

Philians are thought to be the majority of It-That-Loves-Us' servants. They're the most commonly encountered servant after the erosokin, and their passings always leave a wake of change. People are more prone to coming together, reconciling differences, and draining negative emotions to fuel positive ones. Even if the philian was nowhere close, the sheer amount of influence it exudes reaches far and lingers for a long while.   The closer one comes to a philian, the more overwhelming their innate compassion is. Few people possess the strength of will to raise a weapon against them. Those that do soon encounter how devastatingly strong the philian actually is. A swing of their arm can topple a castle as if it were made of sand. If one could actually be 'killed' or 'beaten', there's no record to speak of.   Naturally curious and socialable, they're quite willing to meet with people if their paths happen to cross. Their extreme influence aside, philians speak in a language that makes no sense, yet everyone understands. These fleeting encounters are usually gatherings of friends, telling of tales and enjoying one another's company. When the time comes, they part, the philian vanishing to its goddess' realm. Those who it met, however, are forever changed.

Basic Information


Hulking, humanoid statues seemingly crafted from the purest marble or other, similar, white-chalky stone; the actual texture and feel is closer to porcelain. A certain degree of natural weathering and patterns exist within them, acting like a visual fingerprint. They usually have stone-like 'clothes', though simplistic ones such as robes, togas, gowns, and the like.   A burning halo of sun-light crowns these being's heads, hovering a set distance away, and always holding its position perfectly. Their doll-like faces have terrifyingly long shadows cast, an especially harrowing sight with their empty, pitch-black eye sockets. Their mouths never open, though animate with smiles, frowns, and other facial expressions. The closest that happens is when their lips open and their clenched teeth 'stretch', elongating their facial structure. The rest of the head varies between philians, exhibiting all manner of masculine, feminine, and in-between traits, hair styles, etc.   In fact, in such a regard, philians often appear with a mixture of gendered traits, all of them unerringly distorted in some manner. They often have abnormally long legs, arms, twisting torsos, skeletal fingers, or the such. Two pairs of bird wings stretch out of their backsides, often a lighter color than their 'skin'.   As with the other servants of It-That-Loves-Us, crimson colored, worm-like connective tissues fuse the different limbs and parts together.

Biological Traits

Divine – This being exhibits a sliver of aura from an Origin Goddess, leaving an unignorable impression on all mortal life/unlife.   Infinite Compassion – Philians exhibit a heart-rendering feeling of compassion and understanding, appeasing people directly in their souls.
Average Height
Average Weight


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