every ground-shattering step she takes.

Body Features

Calaule is completely androgynous with her perfect blend male and female characteristics. Her somewhat larger, misshapen breast region is the only indication anyone has of her being female-centric, but even that is skeptical. As with so much of her kind, it's impossible to tell what is natural and what is a distortion as seen by mortals. Much of her stone-like body has cracks and other imperfections associated with old statues, but no part of her is distinctly missing or obviously damaged.

Facial Features

Calaule's face is set in a stoic disregard, impassive to everything, no matter what her empty eyes behold. However, there are occasions she makes expressions, and these expressions are profoundly disturbing. Her entire face warps and contorts to accentuate whatever she is doing–for example, when smiling, her mouth enlarges and takes up more space, her teeth become horribly long, and her grin is frighteningly prominent. In times she is interested or curious, her eyes enlarge as her whole head cranes in a direction, peering with a sightless intent at whatever it was that caught her attention.

Identifying Characteristics

If one is not impressed by her incredible size, then the oppressive, powerful aura she exudes would certainly do the job. Unlike other philians, Calaule's presence does not stir desires of friendship and peace. One might liken it to fear and terror, but this is rather a byproduct rather than the intent. The closest analogy might be that of a dear, old friend finding out one's horrible mistakes, and then punishing them for it.

Special abilities

Divine – Calaule's divine presence can make any mortal, be them among the darkest or brightest, take pause. An extreme degree of impossibilities augment Calaule as well, in ways that can only be described as divinely blessed.   Calamitous Power – Her arrival marks the end, be it of a person, a nation, or an era. Few have ever truly resisted Calaule and lived to talk about it over the eons.   Love's Scorn - Those visited by Calaule, rather than be embraced by amiable feelings and reconciliation, are overwhelmed by guilt and shame at their own wrong doings.

Apparel & Accessories

For whatever might account as clothing to her, Calaule is donned by a simple set of 'robes'. Criss-crossing down from her shoulders and across her chest, they accentuate her misshapen chest, before being tied off at the waist by a rope belt. While there is a skirt, it acts rather weighted, falling to her feet and not billowing at all. Indeed, only when she takes especially long, stretching steps does it seem to move very much at all. Sandals are 'built into' her feet, impossible to distinguish if she can even take them off or not. Overall, her clothing is a darker, grayer color that contrasts sharply against her 'skin'.   She always carries a massive (proportional, even to her) weapon, that of a rectangular club that has had one side turned into an edge. It is made out of a darker metal, most likely iron, and appeares whethered but otherwise maintained like she herself. It is an overly simplistic weapon, only having the barest identifiers of craftsmanship–in the eyes of many martial warriors, it could be called crude or unrefined.

Mental characteristics



Intellectual Characteristics

No one really knows what drives Calaule, and much speculation surrounds the nature of her thinking and mindset. As one of the few recurring beings directly in contact with a Goddess, and the other Goddesses by proxy, Calaule is ultimately as alien to Veltrona's populations as the Goddesses are.
Divine Classification
It-That-Loves-Us' Servant
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Her title, as described by the wokma scholar, may be closer to her 'true name' than Calaule. It's quite difficult to distinguish if the title is a stand in for a translation of a name, or a purpose, though. Some records concerning fervent seers and other mystical persons atest she is a living force; a type of embodiment for a specific cause. Whether it is to spread hatred or to extinguish it, the negativity such emotion brings is what seemingly draws her. Regardless, there is not much left in her wake.
Rounded eye sockets, devoid of any eyeballs; filled with a pitch-black, impenetrable void not even direct light reveals
Pulled back hair with a wavy, cascading pattern down her neck. Same color/texture as her skin.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White marble
Titanic (188m approx.)


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