

The comparatively smallest of It-That-Loves-Us' servants, the erosokin are spirited beings. They're the most easily encountered servants, and are often horrifically revolting to behold. It is an effect engendered more by their presence than their appearance, although many are willing to call them 'ugly' too. The erosokin embody sensual and erotic love with a powerful, vicious scorn for 'lust'. If one thought of it as the timeless love between friends or old spouses, who no longer regard the body, then that is a close approximation.   The erosokin wear ugliness as an armor and a weapon, their enemy prejudice and separation. It is through assailing the idea of carnality that those who can endure come to behold sensuality's brilliance. In simpler terms, one comes to see the true value of a person through their soul, and not simply their physical shell. Eroticism, for them, is a way of having two or more disparate peoples come together. Their understanding of 'true love' and what mortals have, however, is an endless source of conflict.   Being the most (relatively) encountered servants, the erosokin play with mortals time and time again. For most people, these disturbing and alien mannerisms truly inspire horror in the depths of their hearts. Few are willing to try looking past it, instead choosing to flee in terror or fight. It dishearts the erosokin every time, but they are committed to their timeless purpose. They, after all, want to teach and share in pure love with all they encounter.

Basic Information


Larger than most normal humanoids, these statue-like beings are seemingly crafted from the purest marble or other, similar, white-chalky stone. The actual texture and feel is closer to porcelain.   Erosokin are defined by their unsightliness: A lower, worm-like body reveals their connective tissues, and from this body juts out a variety of arms and legs. One would expect a snake-like locomotion, but the erosokin transitions between a lurching gait and a hand-over-foot method of crawling. It can, whenever it desires, split its worm body apart, and takes on the guise and manners of an octopus.   The 'upper half' is more of a static, humanoid body always in a state of half-dress. This half-dressed state could be considered lewd or erotic, but the erosokin wears it more with an odd sense of shame. It grasps its stony clothing and covers itself up, but quite obviously does not have enough to do so properly.   Similar to philians, they have a humanoid face, a distinct lack of eyeballs in their pitch-black eye sockets, and a general expressiveness of both male and female sex characteristics. A pair of malformed wings emerge from their backside, not at all suitable for flight by any one's reckoning.   As with other servants of It-That-Loves-Us, crimson colored, worm-like connective tissues fuse the different limbs and parts together.

Biological Traits

Divine – This being exhibits a sliver of aura from an Origin Goddess, leaving an unignorable impression on all mortal life/unlife.   Lurid Temptations – Erosokin tempt the soul even as the body recoils in horror, wringing the filth of lust from the purity of love.
Average Height
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